Source code for spopt.region.azp

Openshaw, S. and Rao, L. (1995). Algorithms for reengineering 1991 census geography.
Environment and Planning A, 27(3):425-446.

# ruff: noqa: B008, N806

import abc
import math
import random
from collections import deque

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from spopt.region.azp_util import (
from spopt.region.csgraph_utils import is_connected, neighbors, sub_adj_matrix
from spopt.region.objective_function import ObjectiveFunctionPairwise
from spopt.region.util import (

from ..BaseClass import BaseSpOptHeuristicSolver

[docs] class AZP(BaseSpOptHeuristicSolver): """AZP involves class offering the implementation of the automatic zoning procedure algorithm. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Geodataframe containing original data. w : libpysal.weights.W Weights object created from given data. attrs_name : list Strings for attribute names (cols of ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``). n_clusters : int The number of clusters to form. Default is ``5``. allow_move_strategy : None or AllowMoveStrategy For a different behavior for allowing moves an AllowMoveStrategy instance can be passed as argument. Default is ``None``. random_state : None, int, str, bytes, or bytearray Random seed. Default is ``None``. initial_labels : numpy.ndarray or None One-dimensional array of labels at the beginning of the algorithm. If ``None``, then a random initial clustering will be generated. Default is ``None``. objective_func : spopt.region.objective_function.ObjectiveFunction The objective function to use. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. Attributes ---------- labels_ : numpy.ndarray Each element is a region label specifying to which region the corresponding area was assigned to by the last run of a fit-method. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> from spopt.region import AZP Read the data. >>> pth = libpysal.examples.get_path('mexicojoin.shp') >>> mexico = gpd.read_file(pth) Initialize the parameters. >>> attrs_name = [f'PCGDP{year}' for year in range(1950,2010, 10)] >>> w = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(mexico) >>> n_clusters = 8 >>> floor = 3 >>> allow_move_strategy = None >>> random_state = 12345 Run the skater algorithm. >>> model = AZP( ... mexico, w, attrs_name, n_clusters, allow_move_strategy, random_state ... ) >>> model.solve() Get the region IDs for unit areas. >>> model.labels_ Show the clustering results. >>> mexico['azp_new'] = model.labels_ >>> mexico.plot(column='azp_new', categorical=True, figsize=(12,8), edgecolor='w') """
[docs] def __init__( self, gdf, w, attrs_name, n_clusters=5, allow_move_strategy=None, random_state=None, initial_labels=None, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): self.gdf = gdf self.w = w self.attrs_name = attrs_name self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.allow_move_strategy = allow_move_strategy self.random_state = random_state self.initial_labels = initial_labels self.objective_func = objective_func
[docs] def solve(self): """Solve the azp""" data = self.gdf X = data[self.attrs_name].values model = AZPOrig(self.allow_move_strategy, self.random_state) model.fit_from_w( self.w, X, self.n_clusters, initial_labels=self.initial_labels, objective_func=self.objective_func, ) self.labels_ = model.labels_
class AZPOrig: """ Class offering the implementation of the AZP algorithm. Attributes ---------- labels_ : numpy.ndarray Each element is a region label specifying to which region the corresponding area was assigned to by the last run of a fit-method. """ def __init__(self, allow_move_strategy=None, random_state=None): """ Parameters ---------- allow_move_strategy : None or AllowMoveStrategy If None, then the AZP algorithm in [OR1995]_ is chosen. For a different behavior for allowing moves an AllowMoveStrategy instance can be passed as argument. Default is ``None``. random_state : None, int, str, bytes, or bytearray Random seed. Default is ``None``. """ self.n_regions = None self.labels_ = None self.random_state = random_state random.seed(self.random_state) if isinstance(allow_move_strategy, AllowMoveStrategy): self.allow_move_strategy = allow_move_strategy elif allow_move_strategy is None: self.allow_move_strategy = AllowMoveAZP() else: raise ValueError( "The allow_move_strategy argument must be either " "None, or an instance of AllowMoveStrategy." ) self.objective_func = None def fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( self, adj, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Perform the AZP algorithm as described in [OR1995]_. The resulting region labels are assigned to the instance's :attr:`labels_` attribute. Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Adjacency matrix representing the contiguity relation. attr : numpy.ndarray Array (number of areas x number of attributes) of areas' attributes relevant to clustering. n_regions : int Number of desired regions. initial_labels : numpy.ndarray or None One-dimensional array of labels at the beginning of the algorithm. If ``None``, then a random initial clustering will be generated. Default is ``None``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) The objective function to use. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 if attr.ndim == 1: attr = attr.reshape(adj.shape[0], -1) self.allow_move_strategy.attr_all = attr self.objective_func = objective_func # step 1 if initial_labels is not None: assert_feasible(initial_labels, adj, n_regions) initial_labels_gen = separate_components(adj, initial_labels) else: initial_labels_gen = generate_initial_sol(adj, n_regions) labels = -np.ones(adj.shape[0]) for labels_comp in initial_labels_gen: comp_idx = np.where(labels_comp != -1)[0] adj_comp = sub_adj_matrix(adj, comp_idx) labels_comp = labels_comp[comp_idx] attr_comp = attr[comp_idx] self.allow_move_strategy.start_new_component( labels_comp, attr_comp, self.objective_func, comp_idx ) labels_comp = self._azp_connected_component( adj_comp, labels_comp, attr_comp ) labels[comp_idx] = labels_comp self.n_regions = n_regions self.labels_ = labels fit = copy_func(fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix) fit.__doc__ = ( "Alias for :meth:`fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix`.\n\n" + fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix.__doc__ ) def fit_from_w( self, w, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Alternative API for ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Parameters ---------- w : libpysal.weights.weights.W `W` object representing the contiguity relation. attr : numpy.ndarray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. initial_labels : numpy.ndarray or None Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``None``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 adj = scipy_sparse_matrix_from_w(w) self.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj, attr, n_regions, initial_labels, objective_func=objective_func ) def fit_from_networkx( self, graph, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Alternative API for ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph Graph representing the contiguity relation. attr : str, list, or dict If the clustering criteria are present in the ``networkx.Graph`` `graph` as node attributes, then they can be specified as a string (for one criterion) or as a list of strings (for multiple criteria). Alternatively, a dict can be used with each key being a node of the networkx.Graph `graph` and each value being the corresponding clustering criterion (a scalar [e.g. ``float`` or ``int``] or a ``numpy.ndarray``). If there are no clustering criteria present in the ``networkx.Graph`` `graph` as node attributes, then a dictionary must be used for this argument. Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_dict`` for more details about the expected dict. n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. initial_labels : str, dict, or None If str, then the string names the graph's attribute holding the information about the initial clustering. If ``dict``, then each key is a node and each value is the region the key area is assigned to at the beginning of the algorithm. If ``None``, then a random initial clustering will be generated. Default is ``None``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 adj = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(graph) attr = array_from_graph_or_dict(graph, attr) if initial_labels is not None: initial_labels = array_from_graph_or_dict(graph, initial_labels) self.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj, attr, n_regions, initial_labels, objective_func=objective_func ) def fit_from_geodataframe( self, gdf, attr, n_regions, contiguity="rook", initial_labels=None, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Alternative API for ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_geodataframe``. attr : str or list The clustering-relevant attributes (columns of the GeoDataFrame ``gdf``) are specified as string (for one column) or list of strings (for multiple columns). n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. contiguity : str Defines the contiguity relationship between areas. Default is ``'rook'``. Possible contiguity definitions are: * "rook" - Rook contiguity. * "queen" - Queen contiguity. initial_labels : numpy.ndarray or None Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``None``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 w = w_from_gdf(gdf, contiguity) attr = array_from_df_col(gdf, attr) self.fit_from_w( w, attr, n_regions, initial_labels, objective_func=objective_func ) def fit_from_dict( self, neighbor_dict, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Alternative API for :meth:`fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix`. Parameters ---------- neighbor_dict : `dict` Each key is an area and each value is an iterable of the key area's neighbors. attr : `dict` Each key is an area and each value is the corresponding clustering-relevant attribute. n_regions : `int` Refer to the corresponding argument in :meth:`fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix`. initial_labels : `dict` or None, default: None Each key represents an area. Each value represents the region, the corresponding area is assigned to at the beginning of the algorithm. If None, then a random initial clustering will be generated. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in :meth:`fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix`. """ # noqa: E501 sorted_areas = sorted(neighbor_dict) adj = scipy_sparse_matrix_from_dict(neighbor_dict) attr_arr = array_from_dict_values(attr, sorted_areas) if initial_labels is not None: initial_labels = array_from_dict_values( initial_labels, sorted_areas, flat_output=True, dtype=np.int32 ) self.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj, attr_arr, n_regions, initial_labels, objective_func=objective_func ) def _azp_connected_component(self, adj, initial_clustering, attr): # noqa: ARG002 """ Implementation of the AZP algorithm for a spatially connected set of areas (i.e. for every area there is a path to every other area). Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Adjacency matrix representing the contiguity relation. The matrix' shape is `(N, N)` where `N` denotes the number of areas in the currently considered connected component. initial_clustering : numpy.ndarray Array of labels. Shape: `(N,)` where `N` denotes the number of areas in the currently considered connected component. attr : numpy.ndarray Array of labels. Shape: `(N, M)` where `N` denotes the number of areas in the currently considered connected component and `M` denotes the number of attributes per area. Returns ------- labels : numpy.ndarray One-dimensional array of region labels after the AZP algorithm has been performed. Only region labels of the currently considered connected component are returned. """ # if there is only one region in the initial solution, just return it. distinct_regions = list(np.unique(initial_clustering)) if len(distinct_regions) == 1: return initial_clustering distinct_regions_copy = distinct_regions.copy() # step 2: make a list of the M regions labels = initial_clustering obj_val_start = float("inf") obj_val_end = self.allow_move_strategy.objective_val region_neighbors = {} for region in distinct_regions: region_areas = set(np.where(labels == region)[0]) neighs = set() for area in region_areas: neighs.update(neighbors(adj, area)) region_neighbors[region] = neighs.difference(region_areas) del neighs # step 7: Repeat until no further improving moves are made while obj_val_end < obj_val_start: # improvement obj_val_start = float(obj_val_end) distinct_regions = distinct_regions_copy.copy() # step 6: when the list for region K is exhausted return to step 3 # and select another region and repeat steps 4-6 while distinct_regions: # step 3: select & remove any region K at random from this list recipient = pop_randomly_from(distinct_regions) while True: # step 4: identify a set of zones bordering on members of # region K that could be moved into region K without # destroying the internal contiguity of the donor region(s) candidates = [] for neigh in region_neighbors[recipient]: neigh_region = labels[neigh] sub_adj = sub_adj_matrix( adj, np.where(labels == neigh_region)[0], wo_nodes=neigh ) # if area is alone in its region, it must stay if is_connected(sub_adj) and count(labels, neigh_region) > 1: candidates.append(neigh) # step 5: randomly select zones from this list until either # there is a local improvement in the current value of the # objective function or a move that is equivalently as good # as the current best. Then make the move, update the list # of candidate zones, and return to step 4 or else repeat # step 5 until the list is exhausted. while candidates: cand = pop_randomly_from(candidates) if self.allow_move_strategy(cand, recipient, labels): donor = labels[cand] make_move(cand, recipient, labels) region_neighbors[donor].add(cand) region_neighbors[recipient].discard(cand) neighs_of_cand = neighbors(adj, cand) recipient_region_areas = set( np.where(labels == recipient)[0] ) region_neighbors[recipient].update(neighs_of_cand) region_neighbors[recipient].difference_update( recipient_region_areas ) donor_region_areas = set(np.where(labels == donor)[0]) not_donor_neighs_anymore = { area for area in neighs_of_cand if not any( a in donor_region_areas for a in neighbors(adj, area) ) } region_neighbors[donor].difference_update( not_donor_neighs_anymore ) break else: break obj_val_end = float(self.allow_move_strategy.objective_val) return labels class AZPSimulatedAnnealing: """ Class offering the implementation of the AZP-SA algorithm (see [OR1995]_). Attributes ---------- labels_ : numpy.ndarray Each element is a region label specifying to which region the corresponding area was assigned to by the last run of a fit-method. """ def __init__( self, init_temperature=None, max_iterations=float("inf"), sa_moves_term=10, nonmoving_steps_before_stop=3, repetitions_before_termination=5, random_state=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- init_temperature : float The initial temperature used in the simulated annealing algorithm. max_iterations : int or float("inf") Termination condition for step b: Terminate if the AZP algorithm has run for `max_iterations` times. Default is ``float('inf')``. sa_moves_term : int Termination condition for step b: Count the SA-moves made by the repeated runs of the AZP (modified in step 5) and terminate after the AZP run that made the cumulative number of SA-moves reach or exceed `sa_moves_term`. Default is ``10``. nonmoving_steps_before_stop : int Termination condition: Repeat steps b and c until no further moves occur for `nonmoving_steps_before_stop` times. Default is ``3``. repetitions_before_termination : int Termination condition not present in [OR1995]_: Terminate if the AZP runs returned a given solution for `repetitions_before_termination` times. Default is ``5``. random_state : None, int, str, bytes, or bytearray Random seed. Default is ``None``. """ self.allow_move_strategy = None self.azp = None if init_temperature is not None: self.init_temperature = init_temperature else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO") # todo self.maxit = max_iterations self.sa_moves_term = sa_moves_term self.sa_moves_term_reached = False self.move_made = False self.nonmoving_steps_before_stop = nonmoving_steps_before_stop self.visited = [] self.reps_before_termination = repetitions_before_termination self.random_state = random_state self.n_regions = None def fit_from_geodataframe( self, gdf, attr, n_regions, contiguity="rook", initial_labels=None, cooling_factor=0.85, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_geodataframe``. attr : str or list Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_geodataframe``. n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_geodataframe``. contiguity : str Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_geodataframe``. Default is ``'rook'``. initial_labels : numpy.ndarray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_geodataframe``. Default is ``None``. cooling_factor : float Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``0.85``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 w = w_from_gdf(gdf, contiguity) attr = array_from_df_col(gdf, attr) self.fit_from_w( w, attr, n_regions, initial_labels, cooling_factor=cooling_factor, objective_func=objective_func, ) def fit_from_dict( self, neighbor_dict, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, cooling_factor=0.85, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Parameters ---------- neighbor_dict : dict Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_dict``. attr : dict Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_dict``. n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. initial_labels : dict or None Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_dict``. Default is ``None``. cooling_factor : float Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``0.85``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 sorted_areas = sorted(neighbor_dict) adj = scipy_sparse_matrix_from_dict(neighbor_dict) attr_arr = array_from_dict_values(attr, sorted_areas) if initial_labels is not None: initial_labels = array_from_dict_values( initial_labels, sorted_areas, flat_output=True, dtype=np.int32 ) self.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj, attr_arr, n_regions, initial_labels=initial_labels, cooling_factor=cooling_factor, objective_func=objective_func, ) def fit_from_networkx( self, graph, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, cooling_factor=0.85, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_networkx``. attr : str, list, or dict Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_networkx``. n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_networkx``. initial_labels : str or dict or None Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_networkx``. Default is ``None``. cooling_factor : float Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_networkx``. Default is ``0.85``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_networkx``. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 adj = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(graph) attr = array_from_graph_or_dict(graph, attr) if initial_labels is not None: initial_labels = array_from_graph_or_dict(graph, initial_labels) self.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj, attr, n_regions, initial_labels, cooling_factor=cooling_factor, objective_func=objective_func, ) def fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( self, adj, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, cooling_factor=0.85, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. attr : numpy.ndarray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. initial_labels : numpy.ndarray or None Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``None``. cooling_factor : float Float :math:`\\in (0, 1)` specifying the cooling factor for the simulated annealing. Default is ``0.85``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. """ # noqa: E501 if not (0 < cooling_factor < 1): raise ValueError( "The cooling_factor argument must be greater than 0 and less than 1" ) if attr.ndim == 1: attr = attr.reshape(adj.shape[0], -1) self.allow_move_strategy = AllowMoveAZPSimulatedAnnealing( init_temperature=self.init_temperature, sa_moves_term=self.sa_moves_term ) self.allow_move_strategy.register_sa_moves_term(self.sa_moves_alert) self.allow_move_strategy.register_move_made(self.move_made_alert) self.azp = AZP( allow_move_strategy=self.allow_move_strategy, random_state=self.random_state ) # step a t = self.init_temperature nonmoving_steps = 0 # step d: repeat step b and c while nonmoving_steps < self.nonmoving_steps_before_stop: it = 0 self.sa_moves_term_reached = False self.allow_move_strategy.reset() # step b while it < self.maxit and not self.sa_moves_term_reached: it += 1 old_sol = initial_labels self.azp.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj, attr, n_regions, initial_labels, objective_func ) initial_labels = self.azp.labels_ if old_sol is not None and (old_sol == initial_labels).all(): break # added termination condition (not in Openshaw & Rao (1995)) if ( self.visited.count(tuple(initial_labels)) >= self.reps_before_termination ): break self.visited.append(tuple(initial_labels)) # step c t *= cooling_factor self.allow_move_strategy.update_temperature(t) if self.move_made: self.move_made = False else: nonmoving_steps += 1 self.labels_ = initial_labels def fit_from_w( self, w, attr, n_regions, initial_labels=None, cooling_factor=0.85, objective_func=ObjectiveFunctionPairwise(), ): """ Parameters ---------- w : libpysal.weights.weights.W Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.fit_from_w``. attr : numpy.ndarray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. n_regions : int Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. initial_labels : numpy.ndarray or None Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``None``. cooling_factor : float Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``0.85``. objective_func : :class:`region.ObjectiveFunction` (default ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()) Refer to the corresponding argument in ``fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix``. Default is ``ObjectiveFunctionPairwise()``. """ # noqa: E501 adj = scipy_sparse_matrix_from_w(w) self.fit_from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj, attr, n_regions, initial_labels, cooling_factor=cooling_factor, objective_func=objective_func, ) def sa_moves_alert(self): self.sa_moves_term_reached = True def move_made_alert(self): self.move_made = True class AZPTabu(AZP, abc.ABC): """ Superclass for tabu variants of the AZP. """ def _make_move(self, area, new_region, labels, adj): old_region = labels[area] make_move(area, new_region, labels) if not boolean_assert_feasible( labels, adj ): # If the move breaks the contiguity, revert it! make_move(area, old_region, labels) # Revert Move! reverse_move = Move(area, new_region, old_region) self.tabu.append(reverse_move) return False else: # step 5: Tabu the reverse move for R iterations. reverse_move = Move(area, new_region, old_region) self.tabu.append(reverse_move) return True def reset_tabu(self, tabu_len=None): tabu_len = self.tabu.maxlen if tabu_len is None else tabu_len self.tabu = deque([], tabu_len) class AZPBasicTabu(AZPTabu): """ Implementation of the AZP with basic tabu (refer to [OR1995]_). Attributes ---------- labels_ : numpy.ndarray Each element is a region label specifying to which region the corresponding area was assigned to by the last run of a fit-method. """ def __init__( self, tabu_length=None, repetitions_before_termination=5, random_state=None ): """ Parameters ---------- tabu_length : numbers.Integral The size of the tabu list. repetitions_before_termination : numbers.integral This argument specifies a termination condition. If a solution has been visited for `repetitions_before_termination` times, the clustering function will terminate. random_state : None, int, str, bytes, or bytearray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.__init__``. Default is ``None``. """ self.tabu = deque([], tabu_length) self.visited = [] self.reps_before_termination = repetitions_before_termination super().__init__(random_state=random_state) def _azp_connected_component(self, adj, initial_clustering, attr): """ Implementation of the basic tabu version of the AZP algorithm (refer to [OR1995]_) for a spatially connected set of areas (i.e. for every area there is a path to every other area). Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP._azp_connected_component``. initial_clustering : numpy.ndarray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP._azp_connected_component``. attr : numpy.ndarray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP._azp_connected_component``. Returns ------- labels : numpy.ndarray Refer to the return value in ``AZP._azp_connected_component``. """ self.reset_tabu() # if there is only one region in the initial solution, just return it. distinct_regions = list(np.unique(initial_clustering)) if len(distinct_regions) == 1: return initial_clustering # step 2: make a list of the M regions labels = initial_clustering visited = [] stop = False while True: # added termination condition (not in Openshaw & Rao (1995)) label_tup = tuple(labels) if visited.count(label_tup) >= self.reps_before_termination: stop = True visited.append(label_tup) # step 1 Find the global best move that is not prohibited or tabu. # find possible moves (globally) best_move = None best_objval_diff = float("inf") for area in range(labels.shape[0]): old_region = labels[area] sub_adj = sub_adj_matrix( adj, np.where(labels == old_region)[0], wo_nodes=area ) # moving the area must not destroy spatial contiguity in donor # region and if area is alone in its region, it must stay: if is_connected(sub_adj) and count(labels, old_region) > 1: for neigh in neighbors(adj, area): new_region = labels[neigh] if new_region != old_region: possible_move = Move(area, old_region, new_region) if possible_move not in self.tabu: objval_diff = self.objective_func.update( possible_move.area, possible_move.new_region, labels, attr, ) if objval_diff < best_objval_diff: best_move = possible_move best_objval_diff = objval_diff # step 2: Make this move if it is an improvement or equivalet in # value. if ( best_move is not None and best_objval_diff <= 0 and self.allow_move_strategy( best_move.area, best_move.new_region, labels ) ): self._make_move(best_move.area, best_move.new_region, labels, adj) else: # step 3: if no improving move can be made, then see if a tabu # move can be made which improves on the current local best # (termed an aspiration move) improving_tabus = [ move for move in self.tabu if labels[move.area] == move.old_region and self.objective_func.update( move.area, move.new_region, labels, attr ) < 0 ] if improving_tabus: aspiration_move = random_element_from(improving_tabus) if self.allow_move_strategy( aspiration_move.area, aspiration_move.new_region, labels ): self._make_move( aspiration_move.area, aspiration_move.new_region, labels, adj, ) if stop: break else: # step 4: If there is no improving move and no aspirational # move, then make the best move even if it is nonimproving # (that is, results in a worse value of the objective # function). if stop: break if best_move is not None and self.allow_move_strategy( best_move.area, best_move.new_region, labels ): self._make_move( best_move.area, best_move.new_region, labels, adj ) return labels class AZPReactiveTabu(AZPTabu): """ Implementation of the AZP with reactive tabu (refer to [OR1995]_). Attributes ---------- labels_ : numpy.ndarray Each element is a region label specifying to which region the corresponding area was assigned to by the last run of a fit-method. """ def __init__(self, max_iterations, k1, k2, random_state=None): """ Parameters ---------- max_iterations : int Termination condition: The algorithm terminates after steps 3-11 (see [OR1995]_) are repeated for `max_max_iterations` times. k1 : int Defining a necessary condition for jumping from step 7 to step 11 in the algorithm (see [OR1995]_). Such a jump requires (besides the condition involving `k2`) a solution to be visited more than `k1` times. k2 : int Defining a necessary condition for jumping from step 7 to step 11 in the algorithm (see [OR1995]_). Such a jump requires (besides the condition involving `k1`) a cycle of solutions to be found at least `k2` times. random_state : None, int, str, bytes, or bytearray Refer to the corresponding argument in ``AZP.__init__``. Default is ``None``. """ self.tabu = deque([], maxlen=1) super().__init__(random_state=random_state) self.avg_it_until_rep = 1 self.rep_counter = 1 if max_iterations <= 0: raise ValueError("The `max_iterations` argument must be > 0.") self.maxit = max_iterations self.visited = [] self.k1 = k1 self.k2 = k2 def _azp_connected_component(self, adj, initial_labels, attr): """ Implementation of the reactive tabu version of the AZP algorithm (refer to [OR1995]_) for a spatially connected set of areas (i.e. for every area there is a path to every other area). Parameters ---------- adj : :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` Refer to the corresponding argument in :meth:`AZP._azp_connected_component`. initial_labels : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Refer to the corresponding argument in :meth:`AZP._azp_connected_component`. attr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Refer to the corresponding argument in :meth:`AZP._azp_connected_component`. Returns ------- labels : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Refer to the return value in :meth:`AZP._azp_connected_component`. """ self.reset_tabu(1) # if there is only one region in the initial solution, just return it. distinct_regions = list(np.unique(initial_labels)) if len(distinct_regions) == 1: return initial_labels # step 2: make a list of the M regions labels = initial_labels it_since_tabu_len_changed = 0 obj_val_start = float("inf") # step 12: Repeat steps 3-11 until either no further improvements are # made or a maximum number of iterations are exceeded. for _it in range(self.maxit): obj_val_end = self.objective_func(labels, attr) if not obj_val_end < obj_val_start: break # step 12 obj_val_start = obj_val_end it_since_tabu_len_changed += 1 # step 3: Define the list of all possible moves that are not tabu # and retain regional connectivity. possible_moves = [] for area in range(labels.shape[0]): old_region = labels[area] sub_adj = sub_adj_matrix( adj, np.where(labels == old_region)[0], wo_nodes=area ) # moving the area must not destroy spatial contiguity in donor # region and if area is alone in its region, it must stay: if is_connected(sub_adj) and count(labels, old_region) > 1: for neigh in neighbors(adj, area): new_region = labels[neigh] if new_region != old_region: possible_move = Move(area, old_region, new_region) if possible_move not in self.tabu: possible_moves.append(possible_move) # step 4: Find the best nontabu move. best_move = None best_move_index = None best_objval_diff = float("inf") for i, move in enumerate(possible_moves): obj_val_diff = self.objective_func.update( move.area, move.new_region, labels, attr ) if obj_val_diff < best_objval_diff: best_move_index, best_move = i, move best_objval_diff = obj_val_diff # step 5: Make the move if possible. Update the tabu status. if self.allow_move_strategy(best_move.area, best_move.new_region, labels): self._make_move(best_move.area, best_move.new_region, labels, adj) # step 6: Look up the current zoning system in a list of all zoning # systems visited so far during the search. If not found then go # to step 10. # Sets can't be permuted so we convert our list to a set: label_tup = tuple(labels) if label_tup in self.visited: # step 7: If it is found and it has been visited more than K1 # times already and this cyclical behavior has been found on # at least K2 other occasions (involving other zones) then go # to step 11. times_visited = self.visited.count(label_tup) cycle = list(reversed(self.visited)) cycle = cycle[: cycle.index(label_tup) + 1] cycle = list(reversed(cycle)) it_until_repetition = len(cycle) if times_visited > self.k1: times_cycle_found = 0 if self.k2 > 0: for i in range(len(self.visited) - len(cycle)): if self.visited[i : i + len(cycle)] == cycle: times_cycle_found += 1 if times_cycle_found >= self.k2: break if times_cycle_found >= self.k2: # step 11: Delete all stored zoning systems and make P # random moves, P = 1 + self.avg_it_until_rep/2, and # update tabu to preclude a return to the previous # state. # we save the labels such that we can access it if # this step yields a poor solution. last_step = (11, tuple(labels)) self.visited = [] p = math.floor(1 + self.avg_it_until_rep / 2) possible_moves.pop(best_move_index) for _ in range(p): move = possible_moves.pop( random.randrange(len(possible_moves)) ) if self.allow_move_strategy( move.area, move.new_region, labels ): self._make_move(move.area, move.new_region, labels, adj) continue # step 8: Update a moving average of the repetition # interval self.avg_it_until_rep, and increase the # prohibition period R to 1.1*R. self.rep_counter += 1 avg_it = self.avg_it_until_rep self.avg_it_until_rep = ( 1 / self.rep_counter * ((self.rep_counter - 1) * avg_it + it_until_repetition) ) self.tabu = deque(self.tabu, 1.1 * self.tabu.maxlen) # step 9: If the number of iterations since R was last # changed exceeds self.avg_it_until_rep, then decrease R to # max(0.9*R, 1). if it_since_tabu_len_changed > self.avg_it_until_rep: new_tabu_len = max([0.9 * self.tabu.maxlen, 1]) new_tabu_len = math.floor(new_tabu_len) self.tabu = deque(self.tabu, new_tabu_len) it_since_tabu_len_changed = 0 # step 8 # step 10: Save the zoning system and go to step 12. self.visited.append(tuple(labels)) last_step = 10 if last_step == 10: try: return np.array(self.visited[-2]) except IndexError: return np.array(self.visited[-1]) # if step 11 was the last one, the result is in last_step[1] return np.array(last_step[1])