
Datasets for use with libpysal

As of version 4.2, libpysal has refactored the examples package to:

This notebook highlights the new functionality

Backwards compatibility is maintained

If you were familiar with previous versions of libpysal, the newest version maintains backwards compatibility so any code that relied on the previous API should work.

For example:

from libpysal.examples import get_path 

An important thing to note here is that the path to the file for this particular example is within the source distribution that was installed. Such an example data set is now referred to as a builtin dataset.

import libpysal
dbf ="mexicojoin.dbf"))

available is updated

The function available is also available but has been updated to be more informative:

from libpysal.examples import available
                      Name                                        Description  Installed
0                    10740    Albuquerque, New Mexico, Census 2000 Tract Data       True
1                   AirBnB  Airbnb rentals, socioeconomics, and crime in C...      False
2                  Atlanta       Atlanta, GA region homicide counts and rates      False
3                Baltimore          Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics      False
4                Bostonhsg               Boston housing and neighborhood data      False
5              Buenosaires      Electoral Data for 1999 Argentinean Elections      False
6              Charleston1   2000 Census Tract Data for Charleston, SC MSA...      False
7              Charleston2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
8           Chicago Health                   Chicago Health + Socio-Economics      False
9              Chile Labor                 Labor Markets in Chile (1982-2002)      False
10         Chile Migration            Internal Migration in Chile (1977-2002)      False
11              Cincinnati         2008 Cincinnati Crime + Socio-Demographics      False
12               Cleveland       2015 sales prices of homes in Cleveland, OH.      False
13                Columbus                        Columbus neighborhood crime      False
14                  Denver   Demographics and housing in Denver neighborho...      False
15               Elections               2012 and 2016 Presidential Elections      False
16                 Grid100                      Grid with simulated variables      False
17               Groceries                          2015 Chicago supermarkets      False
18                  Guerry          Moral statistics of France (Guerry, 1833)      False
19       Health Indicators                Chicago Health Indicators (2005-11)      False
20                 Health+                    2000 Health, Income + Diversity      False
21                Hickory1   2000 Census Tract Data for Hickory, NC MSA an...      False
22                Hickory2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
23              Home Sales              2014-15 Home Sales in King County, WA      False
24                 Houston       Houston, TX region homicide counts and rates      False
25                Juvenile             Cardiff juvenile delinquent residences      False
26                Lansing1   2000 Census Tract Data for Lansing, MI MSA an...      False
27                Lansing2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
28                 Laozone   Ozone measures at monitoring stations in Los ...      False
29                LasRosas   Corn yield, fertilizer and field data for pre...      False
30                    Line                                     Line Shapefile       True
31           Liquor Stores                         2015 Chicago Liquor Stores      False
32                 Malaria   Malaria incidence and population (1973, 95, 9...      False
33              Milwaukee1       2000 Census Tract Data for Milwaukee, WI MSA      False
34              Milwaukee2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
35                   NCOVR                      US county homicides 1960-1990      False
36                    NDVI        Normalized Difference Vegetation Index grid      False
37                     NYC   Demographic and housing data for New York Cit...      False
38            NYC Earnings              Block-level Earnings in NYC (2002-14)      False
39           NYC Education                               NYC Education (2000)      False
40       NYC Neighborhoods       Demographics for New York City neighborhoods      False
41  NYC Socio-Demographics                 NYC Education + Socio-Demographics      False
42              Natregimes                    NCOVR with regimes (book/PySAL)      False
43                   Nepal   Health, poverty and education indicators for ...      False
44                Ohiolung            Ohio lung cancer data, 1968, 1978, 1988      False
45                Orlando1   2000 Census Tract Data for Orlando, FL MSA an...      False
46                Orlando2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
47                  Oz9799                        Monthly ozone data, 1997-99      False
48             Phoenix ACS   Phoenix American Community Survey Data (2010,...      False
49              Pittsburgh                      Pittsburgh homicide locations      False
50                   Point                                    Point Shapefile       True
51                  Police           Police expenditures Mississippi counties      False
52                 Polygon                                  Polygon Shapefile       True
53           Polygon_Holes                 Example to test treatment of holes       True
54       Rio Grande do Sul  Cities of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do...      False
55                    SIDS            North Carolina county SIDS death counts      False
56                   SIDS2   North Carolina county SIDS death counts and r...      False
57             Sacramento1          2000 Census Tract Data for Sacramento MSA      False
58             Sacramento2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
59           SanFran Crime   July-Dec 2012 crime incidents in San Francisc...      False
60               Savannah1   2000 Census Tract Data for Savannah, GA MSA a...      False
61               Savannah2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
62                 Scotlip               Male lip cancer in Scotland, 1975-80      False
63                Seattle1   2000 Census Tract Data for Seattle, WA MSA an...      False
64                Seattle2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
65                   South             US Southern county homicides 1960-1990      False
66                 StLouis   St Louis region county homicide counts and rates      False
67                  Tampa1   2000 Census Tract Data for Tampa, FL MSA and ...      False
68                  arcgis                               arcgis testing files       True
69                  baltim     Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics 1978       True
70                  berlin  Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood AirBnB data from ...       True
71                    book       Synthetic data to illustrate spatial weights       True
72                 burkitt  Burkitt's lymphoma in the Western Nile distric...       True
73                  calemp         Employment density for California counties       True
74                 chicago                              Chicago neighborhoods       True
75              clearwater                               mgwr testing dataset      False
76                columbus              Columbus neighborhood crime data 1980       True
77                 desmith    Small dataset to illustrate Moran's I statistic       True
78                geodanet        Datasets from geodanet for network analysis       True
79                 georgia  Various socio-economic variables for counties ...       True
80                juvenile    Residences of juvenile offenders in Cardiff, UK       True
81                  mexico  Decennial per capita incomes of Mexican states...       True
82                networks                  Datasets used for network testing       True
83                newHaven                            Network testing dataset      False
84               nyc_bikes                           New York City Bike Trips      False
85                   sids2  North Carolina county SIDS death counts and rates       True
86               snow_maps  Public water pumps and Cholera deaths in Londo...       True
87                     stl  Homicides and selected socio-economic characte...       True
88          street_net_pts                              Street network points       True
89                     taz           Traffic Analysis Zones in So. California      False
90                   tokyo                               Tokyo Mortality data       True
91               us_income  Per-capita income for the lower 48 US states 1...       True
92                virginia                        Virginia counties shapefile       True
93                    wmat          Datasets used for spatial weights testing       True

We see that the new column Installed is added to the tablular output of available. This tells the user whether the dataset has aready been installed on the local machine. All the builtin datasets are by defninition installed. The interesting cases are the remote data sets that are new in this release.

Remote datasets

The listing from available above shows that the dataset Tampa1 is avalable, but has not yet been installed.

from libpysal.examples import explain
from libpysal.examples import load_example
tampa1 = load_example('Tampa1')
Downloading Tampa1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Tampa1
                      Name                                        Description  Installed
0                    10740    Albuquerque, New Mexico, Census 2000 Tract Data       True
1                   AirBnB  Airbnb rentals, socioeconomics, and crime in C...      False
2                  Atlanta       Atlanta, GA region homicide counts and rates      False
3                Baltimore          Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics      False
4                Bostonhsg               Boston housing and neighborhood data      False
5              Buenosaires      Electoral Data for 1999 Argentinean Elections      False
6              Charleston1   2000 Census Tract Data for Charleston, SC MSA...      False
7              Charleston2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
8           Chicago Health                   Chicago Health + Socio-Economics      False
9              Chile Labor                 Labor Markets in Chile (1982-2002)      False
10         Chile Migration            Internal Migration in Chile (1977-2002)      False
11              Cincinnati         2008 Cincinnati Crime + Socio-Demographics      False
12               Cleveland       2015 sales prices of homes in Cleveland, OH.      False
13                Columbus                        Columbus neighborhood crime      False
14                  Denver   Demographics and housing in Denver neighborho...      False
15               Elections               2012 and 2016 Presidential Elections      False
16                 Grid100                      Grid with simulated variables      False
17               Groceries                          2015 Chicago supermarkets      False
18                  Guerry          Moral statistics of France (Guerry, 1833)      False
19       Health Indicators                Chicago Health Indicators (2005-11)      False
20                 Health+                    2000 Health, Income + Diversity      False
21                Hickory1   2000 Census Tract Data for Hickory, NC MSA an...      False
22                Hickory2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
23              Home Sales              2014-15 Home Sales in King County, WA      False
24                 Houston       Houston, TX region homicide counts and rates      False
25                Juvenile             Cardiff juvenile delinquent residences      False
26                Lansing1   2000 Census Tract Data for Lansing, MI MSA an...      False
27                Lansing2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
28                 Laozone   Ozone measures at monitoring stations in Los ...      False
29                LasRosas   Corn yield, fertilizer and field data for pre...      False
30                    Line                                     Line Shapefile       True
31           Liquor Stores                         2015 Chicago Liquor Stores      False
32                 Malaria   Malaria incidence and population (1973, 95, 9...      False
33              Milwaukee1       2000 Census Tract Data for Milwaukee, WI MSA      False
34              Milwaukee2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
35                   NCOVR                      US county homicides 1960-1990      False
36                    NDVI        Normalized Difference Vegetation Index grid      False
37                     NYC   Demographic and housing data for New York Cit...      False
38            NYC Earnings              Block-level Earnings in NYC (2002-14)      False
39           NYC Education                               NYC Education (2000)      False
40       NYC Neighborhoods       Demographics for New York City neighborhoods      False
41  NYC Socio-Demographics                 NYC Education + Socio-Demographics      False
42              Natregimes                    NCOVR with regimes (book/PySAL)      False
43                   Nepal   Health, poverty and education indicators for ...      False
44                Ohiolung            Ohio lung cancer data, 1968, 1978, 1988      False
45                Orlando1   2000 Census Tract Data for Orlando, FL MSA an...      False
46                Orlando2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
47                  Oz9799                        Monthly ozone data, 1997-99      False
48             Phoenix ACS   Phoenix American Community Survey Data (2010,...      False
49              Pittsburgh                      Pittsburgh homicide locations      False
50                   Point                                    Point Shapefile       True
51                  Police           Police expenditures Mississippi counties      False
52                 Polygon                                  Polygon Shapefile       True
53           Polygon_Holes                 Example to test treatment of holes       True
54       Rio Grande do Sul  Cities of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do...      False
55                    SIDS            North Carolina county SIDS death counts      False
56                   SIDS2   North Carolina county SIDS death counts and r...      False
57             Sacramento1          2000 Census Tract Data for Sacramento MSA      False
58             Sacramento2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
59           SanFran Crime   July-Dec 2012 crime incidents in San Francisc...      False
60               Savannah1   2000 Census Tract Data for Savannah, GA MSA a...      False
61               Savannah2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
62                 Scotlip               Male lip cancer in Scotland, 1975-80      False
63                Seattle1   2000 Census Tract Data for Seattle, WA MSA an...      False
64                Seattle2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
65                   South             US Southern county homicides 1960-1990      False
66                 StLouis   St Louis region county homicide counts and rates      False
67                  Tampa1   2000 Census Tract Data for Tampa, FL MSA and ...       True
68                  arcgis                               arcgis testing files       True
69                  baltim     Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics 1978       True
70                  berlin  Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood AirBnB data from ...       True
71                    book       Synthetic data to illustrate spatial weights       True
72                 burkitt  Burkitt's lymphoma in the Western Nile distric...       True
73                  calemp         Employment density for California counties       True
74                 chicago                              Chicago neighborhoods       True
75              clearwater                               mgwr testing dataset      False
76                columbus              Columbus neighborhood crime data 1980       True
77                 desmith    Small dataset to illustrate Moran's I statistic       True
78                geodanet        Datasets from geodanet for network analysis       True
79                 georgia  Various socio-economic variables for counties ...       True
80                juvenile    Residences of juvenile offenders in Cardiff, UK       True
81                  mexico  Decennial per capita incomes of Mexican states...       True
82                networks                  Datasets used for network testing       True
83                newHaven                            Network testing dataset      False
84               nyc_bikes                           New York City Bike Trips      False
85                   sids2  North Carolina county SIDS death counts and rates       True
86               snow_maps  Public water pumps and Cholera deaths in Londo...       True
87                     stl  Homicides and selected socio-economic characte...       True
88          street_net_pts                              Street network points       True
89                     taz           Traffic Analysis Zones in So. California      False
90                   tokyo                               Tokyo Mortality data       True
91               us_income  Per-capita income for the lower 48 US states 1...       True
92                virginia                        Virginia counties shapefile       True
93                    wmat          Datasets used for spatial weights testing       True
 '/home/jovyan/pysal_data/Tampa1/__MACOSX/TampaMSA/._2000 Census Data Variables_Documentation.pdf',
 '/home/jovyan/pysal_data/Tampa1/TampaMSA/2000 Census Data Variables_Documentation.pdf',
tampa_counties_shp = tampa1.load('tampa_counties.shp')
< at 0x7f4a368ce7b8>
import geopandas
tampa_df = geopandas.read_file(tampa1.get_path('tampa_counties.shp'))
%matplotlib inline
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f4a2eb25f60>

Other Remotes

In addition to the remote datasets from the GeoData Data Science Center, there are several large remotes available at github repositories.

explain('Rio Grande do Sul')

Cities of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul

* 43MUE250GC_SIR.dbf: attribute data (k=2)
* 43MUE250GC_SIR.shp: Polygon shapefile (n=499)
* 43MUE250GC_SIR.shx: spatial index
* 43MUE250GC_SIR.cpg: encoding file 
* 43MUE250GC_SIR.prj: projection information 
* map_RS_BR.dbf: attribute data (k=3)
* map_RS_BR.shp: Polygon shapefile (no lakes) (n=497)
* map_RS_BR.prj: projection information
* map_RS_BR.shx: spatial index

Source: Renan Xavier Cortes 

Note that the explain function generates a textual description of this example dataset - no rendering of the map is done as the source repository does not include that functionality.

rio = load_example('Rio Grande do Sul')
Downloading Rio Grande do Sul to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Rio_Grande_do_Sul
                      Name                                        Description  Installed
0                    10740    Albuquerque, New Mexico, Census 2000 Tract Data       True
1                   AirBnB  Airbnb rentals, socioeconomics, and crime in C...      False
2                  Atlanta       Atlanta, GA region homicide counts and rates      False
3                Baltimore          Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics      False
4                Bostonhsg               Boston housing and neighborhood data      False
5              Buenosaires      Electoral Data for 1999 Argentinean Elections      False
6              Charleston1   2000 Census Tract Data for Charleston, SC MSA...      False
7              Charleston2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
8           Chicago Health                   Chicago Health + Socio-Economics      False
9              Chile Labor                 Labor Markets in Chile (1982-2002)      False
10         Chile Migration            Internal Migration in Chile (1977-2002)      False
11              Cincinnati         2008 Cincinnati Crime + Socio-Demographics      False
12               Cleveland       2015 sales prices of homes in Cleveland, OH.      False
13                Columbus                        Columbus neighborhood crime      False
14                  Denver   Demographics and housing in Denver neighborho...      False
15               Elections               2012 and 2016 Presidential Elections      False
16                 Grid100                      Grid with simulated variables      False
17               Groceries                          2015 Chicago supermarkets      False
18                  Guerry          Moral statistics of France (Guerry, 1833)      False
19       Health Indicators                Chicago Health Indicators (2005-11)      False
20                 Health+                    2000 Health, Income + Diversity      False
21                Hickory1   2000 Census Tract Data for Hickory, NC MSA an...      False
22                Hickory2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
23              Home Sales              2014-15 Home Sales in King County, WA      False
24                 Houston       Houston, TX region homicide counts and rates      False
25                Juvenile             Cardiff juvenile delinquent residences      False
26                Lansing1   2000 Census Tract Data for Lansing, MI MSA an...      False
27                Lansing2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
28                 Laozone   Ozone measures at monitoring stations in Los ...      False
29                LasRosas   Corn yield, fertilizer and field data for pre...      False
30                    Line                                     Line Shapefile       True
31           Liquor Stores                         2015 Chicago Liquor Stores      False
32                 Malaria   Malaria incidence and population (1973, 95, 9...      False
33              Milwaukee1       2000 Census Tract Data for Milwaukee, WI MSA      False
34              Milwaukee2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
35                   NCOVR                      US county homicides 1960-1990      False
36                    NDVI        Normalized Difference Vegetation Index grid      False
37                     NYC   Demographic and housing data for New York Cit...      False
38            NYC Earnings              Block-level Earnings in NYC (2002-14)      False
39           NYC Education                               NYC Education (2000)      False
40       NYC Neighborhoods       Demographics for New York City neighborhoods      False
41  NYC Socio-Demographics                 NYC Education + Socio-Demographics      False
42              Natregimes                    NCOVR with regimes (book/PySAL)      False
43                   Nepal   Health, poverty and education indicators for ...      False
44                Ohiolung            Ohio lung cancer data, 1968, 1978, 1988      False
45                Orlando1   2000 Census Tract Data for Orlando, FL MSA an...      False
46                Orlando2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
47                  Oz9799                        Monthly ozone data, 1997-99      False
48             Phoenix ACS   Phoenix American Community Survey Data (2010,...      False
49              Pittsburgh                      Pittsburgh homicide locations      False
50                   Point                                    Point Shapefile       True
51                  Police           Police expenditures Mississippi counties      False
52                 Polygon                                  Polygon Shapefile       True
53           Polygon_Holes                 Example to test treatment of holes       True
54       Rio Grande do Sul  Cities of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do...       True
55                    SIDS            North Carolina county SIDS death counts      False
56                   SIDS2   North Carolina county SIDS death counts and r...      False
57             Sacramento1          2000 Census Tract Data for Sacramento MSA      False
58             Sacramento2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
59           SanFran Crime   July-Dec 2012 crime incidents in San Francisc...      False
60               Savannah1   2000 Census Tract Data for Savannah, GA MSA a...      False
61               Savannah2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
62                 Scotlip               Male lip cancer in Scotland, 1975-80      False
63                Seattle1   2000 Census Tract Data for Seattle, WA MSA an...      False
64                Seattle2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...      False
65                   South             US Southern county homicides 1960-1990      False
66                 StLouis   St Louis region county homicide counts and rates      False
67                  Tampa1   2000 Census Tract Data for Tampa, FL MSA and ...       True
68                  arcgis                               arcgis testing files       True
69                  baltim     Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics 1978       True
70                  berlin  Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood AirBnB data from ...       True
71                    book       Synthetic data to illustrate spatial weights       True
72                 burkitt  Burkitt's lymphoma in the Western Nile distric...       True
73                  calemp         Employment density for California counties       True
74                 chicago                              Chicago neighborhoods       True
75              clearwater                               mgwr testing dataset      False
76                columbus              Columbus neighborhood crime data 1980       True
77                 desmith    Small dataset to illustrate Moran's I statistic       True
78                geodanet        Datasets from geodanet for network analysis       True
79                 georgia  Various socio-economic variables for counties ...       True
80                juvenile    Residences of juvenile offenders in Cardiff, UK       True
81                  mexico  Decennial per capita incomes of Mexican states...       True
82                networks                  Datasets used for network testing       True
83                newHaven                            Network testing dataset      False
84               nyc_bikes                           New York City Bike Trips      False
85                   sids2  North Carolina county SIDS death counts and rates       True
86               snow_maps  Public water pumps and Cholera deaths in Londo...       True
87                     stl  Homicides and selected socio-economic characte...       True
88          street_net_pts                              Street network points       True
89                     taz           Traffic Analysis Zones in So. California      False
90                   tokyo                               Tokyo Mortality data       True
91               us_income  Per-capita income for the lower 48 US states 1...       True
92                virginia                        Virginia counties shapefile       True
93                    wmat          Datasets used for spatial weights testing       True

Grabbing all the remotes

All the remote datasets can be downloaded with:

Downloading AirBnB to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/AirBnB
Downloading Atlanta to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Atlanta
Downloading Baltimore to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Baltimore
Downloading Bostonhsg to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Bostonhsg
Downloading Buenosaires to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Buenosaires
Downloading Charleston1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Charleston1
Downloading Charleston2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Charleston2
Chicago Health
Downloading Chicago Health to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Chicago_Health
Chile Labor
Downloading Chile Labor to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Chile_Labor
Chile Migration
Downloading Chile Migration to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Chile_Migration
Downloading Cincinnati to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Cincinnati
Downloading Cleveland to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Cleveland
Downloading Columbus to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Columbus
Downloading Denver to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Denver
Downloading Elections to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Elections
Downloading Grid100 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Grid100
Downloading Groceries to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Groceries
Downloading Guerry to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Guerry
Health Indicators
Downloading Health Indicators to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Health_Indicators
Downloading Health+ to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Health+
Downloading Hickory1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Hickory1
Downloading Hickory2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Hickory2
Home Sales
Downloading Home Sales to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Home_Sales
Downloading Houston to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Houston
Downloading Juvenile to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Juvenile
Downloading Lansing1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Lansing1
Downloading Lansing2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Lansing2
Downloading Laozone to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Laozone
Downloading LasRosas to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/LasRosas
Liquor Stores
Downloading Liquor Stores to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Liquor_Stores
Downloading Malaria to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Malaria
Downloading Milwaukee1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Milwaukee1
Downloading Milwaukee2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Milwaukee2
Downloading NCOVR to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/NCOVR
Downloading NDVI to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/NDVI
Downloading NYC to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/NYC
NYC Earnings
Downloading NYC Earnings to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/NYC_Earnings
NYC Education
Downloading NYC Education to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/NYC_Education
NYC Neighborhoods
Downloading NYC Neighborhoods to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/NYC_Neighborhoods
NYC Socio-Demographics
Downloading NYC Socio-Demographics to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/NYC_Socio-Demographics
Downloading Natregimes to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Natregimes
Downloading Nepal to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Nepal
Downloading Ohiolung to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Ohiolung
Downloading Orlando1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Orlando1
Downloading Orlando2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Orlando2
Downloading Oz9799 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Oz9799
Phoenix ACS
Downloading Phoenix ACS to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Phoenix_ACS
Downloading Pittsburgh to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Pittsburgh
Downloading Police to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Police
Rio Grande do Sul
Already downloaded
Downloading SIDS to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/SIDS
Downloading SIDS2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/SIDS2
Downloading Sacramento1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Sacramento1
Downloading Sacramento2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Sacramento2
SanFran Crime
Downloading SanFran Crime to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/SanFran_Crime
Downloading Savannah1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Savannah1
Downloading Savannah2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Savannah2
Downloading Scotlip to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Scotlip
Downloading Seattle1 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Seattle1
Downloading Seattle2 to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/Seattle2
Downloading South to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/South
Downloading StLouis to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/StLouis
Already downloaded
Downloading clearwater to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/clearwater
Downloading newHaven to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/newHaven
Downloading nyc_bikes to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/nyc_bikes
Downloading taz to /home/jovyan/pysal_data/taz
                      Name                                        Description  Installed
0                    10740    Albuquerque, New Mexico, Census 2000 Tract Data       True
1                   AirBnB  Airbnb rentals, socioeconomics, and crime in C...       True
2                  Atlanta       Atlanta, GA region homicide counts and rates       True
3                Baltimore          Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics       True
4                Bostonhsg               Boston housing and neighborhood data       True
5              Buenosaires      Electoral Data for 1999 Argentinean Elections       True
6              Charleston1   2000 Census Tract Data for Charleston, SC MSA...       True
7              Charleston2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
8           Chicago Health                   Chicago Health + Socio-Economics       True
9              Chile Labor                 Labor Markets in Chile (1982-2002)       True
10         Chile Migration            Internal Migration in Chile (1977-2002)       True
11              Cincinnati         2008 Cincinnati Crime + Socio-Demographics       True
12               Cleveland       2015 sales prices of homes in Cleveland, OH.       True
13                Columbus                        Columbus neighborhood crime       True
14                  Denver   Demographics and housing in Denver neighborho...       True
15               Elections               2012 and 2016 Presidential Elections       True
16                 Grid100                      Grid with simulated variables       True
17               Groceries                          2015 Chicago supermarkets       True
18                  Guerry          Moral statistics of France (Guerry, 1833)       True
19       Health Indicators                Chicago Health Indicators (2005-11)       True
20                 Health+                    2000 Health, Income + Diversity       True
21                Hickory1   2000 Census Tract Data for Hickory, NC MSA an...       True
22                Hickory2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
23              Home Sales              2014-15 Home Sales in King County, WA       True
24                 Houston       Houston, TX region homicide counts and rates       True
25                Juvenile             Cardiff juvenile delinquent residences       True
26                Lansing1   2000 Census Tract Data for Lansing, MI MSA an...       True
27                Lansing2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
28                 Laozone   Ozone measures at monitoring stations in Los ...       True
29                LasRosas   Corn yield, fertilizer and field data for pre...       True
30                    Line                                     Line Shapefile       True
31           Liquor Stores                         2015 Chicago Liquor Stores       True
32                 Malaria   Malaria incidence and population (1973, 95, 9...       True
33              Milwaukee1       2000 Census Tract Data for Milwaukee, WI MSA       True
34              Milwaukee2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
35                   NCOVR                      US county homicides 1960-1990       True
36                    NDVI        Normalized Difference Vegetation Index grid       True
37                     NYC   Demographic and housing data for New York Cit...       True
38            NYC Earnings              Block-level Earnings in NYC (2002-14)       True
39           NYC Education                               NYC Education (2000)       True
40       NYC Neighborhoods       Demographics for New York City neighborhoods       True
41  NYC Socio-Demographics                 NYC Education + Socio-Demographics       True
42              Natregimes                    NCOVR with regimes (book/PySAL)       True
43                   Nepal   Health, poverty and education indicators for ...       True
44                Ohiolung            Ohio lung cancer data, 1968, 1978, 1988       True
45                Orlando1   2000 Census Tract Data for Orlando, FL MSA an...       True
46                Orlando2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
47                  Oz9799                        Monthly ozone data, 1997-99       True
48             Phoenix ACS   Phoenix American Community Survey Data (2010,...       True
49              Pittsburgh                      Pittsburgh homicide locations       True
50                   Point                                    Point Shapefile       True
51                  Police           Police expenditures Mississippi counties       True
52                 Polygon                                  Polygon Shapefile       True
53           Polygon_Holes                 Example to test treatment of holes       True
54       Rio Grande do Sul  Cities of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do...       True
55                    SIDS            North Carolina county SIDS death counts       True
56                   SIDS2   North Carolina county SIDS death counts and r...       True
57             Sacramento1          2000 Census Tract Data for Sacramento MSA       True
58             Sacramento2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
59           SanFran Crime   July-Dec 2012 crime incidents in San Francisc...       True
60               Savannah1   2000 Census Tract Data for Savannah, GA MSA a...       True
61               Savannah2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
62                 Scotlip               Male lip cancer in Scotland, 1975-80       True
63                Seattle1   2000 Census Tract Data for Seattle, WA MSA an...       True
64                Seattle2   1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns (Cen...       True
65                   South             US Southern county homicides 1960-1990       True
66                 StLouis   St Louis region county homicide counts and rates       True
67                  Tampa1   2000 Census Tract Data for Tampa, FL MSA and ...       True
68                  arcgis                               arcgis testing files       True
69                  baltim     Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics 1978       True
70                  berlin  Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood AirBnB data from ...       True
71                    book       Synthetic data to illustrate spatial weights       True
72                 burkitt  Burkitt's lymphoma in the Western Nile distric...       True
73                  calemp         Employment density for California counties       True
74                 chicago                              Chicago neighborhoods       True
75              clearwater                               mgwr testing dataset       True
76                columbus              Columbus neighborhood crime data 1980       True
77                 desmith    Small dataset to illustrate Moran's I statistic       True
78                geodanet        Datasets from geodanet for network analysis       True
79                 georgia  Various socio-economic variables for counties ...       True
80                juvenile    Residences of juvenile offenders in Cardiff, UK       True
81                  mexico  Decennial per capita incomes of Mexican states...       True
82                networks                  Datasets used for network testing       True
83                newHaven                            Network testing dataset       True
84               nyc_bikes                           New York City Bike Trips       True
85                   sids2  North Carolina county SIDS death counts and rates       True
86               snow_maps  Public water pumps and Cholera deaths in Londo...       True
87                     stl  Homicides and selected socio-economic characte...       True
88          street_net_pts                              Street network points       True
89                     taz           Traffic Analysis Zones in So. California       True
90                   tokyo                               Tokyo Mortality data       True
91               us_income  Per-capita income for the lower 48 US states 1...       True
92                virginia                        Virginia counties shapefile       True
93                    wmat          Datasets used for spatial weights testing       True