Source code for

# ruff: noqa: B009

import contextlib
import copy
import os
import pickle
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from itertools import islice

import esda
import numpy
from libpysal import cg, weights
from libpysal.common import requires

from . import util
from .analysis import GlobalAutoK

    from libpysal import open as _open
except ImportError:
    import libpysal

    _open =

__all__ = ["Network", "PointPattern", "GlobalAutoK"]

SAME_SEGMENT = (-0.1, -0.1)

dep_msg = (
    "The next major release of pysal/spaghetti (2.0.0) will "
    "drop support for all ```` geometries. This change "
    "is a first step in refactoring ``spaghetti`` that is "
    "expected to result in dramatically reduced runtimes for "
    "network instantiation and operations. Users currently "
    "requiring network and point pattern input as ```` "
    "geometries should prepare for this simply by converting "
    "to ``shapely`` geometries."
warnings.warn(dep_msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=1)

[docs] class Network: """Spatially-constrained network representation and analytical functionality. Naming conventions are as follows, (1) arcs and vertices for the full network object, and (2) edges and nodes for the simplified graph-theoretic object. The term 'link' is used to refer to a network arc or a graph edge. Parameters ---------- in_data : {str, iterable,, geopandas.GeoDataFrame} The input geographic data. Either (1) a path to a shapefile (str); (2) an iterable containing ```` objects; (3) a single ````; or (4) a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``. vertex_sig : int Round the x and y coordinates of all vertices to ``vertex_sig`` significant digits (combined significant digits on the left and right of the decimal place). Default is 11. Set to ``None`` for no rounding. unique_arcs : bool If ``True`` (default), keep only unique arcs (i.e., prune out any duplicated arcs). If ``False`` keep all segments. extractgraph : bool If ``True``, extract a graph-theoretic object with no degree 2 nodes. Default is ``True``. w_components : bool Set to ``False`` to not record connected components from a ``libpysal.weights.W`` object. Default is ``True``. weightings : {dict, bool} If dict, lists of weightings for each arc. If bool, ``True`` flags ``self.arc_lengths`` as the weightings, ``False`` sets no weightings. Default is ``False``. weights_kws : dict Keyword arguments for ``libpysal.weights.W``. Default is ``dict()``. vertex_atol : {int, None} Precision for vertex absolute tolerance. Round vertex coordinates to ``vertex_atol`` decimal places. Default is ``None``. **ONLY** change the default when there are known issues with digitization. Attributes ---------- adjacencylist : list List of lists storing vertex adjacency. vertex_coords : dict Keys are vertex IDs and values are :math:`(x,y)` coordinates of the vertices. vertex_list : list List of vertex IDs. vertices : dict Keys are tuples of vertex coords and values are the vertex ID. arcs : list List of arcs, where each arc is a sorted tuple of vertex IDs. arc_lengths : dict Keys are tuples of sorted vertex IDs representing an arc and values are the length. pointpatterns : dict Keys are a string name of the pattern and values are ``PointPattern`` class instances. distance_matrix : numpy.ndarray All network vertices (non-observations) distance matrix. Distances between vertices in disparate components are recorded as ``inf`` by default. network_trees : dict Keys are the vertex IDs (``int``). Values are dictionaries with the keys being the IDs of the destination vertex and values being lists of vertices along the shortest path. If the destination vertex is a) the origin or b) unreachable (disparate component) it is listed as itself being the neighbor. edges : list Tuples of graph edge IDs. edge_lengths : dict Keys are the graph edge IDs (``tuple``). Values are the graph edge length (``float``). non_articulation_points : list All vertices with degree 2 that are not in an isolated island ring (loop) component. w_network : libpysal.weights.W Weights object created from the network arcs. network_n_components : int Count of connected components in the network. network_fully_connected : bool ``True`` if the network representation is a single connected component, otherwise ``False``. network_component_labels : numpy.ndarray Component labels for network arcs. network_component2arc : dict Lookup in the form {int: list} for arcs comprising network connected components keyed by component labels with arcs in a list as values. network_component_lengths : dict Length of each network component (keyed by component label). network_longest_component : int The ID of the longest component in the network. This is not necessarily equal to ``network_largest_component``. network_component_vertices : dict Lookup in the form {int: list} for vertices comprising network connected components keyed by component labels with vertices in a list as values. network_component_vertex_count : dict The number of vertices in each network component (keyed by component label). network_largest_component : int The ID of the largest component in the network. Within ``spaghetti`` the largest component is the one with the most vertices. This is not necessarily equal to ``network_longest_component``. network_component_is_ring : dict Lookup in the form {int: bool} keyed by component labels with values as ``True`` if the component is a closed ring, otherwise ``False``. w_graph : libpysal.weights.W Weights object created from the graph edges. graph_n_components : int Count of connected components in the network. graph_fully_connected : bool ``True`` if the graph representation is a single connected component, otherwise ``False``. graph_component_labels : numpy.ndarray Component labels for graph edges. graph_component2edge : dict Lookup in the form {int: list} for edges comprising graph connected components keyed by component labels with edges in a list as values. graph_component_lengths : dict Length of each graph component (keyed by component label). graph_longest_component : int The ID of the longest component in the graph. This is not necessarily equal to ``graph_largest_component``. graph_component_vertices : dict Lookup in the form {int: list} for vertices comprising graph connected components keyed by component labels with vertices in a list as values. graph_component_vertex_count : dict The number of vertices in each graph component (keyed by component label). graph_largest_component : int The ID of the largest component in the graph. Within ``spaghetti`` the largest component is the one with the most vertices. This is not necessarily equal to ``graph_longest_component``. graph_component_is_ring : dict Lookup in the form {int: bool} keyed by component labels with values as ``True`` if the component is a closed ring, otherwise ``False``. Notes ----- **Important**: The core procedure for generating network representations is performed within the ``_extractnetwork()`` method. Here it is important to note that a ``spaghetti.Network`` instance is built up from the individual, constituent euclidean units of each line segment object. Therefore, the resulting network structure will generally have (1) more vertices and links than may expected, and, (2) many degree-2 vertices, which differs from a truly graph-theoretic object. This is demonstrated in the `Caveats Tutorial <>`_. See :cite:`Cliff1981`, :cite:`Tansel1983a`, :cite:`AhujaRavindraK`, :cite:`Labbe1995`, :cite:`Kuby2009`, :cite:`Barthelemy2011`, :cite:`daskin2013`, :cite:`Okabe2012`, :cite:`Ducruet2014`, :cite:`Weber2016`, for more in-depth discussion on spatial networks, graph theory, and location along networks. For related network-centric software see `Snkit <>`_ :cite:`tom_russell_2019_3379659`, `SANET <>`_ :cite:`Okabe2006a`, `NetworkX <>`_ :cite:`Hagberg2008`, `Pandana <>`_ :cite:`Foti2012`, and `OSMnx <>`_ :cite:`Boeing2017`. Examples -------- Create an instance of a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> streets_file = examples.get_path("streets.shp") >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=streets_file) Fetch the number connected components in the network. >>> ntw.network_n_components 1 Unique component labels in the network. >>> import numpy >>> list(numpy.unique(ntw.network_component_labels)) [0] Show whether each component of the network is an isolated ring (or not). >>> ntw.network_component_is_ring {0: False} Show how many network arcs are associated with the component. >>> arcs = len(ntw.network_component2arc[ntw.network_component_labels[0]]) >>> arcs 303 Do the same as above, but for the graph-theoretic representation of the network object. >>> ntw.graph_n_components 1 >>> list(numpy.unique(ntw.graph_component_labels)) [0] >>> ntw.graph_component_is_ring {0: False} >>> edges = len(ntw.graph_component2edge[ntw.graph_component_labels[0]]) >>> edges 179 The number of arcs in the network is always greater than or equal to the number of edges in the graph-theoretic representation. >>> arcs >= edges True Snap point observations to the network with attribute information. >>> crimes_file = examples.get_path("crimes.shp") >>> ntw.snapobservations(crimes_file, "crimes", attribute=True) And without attribute information. >>> schools_file = examples.get_path("schools.shp") >>> ntw.snapobservations(schools_file, "schools", attribute=False) Show the point patterns associated with the network. >>> ntw.pointpatterns.keys() dict_keys(['crimes', 'schools']) """
[docs] def __init__( self, in_data=None, vertex_sig=11, unique_arcs=True, extractgraph=True, w_components=True, weightings=False, weights_kws=dict(), # noqa: B006, C408 vertex_atol=None, ): # do this when creating a clean network instance from a # shapefile or a geopandas.GeoDataFrame, otherwise a shell # network instance is created (see `split_arcs()` method) if in_data is not None: # set parameters as attributes self.in_data = in_data self.vertex_sig = vertex_sig self.vertex_atol = vertex_atol self.unique_arcs = unique_arcs self.adjacencylist = defaultdict(list) self.vertices = {} # initialize network arcs and arc_lengths self.arcs = [] self.arc_lengths = {} # initialize pointpatterns self.pointpatterns = {} # spatial representation of the network self._extractnetwork() self.arcs = sorted(self.arcs) self.vertex_coords = {v: k for k, v in self.vertices.items()} # extract connected components if w_components: as_graph = False network_weightings = False if weightings: # set network arc weights to length if weights are # desired, but no other input in given weightings = self.arc_lengths network_weightings = True # extract contiguity weights from libpysal self.w_network = self.contiguityweights( graph=as_graph, weightings=weightings, weights_kws=weights_kws, ) # identify connected components from the `w_network` self.identify_components(self.w_network, graph=as_graph) # extract the graph -- repeat similar as above # for extracting the network if extractgraph: self.extractgraph() if w_components: as_graph = True if network_weightings: weightings = self.edge_lengths self.w_graph = self.contiguityweights( graph=as_graph, weightings=weightings, weights_kws=weights_kws, ) self.identify_components(self.w_graph, graph=as_graph) # sorted list of vertex IDs self.vertex_list = sorted(self.vertices.values())
def _round_sig(self, v): """Used internally to round the vertex to a set number of significant digits. If ``sig`` is set to 4, then the following are some possible results for a coordinate are as follows. (1) 0.0xxxx, (2) 0.xxxx, (3), (4) xx.xx, (5) xxx.x, (6) xxxx.0, (7) xxxx0.0 Parameters ---------- v : tuple Coordinate (x,y) of the vertex. """ # set the number of significant digits sig = self.vertex_sig # simply return vertex (x,y) coordinates if sig is None: return v # for each coordinate in a coordinate pair # if the coordinate location is (0.0) simply return zero # else -- (1) take the absolute value of `val`; (2) take the # base 10 log for [1]; (3) take the floor of [2]; (4) convert # [3] into a negative integer; (5) add `sig - 1` to [4]; # (6) round `val` by [5] out_v = [ val if val == 0 else round(val, -int(numpy.floor(numpy.log10(numpy.fabs(val)))) + (sig - 1)) for val in v ] if self.vertex_atol: out_v = [round(v, self.vertex_atol) for v in out_v] return tuple(out_v)
[docs] def identify_components(self, w, graph=False): """Identify connected component information from a ``libpysal.weights.W`` object Parameters ---------- w : libpysal.weights.W Weights object created from the network segments (either raw or graph-theoretic). graph : bool Flag for a raw network (``False``) or graph-theoretic network (``True``). Default is ``False``. """ # flag network (arcs) or graph (edges) if graph: links = self.edges obj_type = "graph_" else: links = self.arcs obj_type = "network_" # connected component count and labels n_components = w.n_components component_labels = w.component_labels # is the network a single, fully-connected component? fully_connected = bool(n_components == 1) # link to component lookup link2component = dict(zip(links, component_labels, strict=True)) # component ID lookups: links, lengths, vertices, vertex counts component2link = {} component_lengths = {} component_vertices = {} component_vertex_count = {} cp_labs_ = set(w.component_labels) l2c_ = link2component.items() for cpl in cp_labs_: component2link[cpl] = sorted([k for k, v in l2c_ if v == cpl]) c2l_ = component2link[cpl] arclens_ = self.arc_lengths.items() component_lengths[cpl] = sum([v for k, v in arclens_ if k in c2l_]) component_vertices[cpl] = {v for link in c2l_ for v in link} component_vertex_count[cpl] = len(component_vertices[cpl]) # longest and largest components longest_component = max(component_lengths, key=component_lengths.get) largest_component = max(component_vertex_count, key=component_vertex_count.get) # component to ring lookup component_is_ring = {} adj_ = self.adjacencylist.items() for comp, verts in component_vertices.items(): component_is_ring[comp] = False _2neighs = [len(neighs) == 2 for v, neighs in adj_ if v in verts] if all(_2neighs): component_is_ring[comp] = True # attribute label name depends on object type c2l_attr_name = "component2edge" if graph else "component2arc" # set all new variables into list extracted_attrs = [ ["fully_connected", fully_connected], ["n_components", n_components], ["component_labels", component_labels], [c2l_attr_name, component2link], ["component_lengths", component_lengths], ["component_vertices", component_vertices], ["component_vertex_count", component_vertex_count], ["longest_component", longest_component], ["largest_component", largest_component], ["component_is_ring", component_is_ring], ] # iterate over list and set attribute with # either "network" or "graph" extension for attr_str, attr in extracted_attrs: setattr(self, obj_type + attr_str, attr)
def _extractnetwork(self): """Used internally to extract a network.""" # initialize vertex count vertex_count = 0 # determine input network data type in_dtype = str(type(self.in_data)).split("'")[1] is_libpysal_chains = False supported_iterables = ["list", "tuple", "numpy.ndarray"] # type error message msg = "'{}' not supported for network instantiation." # set appropriate geometries if in_dtype == "str": shps = _open(self.in_data) elif in_dtype in supported_iterables: shps = self.in_data shp_type = str(type(shps[0])).split("'")[1] if shp_type == "": is_libpysal_chains = True else: raise TypeError(msg.format(shp_type)) elif in_dtype == "": shps = [self.in_data] is_libpysal_chains = True elif in_dtype == "geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame": shps = self.in_data.geometry else: raise TypeError(msg.format(in_dtype)) # iterate over each record of the network lines for shp in shps: # if the segments are native pysal geometries if is_libpysal_chains: vertices = shp.vertices else: # fetch all vertices between euclidean segments # in the line record -- these vertices are # coordinates in an (x, y) tuple. vertices = weights._contW_lists._get_verts(shp) # iterate over each vertex (v) for i, v in enumerate(vertices[:-1]): # -- For vertex 1 # adjust precision -- this was originally # implemented to handle high-precision # network network vertices v = self._round_sig(v) # when the vertex already exists in lookup # set it as the current `vid` try: vid = self.vertices[v] # when the vertex is not present in the lookup # add it and adjust vertex count except KeyError: self.vertices[v] = vid = vertex_count vertex_count += 1 # -- For vertex 2 # repeat the steps above for vertex 1 v2 = self._round_sig(vertices[i + 1]) try: nvid = self.vertices[v2] except KeyError: self.vertices[v2] = nvid = vertex_count vertex_count += 1 # records vertex 1 and vertex 2 adjacency self.adjacencylist[vid].append(nvid) self.adjacencylist[nvid].append(vid) # Sort the edges so that mono-directional # keys can be stored. arc_vertices = sorted([vid, nvid]) arc = tuple(arc_vertices) # record the euclidean arc within the network self.arcs.append(arc) # record length length = util.compute_length(v, vertices[i + 1]) self.arc_lengths[arc] = length if self.unique_arcs: # Remove duplicate edges and duplicate adjacent nodes. self.arcs = list(set(self.arcs)) for k, v in self.adjacencylist.items(): self.adjacencylist[k] = list(set(v))
[docs] def extractgraph(self): """Using the existing network representation, create a graph-theoretic representation by removing all vertices with a neighbor incidence of two (non-articulation points). That is, we assume these vertices are bridges between vertices with higher or lower incidence. """ # initialize edges and edge_lengths self.edges = [] self.edge_lengths = {} # find all vertices with degree 2 that are not in an isolated # island ring (loop) component. These are non-articulation # points on the graph representation non_articulation_points = self._yield_napts() # retain non_articulation_points as an attribute self.non_articulation_points = list(non_articulation_points) # start with a copy of the spatial representation and # iteratively remove edges deemed to be segments self.edges = copy.deepcopy(self.arcs) self.edge_lengths = copy.deepcopy(self.arc_lengths) # mapping all the 'network arcs' contained within a single # 'graph represented' edge self.arcs_to_edges = {} # build up bridges "rooted" on the initial # non-articulation points bridge_roots = [] # iterate over all vertices that are not contained within # isolated loops that have a degree of 2 for s in non_articulation_points: # initialize bridge with an articulation point bridge = [s] # fetch all vertices adjacent to point `s` # that are also degree 2 neighbors = self._yieldneighbor(s, non_articulation_points, bridge) while neighbors: # extract the current node in `neighbors` cnode = neighbors.pop() # remove it from `non_articulation_points` non_articulation_points.remove(cnode) # add it to bridge bridge.append(cnode) # fetch neighbors for the current node newneighbors = self._yieldneighbor( cnode, non_articulation_points, bridge ) # add the new neighbors back into `neighbors` neighbors += newneighbors # once all potential neighbors are exhausted add the # current bridge of non-articulation points to the # list of rooted bridges bridge_roots.append(bridge) # iterate over the list of newly created rooted bridges for bridge in bridge_roots: # if the vertex is only one non-articulation # point in the bridge if len(bridge) == 1: # that the singular element of the bridge n = self.adjacencylist[bridge[0]] # and create a new graph edge from it new_edge = tuple(sorted([n[0], n[1]])) # identify the arcs to be removed e1 = tuple(sorted([bridge[0], n[0]])) e2 = tuple(sorted([bridge[0], n[1]])) # remove the network arcs (spatial) from the # graph-theoretic representation self.edges.remove(e1) self.edges.remove(e2) # remove the former network arc lengths from the # graph edge lengths lookup length_e1 = self.edge_lengths[e1] length_e2 = self.edge_lengths[e2] self.edge_lengths.pop(e1, None) self.edge_lengths.pop(e2, None) # and add the new edge length in their place self.edge_lengths[new_edge] = length_e1 + length_e2 # update the pointers self.arcs_to_edges[e1] = new_edge self.arcs_to_edges[e2] = new_edge # if there are more than one vertices in the bridge else: cumulative_length = 0 start_end = {} # initialize a redundant set of bridge edges redundant = set() # iterate over the current bridge for b in bridge: # iterate over each node in the bridge for n in self.adjacencylist[b]: # start the bridge with this node if n not in bridge: start_end[b] = n # or create a redundant edge with the current # node and `b` else: redundant.add(tuple(sorted([b, n]))) # initialize a new graph edge new_edge = tuple(sorted(start_end.values())) # add start_end redundant edge for k, v in start_end.items(): redundant.add(tuple(sorted([k, v]))) # remove all redundant network arcs while # adjusting the graph edge lengths lookup # and the edges_to_arcs lookup for r in redundant: self.edges.remove(r) cumulative_length += self.edge_lengths[r] self.edge_lengths.pop(r, None) self.arcs_to_edges[r] = new_edge # finally, add the new cumulative edge length self.edge_lengths[new_edge] = cumulative_length # add the updated graph edge self.edges.append(new_edge) # converted the graph edges into a sorted set to prune out # duplicate graph edges created during simplification self.edges = sorted(set(self.edges))
def _yield_napts(self): """Find all nodes with degree 2 that are not in an isolated island ring (loop) component. These are non-articulation points on the graph representation. Returns ------- napts : list Non-articulation points on a graph representation. """ # non-articulation points napts = set() # network vertices remaining to evaluate unvisted = set(self.vertices.values()) while unvisted: # iterate over each component for component_id, ring in self.network_component_is_ring.items(): # evaluate for non-articulation points napts, unvisted = self._evaluate_napts( napts, unvisted, component_id, ring ) # convert set of non-articulation points into list napts = list(napts) return napts def _evaluate_napts(self, napts, unvisited, component_id, ring): """Evaluate one connected component in a network for non-articulation points (``napts``) and return an updated set of ``napts`` and unvisted vertices. Parameters ---------- napts : set Non-articulation points (``napts``) in the network. The ``napts`` here do not include those within an isolated loop island. unvisited : set Vertices left to evaluate in the network. component_id : int ID for the network connected component for the current iteration of the algorithm. ring : bool Network component is isolated island loop ``True`` or not ``False``. Returns ------- napts : set Updated ``napts`` object. unvisited : set Updated ``napts`` object. """ # iterate over each `edge` of the `component` for component in self.network_component2arc[component_id]: # each `component` has two vertices for vertex in component: # if `component` is not an isolated island # and `vertex` has exactly 2 neighbors, # add `vertex` to `napts` if not ring and len(self.adjacencylist[vertex]) == 2: napts.add(vertex) # remove `vertex` from `unvisited` if # it is still in the set else move along to # the next iteration with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): unvisited.remove(vertex) return napts, unvisited def _yieldneighbor(self, vtx, arc_vertices, bridge): """Used internally, this method traverses a bridge arc to find the source and destination nodes. Parameters ---------- vtx : int The vertex ID. arc_vertices : list All non-articulation points (``napts``) in the network. These are referred to as degree-2 vertices. bridge : list Inital bridge list containing only ``vtx``. Returns ------- nodes : list Vertices to keep (articulation points). These elements are referred to as nodes. """ # instantiate empty lis to fill with network articulation # points (nodes with a degree of 1 [endpoints] or greater # than 2 [intersections]) nodes = [] # get all nodes adjacent to `vtx` that are not in the # set of 'bridge' vertices for i in self.adjacencylist[vtx]: if i in arc_vertices and i not in bridge: nodes.append(i) return nodes
[docs] def contiguityweights( self, graph=True, weightings=None, from_split=False, weights_kws=dict(), # noqa: B006, C408 ): """Create a contiguity-based ``libpysal.weights.W`` object. Parameters ---------- graph : bool Controls whether the ``libpysal.weights.W`` is generated using the spatial representation (``False``) or the graph representation (``True``). Default is ``True``. weightings : {dict, None} Dictionary of lists of weightings for each arc/edge. Default is ``None``. from_split : bool Flag for whether the method is being called from within ``split_arcs()`` (``True``) or not (``False``). Default is ``False``. weights_kws : dict Keyword arguments for ``libpysal.weights.W``. Default is ``dict()``. Returns ------- W : libpysal.weights.W A ``W`` representing the binary adjacency of the network. See also -------- libpysal.weights.W Examples -------- Instantiate a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> import numpy >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Snap point observations to the network with attribute information. >>> ntw.snapobservations( ... examples.get_path("crimes.shp"), "crimes", attribute=True ... ) Find counts per network arc. >>> counts = ntw.count_per_link( ... ntw.pointpatterns["crimes"].obs_to_arc, graph=False ... ) >>> counts[(50, 165)] 4 Create a contiguity-based ``W`` object. >>> w = ntw.contiguityweights(graph=False) >>> w.n, w.n_components (303, 1) Notes ----- See :cite:`pysal2007` for more details. """ # instantiate OrderedDict to record network link # adjacency which will be keyed by the link ID (a tuple) # with values being lists of tuples (contiguous links) neighbors = OrderedDict() # flag network (arcs) or graph (edges) links = self.edges if graph else self.arcs # if weightings are desired instantiate a dictionary # other ignore weightings _weights = {} if weightings else None # iterate over all links until all possibilities # for network link adjacency are exhausted working = True while working: # for each network link (1) for key in links: # instantiate a slot in the OrderedDict neighbors[key] = [] if weightings: _weights[key] = [] # for each network link (2) for neigh in links: # skip if comparing link to itself if key == neigh: continue # if link(1) and link(2) share any vertex # update neighbors adjacency if ( key[0] == neigh[0] or key[0] == neigh[1] or key[1] == neigh[0] or key[1] == neigh[1] ): neighbors[key].append(neigh) # and add weights if desired if weightings: _weights[key].append(weightings[neigh]) # break condition # -- everything is sorted, so we know when we have # stepped beyond a possible neighbor if key[1] > neigh[1]: working = False if len(links) == 1 or from_split: working = False # call libpysal for `W` instance weights_kws["weights"] = _weights w = weights.W(neighbors, **weights_kws) return w
[docs] def distancebandweights( self, threshold, n_processes=1, gen_tree=False, weights_kws=dict(), # noqa: B006, C408 ): """Create distance-based weights. Parameters ---------- threshold : float Distance threshold value. n_processes : {int, str} Specify the number of cores to utilize. Default is 1 core. Use ``"all"`` to request all available cores. Specify the exact number of cores with an integer. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path with ``True``, or skip with ``False``. Default is ``False``. weights_kws : dict Keyword arguments for ``libpysal.weights.W``. Default is ``dict()``. Returns ------- w : libpysal.weights.W A ``W`` object representing the binary adjacency of the network. Notes ----- See :cite:`AnselinRey2014` and :cite:`rey_open_2015` for more details regarding spatial weights. See also -------- libpysal.weights.W Examples -------- Instantiate an instance of a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> import warnings >>> streets_file = examples.get_path("streets.shp") >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=streets_file) Create a contiguity-based ``W`` object based on network distance, ``500`` US feet in this case. >>> w = ntw.distancebandweights( ... threshold=500, weights_kws=dict(silence_warnings=True) ... ) Show the number of units in the ``W`` object. >>> w.n 230 There are 7 components in the ``W`` object. >>> w.n_components 7 There are ``8`` units with ``3`` neighbors in the ``W`` object. >>> w.histogram[-1] (8, 3) """ # if the a vertex-to-vertex network distance matrix is # not present in the `network.Network` object; calculate # one at this point if not hasattr(self, "distance_matrix"): self.full_distance_matrix(n_processes, gen_tree=gen_tree) # identify all network vertices which are within the # `threshold` parameter neighbor_query = numpy.where(self.distance_matrix < threshold) # create an instance for recording neighbors which # inserts a new key if not present in object neighbors = defaultdict(list) # iterate over neighbors within the `threshold` # and record all network vertices as neighbors # if the vertex is not being compared to itself for i, n in enumerate(neighbor_query[0]): neigh = neighbor_query[1][i] if n != neigh: neighbors[n].append(neigh) # call libpysal for `W` instance w = weights.W(neighbors, **weights_kws) return w
[docs] def snapobservations(self, in_data, name, idvariable=None, attribute=False): """Snap a point pattern shapefile to a network object. The point pattern is stored in the ``network.pointpattern`` attribute of the network object. Parameters ---------- in_data : {geopandas.GeoDataFrame, str} The input geographic data. Either (1) a path to a shapefile (str); or (2) a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``. name : str Name to be assigned to the point dataset. idvariable : str Column name to be used as the ID variable. attribute : bool Defines whether attributes should be extracted. ``True`` for attribute extraction. ``False`` for no attribute extraction. Default is ``False``. Notes ----- See :cite:`doi:10.1111/gean.12211` for a detailed discussion on the modeling consequences of snapping points to spatial networks. Examples -------- Instantiate a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> streets_file = examples.get_path("streets.shp") >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=streets_file) Snap observations to the network. >>> pt_str = "crimes" >>> in_data = examples.get_path(pt_str+".shp") >>> ntw.snapobservations(in_data, pt_str, attribute=True) Isolate the number of points in the dataset. >>> ntw.pointpatterns[pt_str].npoints 287 """ # create attribute of `pointpattern` but instantiating a # `network.PointPattern` class self.pointpatterns[name] = PointPattern( in_data=in_data, idvariable=idvariable, attribute=attribute ) # allocate the point observations to the nework self._snap_to_link(self.pointpatterns[name])
[docs] def compute_distance_to_vertices(self, x, y, arc): """Given an observation on a network arc, return the distance to the two vertices that bound that end. Parameters ---------- x : float The x-coordinate of the snapped point. y : float The y-coordinate of the snapped point. arc : tuple The (vtx0, vtx1) representation of the network arc. Returns ------- d1 : float The distance to vtx0. Always the vertex with the lesser ID. d2 : float The distance to vtx1. Always the vertex with the greater ID. """ # distance to vertex 1 d1 = util.compute_length((x, y), self.vertex_coords[arc[0]]) # distance to vertex 2 d2 = util.compute_length((x, y), self.vertex_coords[arc[1]]) return d1, d2
[docs] def compute_snap_dist(self, pattern, idx): """Given an observation snapped to a network arc, calculate the distance from the original location to the snapped location. Parameters ---------- pattern : spaghetti.PointPattern The point pattern object. idx : int The point ID. Returns ------- dist : float The euclidean distance from original location to the snapped location. """ # set of original (x,y) point coordinates loc = pattern.points[idx]["coordinates"] # set of snapped (x,y) point coordinate snp = pattern.snapped_coordinates[idx] # distance from the original location to # the snapped location along the network dist = util.compute_length(loc, snp) return dist
def _snap_to_link(self, pointpattern): """Used internally to snap point observations to network arcs. Parameters ---------- pointpattern : spaghetti.PointPattern The point pattern object. Returns ------- obs_to_arc : dict Dictionary with arcs as keys and lists of points as values. arc_to_obs : dict Dictionary with point IDs as keys and arc tuples as values. dist_to_vertex : dict Dictionary with point IDs as keys and values as dictionaries with keys for vertex IDs and values as distances from point to vertex. dist_snapped : dict Dictionary with point IDs as keys and distance from point to the network arc that it is snapped. """ # instantiate observations snapped coordinates lookup pointpattern.snapped_coordinates = {} # record throw-away arcs ( enumerator arcs_ = [] # snapped(point)-to-arc lookup s2a = {} # iterate over network arc IDs for arc in self.arcs: # record the start and end of the arc head = self.vertex_coords[arc[0]] tail = self.vertex_coords[arc[1]] # create a object of the arc # and add it to the arcs enumerator arcs_.append(util._chain_constr(None, [head, tail])) # add the arc into the snapped(point)-to-arc lookup s2a[(head, tail)] = arc # instantiate crosswalks points = {} # point ID to coordinates lookup obs_to_arc = {} # observations to arcs lookup dist_to_vertex = {} # distance to vertices lookup dist_snapped = {} # snapped distance lookup # fetch and records point coordinates keyed by ID for point_idx, point in pointpattern.points.items(): points[point_idx] = point["coordinates"] # snap point observations to the network snapped = util.snap_points_to_links(points, arcs_) # record obs_to_arc, dist_to_vertex, and dist_snapped # -- iterate over the snapped observation points for point_idx, snap_info in snapped.items(): # fetch the x and y coordinate x, y = snap_info[1].tolist() # look up the arc from snapped(point)-to-arc arc = s2a[tuple(snap_info[0])] # add the arc key to observations to arcs lookup if arc not in obs_to_arc: obs_to_arc[arc] = {} # add the (x,y) coordinates of the original observation # point location to the observations to arcs lookup obs_to_arc[arc][point_idx] = (x, y) # add the (x,y) coordinates of the snapped observation # point location to the snapped coordinates lookup pointpattern.snapped_coordinates[point_idx] = (x, y) # calculate the distance to the left and right vertex # along the network link from the snapped point location d1, d2 = self.compute_distance_to_vertices(x, y, arc) # record the distances in the distance to vertices lookup dist_to_vertex[point_idx] = {arc[0]: d1, arc[1]: d2} # record the snapped distance dist_snapped[point_idx] = self.compute_snap_dist(pointpattern, point_idx) # instantiate observations to network vertex lookup obs_to_vertex = defaultdict(list) # iterate over the observations to arcs lookup for k, v in obs_to_arc.items(): # record the left and right vertex ids keys = v.keys() obs_to_vertex[k[0]] = keys obs_to_vertex[k[1]] = keys # iterate over components and assign observations component_to_obs = {} for comp, _arcids in self.network_component2arc.items(): component_to_obs[comp] = [] for lk, odict in obs_to_arc.items(): if lk in _arcids: component_to_obs[comp].extend(list(odict.keys())) # set crosswalks as attributes of the `pointpattern` class pointpattern.obs_to_arc = obs_to_arc pointpattern.component_to_obs = component_to_obs pointpattern.dist_to_vertex = dist_to_vertex pointpattern.dist_snapped = dist_snapped pointpattern.obs_to_vertex = list(obs_to_vertex) def _newpoint_coords(self, arc, distance): """Used internally to compute new point coordinates during snapping.""" # extract coordinates for vertex 1 of arc x1 = self.vertex_coords[arc[0]][0] y1 = self.vertex_coords[arc[0]][1] # extract coordinates for vertex 2 of arc x2 = self.vertex_coords[arc[1]][0] y2 = self.vertex_coords[arc[1]][1] # if the network arc is vertical set the (x) coordinate # and proceed to calculating the (y) coordinate if x1 == x2: x0 = x1 # if the vertical direction is positive from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane if y1 < y2: y0 = y1 + distance # if the vertical direction is negative from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane # -- this shouldn't happen due to vertex sorting in # -- self._extractnetwork() and self.extractgraph() elif y1 > y2: y0 = y2 + distance # otherwise the link is zero-length # -- this should never happen else: y0 = y1 return x0, y0 # calculate the slope of the arc, `m` m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) # if the horizontal direction is negative from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane if x1 > x2: x0 = x1 - distance / numpy.sqrt(1 + m**2) # if the horizontal direction is positive from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane elif x1 < x2: x0 = x1 + distance / numpy.sqrt(1 + m**2) # calculate the (y) coordinate y0 = m * (x0 - x1) + y1 # the new (x,y) coordinates for the snapped observation return x0, y0
[docs] def simulate_observations(self, count, distribution="uniform"): """Generate a simulated point pattern on the network. Parameters ---------- count : int The number of points to create. distribution : str A distribution of random points. Currently, the only supported distribution is uniform. Returns ------- random_pts : dict Keys are the edge tuple. Values are lists of new point coordinates. See also -------- numpy.random.Generator.uniform Examples -------- Instantiate a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Snap observations to the network. >>> ntw.snapobservations( ... examples.get_path("crimes.shp"), "crimes", attribute=True ... ) Isolate the number of points in the dataset. >>> npts = ntw.pointpatterns["crimes"].npoints >>> npts 287 Simulate ``npts`` number of points along the network in a `uniform` distribution. >>> sim = ntw.simulate_observations(npts) >>> isinstance(sim, True >>> sim.npoints 287 """ # instantiate an empty `SimulatedPointPattern()` simpts = SimulatedPointPattern() # record throw-away arcs enumerator arcs_ = [] # create array and fill each entry as length of network arc lengths = numpy.zeros(len(self.arc_lengths)) for i, key in enumerate(self.arc_lengths.keys()): arcs_.append(key) lengths[i] = self.arc_lengths[key] # cumulative network length stops = numpy.cumsum(lengths) cumlen = stops[-1] # create lengths with a uniform distribution if distribution.lower() == "uniform": nrandompts = numpy.random.uniform(0, cumlen, size=(count,)) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{distribution} distribution not currently supported.") # iterate over random distances created above for i, r in enumerate(nrandompts): # take the first element of the index array (arc ID) where the # random distance is greater than that of its value in `stops` idx = numpy.where(r < stops)[0][0] # assign the simulated point to the arc assignment_arc = arcs_[idx] # calculate and set the distance from the arc start distance_from_start = stops[idx] - r # populate the coordinates dict x0, y0 = self._newpoint_coords(assignment_arc, distance_from_start) # record the snapped coordinates and associated vertices simpts.snapped_coordinates[i] = (x0, y0) simpts.obs_to_vertex[assignment_arc[0]].append(i) simpts.obs_to_vertex[assignment_arc[1]].append(i) # calculate and set the distance from the arc end distance_from_end = self.arc_lengths[arcs_[idx]] - distance_from_start # populate the distances to vertices simpts.dist_to_vertex[i] = { assignment_arc[0]: distance_from_start, assignment_arc[1]: distance_from_end, } # set snapped coordinates and point count attributes simpts.points = simpts.snapped_coordinates simpts.npoints = len(simpts.points) return simpts
[docs] def full_distance_matrix(self, n_processes, gen_tree=False): """All vertex-to-vertex distances on a network. This method is called from within ``allneighbordistances()``, ``nearestneighbordistances()``, and ``distancebandweights()``. Parameters ---------- n_processes : int Specify the number of cores to utilize. Default is 1 core. Use ``"all"`` to request all available cores. Specify the exact number of cores with an integer. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path ``True``, or skip ``False``. Default is ``False``. Notes ----- Based on :cite:`Dijkstra1959a` and :cite:`doi:10.1002/9781119967101.ch3`. """ # create an empty matrix which will store shortest path distance nvtx = len(self.vertex_list) self.distance_matrix = numpy.empty((nvtx, nvtx)) # create `network_trees` attribute that stores # all network path trees (if desired) self.network_trees = {} # single-core processing if n_processes == 1: # iterate over each network vertex for vtx in self.vertex_list: # calculate the shortest path and preceding # vertices for traversal route distance, pred = util.dijkstra(self, vtx) pred = numpy.array(pred) # generate the shortest path tree tree = util.generatetree(pred) if gen_tree else None # populate distances and paths self.distance_matrix[vtx] = distance self.network_trees[vtx] = tree # multiprocessing else: # set up multiprocessing schema import multiprocessing as mp from itertools import repeat cores = mp.cpu_count() if n_processes == "all" else n_processes with mp.Pool(processes=cores) as p: # calculate the shortest path and preceding # vertices for traversal route by mapping each process distance_pred = util.dijkstra_mp, zip(repeat(self), self.vertex_list) ) # set range of iterations iterations = range(len(distance_pred)) # fill shortest paths distance = [distance_pred[itr][0] for itr in iterations] # fill preceding vertices pred = numpy.array([distance_pred[itr][1] for itr in iterations]) # iterate of network vertices and generate # the shortest path tree for each for vtx in self.vertex_list: tree = util.generatetree(pred[vtx]) if gen_tree else None # populate distances and paths self.distance_matrix[vtx] = distance[vtx] self.network_trees[vtx] = tree
[docs] def allneighbordistances( self, sourcepattern, destpattern=None, fill_diagonal=None, n_processes=1, gen_tree=False, snap_dist=False, ): """Compute either all distances between :math:`i` and :math:`j` in a single point pattern or all distances between each :math:`i` from a source pattern and all :math:`j` from a destination pattern. Parameters ---------- sourcepattern : {str, spaghetti.PointPattern} The key of a point pattern snapped to the network or the full ``spaghetti.PointPattern`` object. destpattern : str (Optional) The key of a point pattern snapped to the network or the full ``spaghetti.PointPattern`` object. fill_diagonal : {float, int} (Optional) Fill the diagonal of the cost matrix. Default is ``None`` and will populate the diagonal with ``numpy.nan``. Do not declare a ``destpattern`` for a custom ``fill_diagonal``. n_processes : {int, str} Specify the number of cores to utilize. Default is 1 core. Use ``"all"`` to request all available cores. Specify the exact number of cores with an integer. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path ``True``, or skip ``False``. Default is ``False``. snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- nearest : numpy.ndarray An array of shape (n,m) storing distances between all source and destination points. tree_nearest : dict Nearest network node to point pattern vertex shortest path lookup. The values of the dictionary are a tuple of the nearest source vertex and the nearest destination vertex to query the lookup tree. If two observations are snapped to the same network arc a flag of -.1 is set for both the source and destination network vertex indicating the same arc is used while also raising an ``IndexError`` when rebuilding the path. Examples -------- Create a network instance. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> import numpy >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Snap observations to the network. >>> ntw.snapobservations( ... examples.get_path("crimes.shp"), "crimes", attribute=True ... ) Calculate all distances between observations in the ``crimes`` dataset. >>> s2s_dist = ntw.allneighbordistances("crimes") If calculating a ``type-a`` to ``type-a`` distance matrix the distance between an observation and itself is ``nan`` and the distance between one observation and another will be positive value. >>> s2s_dist[0,0], s2s_dist[1,0] (nan, 3105.189475447081) If calculating a ``type-a`` to ``type-b`` distance matrix the distance between all observations will likely be positive values, may be zero (or approximately zero), but will never be negative. >>> ntw.snapobservations( ... examples.get_path("schools.shp"), "schools", attribute=False ... ) >>> s2d_dist = ntw.allneighbordistances("crimes", destpattern="schools") >>> numpy.round((s2d_dist[0,0], s2d_dist[1,0]), 5) array([4520.72354, 6340.42297]) Shortest paths can also be reconstructed when desired by setting the ``gen_tree`` keyword argument to ``True``. Here it is shown that the shortest path between school ``6`` and school ``7`` flows along network arcs through network vertices ``173`` and ``64``. The ``ntw.network_trees`` attribute may then be queried for the network elements comprising that path. >>> d2d_dist, tree = ntw.allneighbordistances("schools", gen_tree=True) >>> tree[(6, 7)] (173, 64) """ # calculate the network vertex to vertex distance matrix # if it is not already an attribute if not hasattr(self, "distance_matrix"): self.full_distance_matrix(n_processes, gen_tree=gen_tree) # set the source and destination observation point patterns if isinstance(sourcepattern, str): sourcepattern = self.pointpatterns[sourcepattern] if destpattern: destpattern = self.pointpatterns[destpattern] # source pattern setup # set local copy of source pattern index src_indices = list(sourcepattern.points.keys()) # set local copy of source distance to vertex lookup src_d2v = copy.deepcopy(sourcepattern.dist_to_vertex) # source point count nsource_pts = len(src_indices) # create source point to network vertex lookup src_vertices = {} for s in src_indices: v1, v2 = src_d2v[s].keys() src_vertices[s] = (v1, v2) # destination pattern setup # if only a source pattern is specified, also set it as # the destination pattern symmetric = False if destpattern is None: symmetric = True destpattern = sourcepattern # set local copy of destination pattern index dest_indices = list(destpattern.points) # set local copy of destination distance to vertex lookup dst_d2v = copy.deepcopy(destpattern.dist_to_vertex) # destination point count ndest_pts = len(dest_indices) # create `deepcopy` of destination points to # consider for searching dest_searchpts = copy.deepcopy(dest_indices) # create destination point to network vertex lookup dest_vertices = {} for s in dest_indices: v1, v2 = dst_d2v[s].keys() dest_vertices[s] = (v1, v2) # add snapping distance to each pointpattern if snap_dist: # declare both point patterns and both # distance to vertex lookup in single lists patterns = [sourcepattern, destpattern] dist_copies = [src_d2v, dst_d2v] # iterate over each point pattern for elm, pp in enumerate(patterns): # extract associated vertex distances for pidx, dists_dict in dist_copies[elm].items(): # add snapped distance to each point for vidx, vdist in dists_dict.items(): dists_dict[vidx] = vdist + pp.dist_snapped[pidx] # output setup # create empty source x destination array # and fill with infinity values nearest = numpy.empty((nsource_pts, ndest_pts)) nearest[:] = numpy.inf # create empty dictionary to store path trees tree_nearest = {} # iterate over each point in sources for p1 in src_indices: # get the source vertices and dist to source vertices source1, source2 = src_vertices[p1] set1 = set(src_vertices[p1]) # distance from source vertex1 to point and # distance from source vertex2 to point sdist1, sdist2 = src_d2v[p1].values() if symmetric: # only compute the upper triangle if symmetric dest_searchpts.remove(p1) # iterate over each point remaining in destinations for p2 in dest_searchpts: # get the destination vertices and # dist to destination vertices dest1, dest2 = dest_vertices[p2] set2 = set(dest_vertices[p2]) # when the observations are snapped to the same arc if set1 == set2: # calculate only the length between points along # that arc x1, y1 = sourcepattern.snapped_coordinates[p1] x2, y2 = destpattern.snapped_coordinates[p2] computed_length = util.compute_length((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) nearest[p1, p2] = computed_length # set the nearest network vertices to a flag of -.1 # indicating the same arc is used while also raising # and indexing error when rebuilding the path tree_nearest[p1, p2] = SAME_SEGMENT # otherwise lookup distance between the source and # destination vertex else: # distance from destination vertex1 to point and # distance from destination vertex2 to point ddist1, ddist2 = dst_d2v[p2].values() # set the four possible combinations of # source to destination shortest path traversal d11 = self.distance_matrix[source1][dest1] d21 = self.distance_matrix[source2][dest1] d12 = self.distance_matrix[source1][dest2] d22 = self.distance_matrix[source2][dest2] # find the shortest distance from the path passing # through each of the two origin vertices to the # first destination vertex sd_1 = d11 + sdist1 sd_21 = d21 + sdist2 sp_combo1 = source1, dest1 if sd_1 > sd_21: sd_1 = sd_21 sp_combo1 = source2, dest1 # now add the point to vertex1 distance on # the destination arc len_1 = sd_1 + ddist1 # repeat the prior but now for the paths entering # at the second vertex of the second arc sd_2 = d12 + sdist1 sd_22 = d22 + sdist2 sp_combo2 = source1, dest2 if sd_2 > sd_22: sd_2 = sd_22 sp_combo2 = source2, dest2 len_2 = sd_2 + ddist2 # now find the shortest distance path between point # 1 on arc 1 and point 2 on arc 2, and assign sp_12 = len_1 s_vertex, d_vertex = sp_combo1 if len_1 > len_2: sp_12 = len_2 s_vertex, d_vertex = sp_combo2 # set distance and path tree nearest[p1, p2] = sp_12 tree_nearest[p1, p2] = (s_vertex, d_vertex) if symmetric: # mirror the upper and lower triangle # when symmetric nearest[p2, p1] = nearest[p1, p2] # populate the main diagonal when symmetric if symmetric: # fill the matrix diagonal with NaN values is no fill # value is specified if fill_diagonal is None: numpy.fill_diagonal(nearest, numpy.nan) # otherwise fill with specified value else: numpy.fill_diagonal(nearest, fill_diagonal) # if the nearest path tree is desired return it along # with the cost matrix if gen_tree: return nearest, tree_nearest else: return nearest
[docs] def nearestneighbordistances( self, sourcepattern, destpattern=None, n_processes=1, gen_tree=False, all_dists=None, snap_dist=False, keep_zero_dist=True, ): """Compute the interpattern nearest neighbor distances or the intrapattern nearest neighbor distances between a source pattern and a destination pattern. Parameters ---------- sourcepattern : str The key of a point pattern snapped to the network. destpattern : str (Optional) The key of a point pattern snapped to the network. n_processes : {int, str} Specify the number of cores to utilize. Default is 1 core. Use ``"all"`` to request all available cores. Specify the exact number of cores with an integer. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path ``True``, or skip ``False``. Default is ``False``. all_dists : numpy.ndarray An array of shape :math:`(n,n)` storing distances between all points. snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. keep_zero_dist : bool Include zero values in minimum distance ``True`` or exclude ``False``. Default is ``True``. If the source pattern is the same as the destination pattern the diagonal is filled with ``numpy.nan``. Returns ------- nearest : dict Nearest neighbor distances keyed by the source point ID with the value as as tuple of lists containing nearest destination point ID(s) and distance. Examples -------- Instantiate a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Snap observations to the network. >>> ntw.snapobservations(examples.get_path("crimes.shp"), "crimes") Fetch nearest neighbor distances while (potentially) keeping neighbors that have been geocoded directly on top of each other. Here it is demonstrated that observation ``11`` has two neighbors (``18`` and ``19``) at an exactly equal distance. However, observation ``18`` is shown to have only one neighbor (``18``) with no distance between them. >>> nn = ntw.nearestneighbordistances("crimes", keep_zero_dist=True) >>> nn[11], nn[18] (([18, 19], 165.33982412719126), ([19], 0.0)) This may be remedied by setting the ``keep_zero_dist`` keyword argument to ``False``. With this parameter set, observation ``11`` still has the same neighbor/distance values, but observation ``18`` now has a single nearest neighbor (``11``) with a non-zero, postive distance. >>> nn = ntw.nearestneighbordistances("crimes", keep_zero_dist=False) >>> nn[11], nn[18] (([18, 19], 165.33982412719126), ([11], 165.33982412719126)) There are valid reasons for both retaining or masking zero distance neighbors. When conducting analysis, thought must be given as to which model more accurately represents the specific scenario. """ # raise exception is the specified point pattern does not exist if sourcepattern not in self.pointpatterns: raise KeyError(f"Available point patterns are {self.pointpatterns.keys()}") # calculate the network vertex to vertex distance matrix # if it is not already an attribute if not hasattr(self, "distance_matrix"): self.full_distance_matrix(n_processes, gen_tree=gen_tree) # determine if the source and destination patterns are equal symmetric = sourcepattern != destpattern # (for source-to-source patterns) if zero-distance neighbors are # desired, keep the diagonal as NaN and take the minimum # distance neighbor(s), which may include zero distance # neighors. fill_diagonal = None if not keep_zero_dist and symmetric: # (for source-to-source patterns) if zero-distance neighbors # should be ignored, convert the diagonal to 0.0 and take # the minimum distance neighbor(s) that is/are not 0.0 # distance. fill_diagonal = 0.0 # set the source and destination observation point patterns sourcepattern = self.pointpatterns[sourcepattern] if destpattern: destpattern = self.pointpatterns[destpattern] # if the full source to destination is not calculated, # do that at this time if all_dists is None: all_dists = self.allneighbordistances( sourcepattern, destpattern=destpattern, fill_diagonal=fill_diagonal, n_processes=n_processes, gen_tree=gen_tree, snap_dist=snap_dist, ) # create empty nearest neighbors lookup nearest = {} # iterate over each source point for source_index in sourcepattern.points: # this considers all zero-distance neighbors if keep_zero_dist and symmetric: val = numpy.nanmin(all_dists[source_index, :]) # this does not consider zero-distance neighbors else: val = numpy.min( all_dists[source_index, :][ numpy.nonzero(all_dists[source_index, :]) ] ) # nearest destination (may be more than one if # observations are equal distances away) dest_idxs = numpy.where(all_dists[source_index, :] == val)[0].tolist() # set nearest destination point(s) and distance nearest[source_index] = (dest_idxs, val) return nearest
[docs] def shortest_paths(self, tree, pp_orig, pp_dest=None): """Return the shortest paths between observation points as ```` objects. Parameters ---------- tree : dict See ``tree_nearest`` in ``spaghetti.Network.allneighbordistances()``. pp_orig : str Origin point pattern for shortest paths. See ``name`` in ``spaghetti.Network.snapobservations()``. pp_dest : str Destination point pattern for shortest paths. See ``name`` in ``spaghetti.Network.snapobservations()``. Defaults ``pp_orig`` if not declared. Returns ------- paths : list The shortest paths between observations as geometric objects. Each element of the list is a list where the first element is an origin-destination pair tuple and the second element is a ````. Raises ------ AttributeError This exception is raised when an attempt to extract shortest path geometries is being made that but the ``network_trees`` attribute does not exist within the network object. Examples -------- Instantiate a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Snap observations to the network. >>> ntw.snapobservations(examples.get_path("schools.shp"), "schools") Create shortest path trees between observations. >>> _, tree = ntw.allneighbordistances("schools", gen_tree=True) Generate geometric objects from trees. >>> paths = ntw.shortest_paths(tree, "schools") Extract the first path, which is between observations ``0`` and ``1``. >>> path = paths[0] >>> path[0] (0, 1) The are ``n`` vertices in the path between observations ``0`` and ``1``. >>> n = len(path[1].vertices) >>> n 10 """ # build the network trees object if it is not already an attribute if not hasattr(self, "network_trees"): msg = ( "The 'network_trees' attribute has not been created. " "Rerun 'spaghetti.Network.allneighbordistances()' " "with the 'gen_tree' parameter set to 'True'." ) raise AttributeError(msg) # isolate network attributes pp_orig = self.pointpatterns[pp_orig] pp_dest = self.pointpatterns[pp_dest] if pp_dest else pp_orig vtx_coords = self.vertex_coords net_trees = self.network_trees # instantiate a list to store paths paths = [] # iterate over each path in the tree for idx, ((obs0, obs1), (v0, v1)) in enumerate(tree.items()): # if the observations share the same segment # create a partial segment path if (v0, v1) == SAME_SEGMENT: # isolate the snapped coordinates and put in a list partial_segment_verts = [ cg.Point(pp_orig.snapped_coordinates[obs0]), cg.Point(pp_dest.snapped_coordinates[obs1]), ] path = partial_segment_verts else: # source and destination network vertices svtx, dvtx = tree[obs0, obs1] # path passes through these nodes # (source and destination inclusive) thru_nodes = net_trees[svtx][dvtx][::-1] + [dvtx] # full-length network segments along path full_segs_path = [] iter_limit = len(thru_nodes) - 1 for _idx, item in enumerate(islice(thru_nodes, iter_limit)): full_segs_path.append((item, thru_nodes[_idx + 1])) # create copy of arc paths dataframe full_segments = [] for fsp in full_segs_path: full_segments.append(util._chain_constr(vtx_coords, fsp)) # unpack the vertices containers segm_verts = [v for fs in full_segments for v in fs.vertices] # remove duplicate vertices for idx, v in enumerate(segm_verts): try: if v == segm_verts[idx + 1]: segm_verts.remove(v) except IndexError as e: if e.args[0] == "list index out of range": continue else: raise # partial-length network segments along path partial_segment_verts = [ cg.Point(pp_orig.snapped_coordinates[obs0]), cg.Point(pp_dest.snapped_coordinates[obs1]), ] # combine the full and partial segments into a single list first_vtx, last_vtx = partial_segment_verts path = [first_vtx] + segm_verts + [last_vtx] # populate the ``paths`` dataframe paths.append([(obs0, obs1), util._chain_constr(None, path)]) return paths
[docs] def split_arcs( self, split_param, split_by="distance", w_components=True, weights_kws=dict(), # noqa: B006, C408 ): """Split all network arcs at either a fixed distance or fixed count. Parameters ---------- split_param : {int, float} Either the number of desired resultant split arcs or the distance at which arcs are split. split_by : str Either ``'distance'`` or ``'count'``. Default is ``'distance'``. w_components : bool Set to ``False`` to not record connected components from a ``libpysal.weights.W`` object. Default is ``True``. weights_kws : dict Keyword arguments for ``libpysal.weights.W``. Default is ``dict()``. Returns ------- split_network : spaghetti.Network A newly instantiated ``spaghetti.Network`` object. Examples -------- Instantiate a network. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Split the network into a segments of 200 distance units in length (US feet in this case). This will include "remainder" segments unless the network is comprised of arcs with lengths exactly divisible by ``distance``. >>> n200 = ntw.split_arcs(200.0) >>> len(n200.arcs) 688 The number of arcs within the new object can be accessed via the weights object, as well. These counts will be equal. >>> len(n200.arcs) == n200.w_network.n True Neighboring arcs can also be queried through the weight object. >>> n200.w_network.neighbors[72,392] [(71, 72), (72, 252), (72, 391), (392, 393)] Network arcs can also be split by a specified number of divisions with the ``split_by`` keyword set to ``'count'``, which is ``'distance'`` by default. For example, each arc can be split into 2 equal parts. >>> n2 = ntw.split_arcs(2, split_by="count") >>> len(n2.arcs) 606 """ def int_coord(c): """convert coordinates for integers if possible e.g., (1.0, 0.5) --> (1, 0.5) """ return int(c) if (isinstance(c, float) and c.is_integer()) else c # catch invalid split types _split_by = split_by.lower() valid_split_types = ["distance", "count"] if _split_by not in valid_split_types: msg = ( f"'{split_by}' is not a valid value for 'split_by'. " f"Valid arguments include: {valid_split_types}." ) raise ValueError(msg) # catch invalid count params if _split_by == "count": if split_param <= 1: msg = ( "Splitting arcs by 1 or less is not possible. " f"Currently 'split_param' is set to {split_param}." ) raise ValueError(msg) split_integer = int(split_param) if split_param != split_integer: msg = ( "Network arcs must split by an integer. " f"Currently 'split_param' is set to {split_param}." ) raise TypeError(msg) # create new shell network instance split_network = Network() # duplicate input network attributes split_network.adjacencylist = copy.deepcopy(self.adjacencylist) split_network.arc_lengths = copy.deepcopy(self.arc_lengths) split_network.arcs = copy.deepcopy(self.arcs) split_network.vertex_coords = copy.deepcopy(self.vertex_coords) split_network.vertex_list = copy.deepcopy(self.vertex_list) split_network.vertices = copy.deepcopy(self.vertices) split_network.pointpatterns = copy.deepcopy(self.pointpatterns) split_network.in_data = self.in_data # set vertex ID to start iterations current_vertex_id = max(self.vertices.values()) # instantiate sets for newly created network arcs and # input network arcs to remove new_arcs = set() remove_arcs = set() # iterate over all network arcs for arc in split_network.arcs: # fetch network arc length length = split_network.arc_lengths[arc] # set initial segmentation interval if _split_by == "distance": interval = split_param else: interval = length / float(split_param) # initialize arc new arc length at zero totallength = 0 # initialize the current vertex and ending vertex currentstart, end_vertex = arc[0], arc[1] # determine direction of arc vertices csx, csy = split_network.vertex_coords[currentstart] evx, evy = split_network.vertex_coords[end_vertex] if csy > evy and csx == evx: currentstart, end_vertex = end_vertex, currentstart # if the arc will be split remove the current # arc from the adjacency list if interval < length: # remove old arc adjacency information split_network.adjacencylist[currentstart].remove(end_vertex) split_network.adjacencylist[end_vertex].remove(currentstart) # remove old arc length information split_network.arc_lengths.pop(arc, None) # add old arc to set of arcs to remove remove_arcs.add(arc) # if the arc will not be split, do nothing and continue else: continue # traverse the length of the arc while totallength < length: # once an arc can not be split further if totallength + interval >= length: # record the ending vertex currentstop = end_vertex # set the length remainder interval = length - totallength # full old length reached totallength = length else: # set the current vertex ID current_vertex_id += 1 # set the current stopping ID currentstop = current_vertex_id # add the interval distance to the traversed length totallength += interval # compute the new vertex coordinate newx, newy = self._newpoint_coords(arc, totallength) new_vertex = (int_coord(newx), int_coord(newy)) # update the vertex and coordinate info if needed if new_vertex not in split_network.vertices: split_network.vertices[new_vertex] = currentstop split_network.vertex_coords[currentstop] = new_vertex split_network.vertex_list.append(currentstop) else: # retrieve vertex ID if coordinate already exists current_vertex_id -= 1 currentstop = split_network.vertices[new_vertex] # update the new network adjacency list split_network.adjacencylist[currentstart].append(currentstop) split_network.adjacencylist[currentstop].append(currentstart) # add the new arc to the arc dictionary # iterating over this so we need to add after iterating _new_arc = tuple(sorted([currentstart, currentstop])) new_arcs.add(_new_arc) # set the length of the arc split_network.arc_lengths[_new_arc] = interval # increment the starting vertex to the stopping vertex currentstart = currentstop # add the newly created arcs to the network and remove the old arcs split_network.arcs = set(split_network.arcs) split_network.arcs.update(new_arcs) split_network.arcs.difference_update(remove_arcs) split_network.arcs = sorted(split_network.arcs) # extract connected components if w_components: # extract contiguity weights from libpysal split_network.w_network = split_network.contiguityweights( graph=False, from_split=True, weights_kws=weights_kws ) # identify connected components from the `w_network` split_network.identify_components(split_network.w_network, graph=False) # update the snapped point pattern for instance in split_network.pointpatterns.values(): split_network._snap_to_link(instance) return split_network
[docs] def GlobalAutoK( # noqa N802 self, pointpattern, nsteps=10, permutations=99, threshold=0.5, distribution="uniform", upperbound=None, ): r"""Compute a global auto :math:`K`-function based on a network constrained cost matrix through `Monte Carlo simulation <>`_ according to the formulation adapted from :cite:`doi:10.1002/9780470549094.ch5`. See the **Notes** section for further description. Parameters ---------- pointpattern : spaghetti.PointPattern A ``spaghetti`` point pattern object. nsteps : int The number of steps at which the count of the nearest neighbors is computed. Default is ``10``. permutations : int The number of permutations to perform. Default is ``99``. threshold : float The level at which significance is computed. (0.5 would be 97.5% and 2.5%). Default is ``0.5``. distribution : str The distribution from which random points are sampled. Currently, the only supported distribution is ``'uniform'``. upperbound : float The upper bound at which the :math:`K`-function is computed. Defaults to the maximum observed nearest neighbor distance. Returns ------- GlobalAutoK : spaghetti.analysis.GlobalAutoK The global auto :math:`K`-function class instance. Notes ----- The :math:`K`-function can be formulated as: .. math:: \displaystyle K(r)=\frac{\sum^n_{i=1} \#[\hat{A} \in D(a_i, r)]}{n\lambda}, where $n$ is the set cardinality of :math:`A`, :math:`\hat{A}` is the subset of observations in :math:`A` that are within :math:`D` units of distance from :math:`a_i` (each single observation in :math:`A`), and :math:`r` is the range of distance values over which the :math:`K`-function is calculated. The :math:`\lambda` term is the intensity of observations along the network, calculated as: .. math:: \displaystyle \lambda = \frac{n}{\big|N_{arcs}\big|}, where :math:`\big|N_{arcs}\big|` is the summed length of network arcs. The global auto :math:`K`-function measures overall clustering in one set of observations by comparing all intra-set distances over a range of distance buffers :math:`D \in r`. The :math:`K`-function improves upon nearest-neighbor distance measures through the analysis of all neighbor distances. For an explanation on how to interpret the results of the :math:`K`-function see the Network Spatial Dependence tutorial `here <>`_. For original implementation see :cite:`Ripley1976` and :cite:`Ripley1977`. For further Network-`K` formulations see :cite:`doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.2001.tb00448.x`, :cite:`doi:10.1002/9781119967101.ch6`, and :cite:`Baddeley2020`. See also -------- pointpats.K Examples -------- Create a network instance. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Snap observation points onto the network. >>> pt_str = "schools" >>> in_data = examples.get_path(pt_str+".shp") >>> ntw.snapobservations(in_data, pt_str, attribute=True) >>> schools = ntw.pointpatterns[pt_str] Compute a :math:`K`-function from school observations with ``99`` ``permutations`` at ``10`` intervals. >>> kres = ntw.GlobalAutoK(schools, permutations=99, nsteps=10) >>> kres.lowerenvelope.shape[0] 10 """ # call analysis.GlobalAutoK return GlobalAutoK( self, pointpattern, nsteps=nsteps, permutations=permutations, threshold=threshold, distribution=distribution, upperbound=upperbound, )
[docs] def Moran(self, pp_name, permutations=999, graph=False): # noqa N802 """Calculate a Moran's *I* statistic on a set of observations based on network arcs. The Moran’s *I* test statistic allows for the inference of how clustered (or dispersed) a dataset is while considering both attribute values and spatial relationships. A value of closer to +1 indicates absolute clustering while a value of closer to -1 indicates absolute dispersion. Complete spatial randomness takes the value of 0. See the ``esda`` `documentation <>`_ for in-depth descriptions and tutorials. Parameters ---------- pp_name : str The name of the point pattern in question. permutations : int The number of permutations to perform. Default is ``999``. graph : bool Perform the Moran calculation on the graph `W` object (``True``). Default is ``False``, which performs the Moran calculation on the network `W` object. Returns ------- moran : esda.Moran A Moran's *I* statistic object results. y : list The y-axis (counts). Examples -------- Create a network instance. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Snap observation points onto the network. >>> crimes = "crimes" >>> in_data = examples.get_path(crimes+".shp") >>> ntw.snapobservations(in_data, crimes, attribute=True) Compute a Moran's :math:`I` from crime observations. >>> moran_res, _ = ntw.Moran(crimes) >>> round(moran_res.I, 6) 0.005193 Notes ----- See :cite:`moran:_cliff81` and :cite:`esda:_2019` for more details. """ # set proper weights attribute w = self.w_graph if graph else self.w_network # Compute the counts pointpat = self.pointpatterns[pp_name] counts = self.count_per_link(pointpat.obs_to_arc, graph=graph) # Build the y vector y = [counts[i] if i in counts else 0.0 for i in w.neighbors] # Moran's I moran = esda.moran.Moran(y, w, permutations=permutations) return moran, y
[docs] def savenetwork(self, filename): """Save a network to disk as a binary file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename where the network should be saved. This should be a full path or it will be saved in the current directory. Examples -------- Create a network instance. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Save out the network instance. >>> ntw.savenetwork("mynetwork.pkl") """ with _open(filename, "wb") as networkout: pickle.dump(self, networkout, protocol=2)
[docs] @staticmethod def loadnetwork(filename): """Load a network from a binary file saved on disk. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename where the network is saved. Returns ------- self : spaghetti.Network A pre-computed ``spaghetti`` network object. """ with _open(filename, "rb") as networkin: self = pickle.load(networkin) return self
[docs] def extract_component(net, component_id, weightings=None): """Extract a single component from a network object. Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network Full network object. component_id : int The ID of the desired network component. weightings : {dict, bool} See the ``weightings`` keyword argument in ``spaghetti.Network``. Returns ------- cnet : spaghetti.Network The pruned network containing the component specified in ``component_id``. Notes ----- Point patterns are not reassigned when extracting a component. Therefore, component extraction should be performed prior to snapping any point sets onto the network. Also, if the ``spaghetti.Network`` object has ``distance_matrix`` or ``network_trees`` attributes, they are deleted and must be computed again on the single component. Examples -------- Instantiate a network object. >>> from libpysal import examples >>> import spaghetti >>> snow_net = examples.get_path("Soho_Network.shp") >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network( ... in_data=snow_net, ... extractgraph=False, ... weights_kws=dict(silence_warnings=True) ... ) The network is not fully connected. >>> ntw.network_fully_connected False Examine the number of network components. >>> ntw.network_n_components 45 Extract the longest component. >>> longest = spaghetti.extract_component(ntw, ntw.network_longest_component) >>> longest.network_n_components 1 >>> longest.network_component_lengths {0: 13508.169276875526} """ def _reassign(attr, cid): """Helper for reassigning attributes.""" # set for each attribute(s) if attr == "_fully_connected": _val = [True for objt in obj_type] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "_n_components": _val = [1 for objt in obj_type] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr in ["_longest_component", "_largest_component"]: _val = [cid for objt in obj_type] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "vertex_list": # reassigns vertex list + network, graph component vertices supp = [objt + "_component_vertices" for objt in obj_type] _val = [getattr(cnet, supp[0])[cid]] _val += [{cid: getattr(cnet, s)[cid]} for s in supp] attr = [attr] + supp elif attr == "vertex_coords": # reassigns both vertex_coords and vertices supp = getattr(cnet, "vertex_list") _val = [{k: v for k, v in getattr(cnet, attr).items() if k in supp}] _val += [{v: k for k, v in _val[0].items()}] attr = [attr, "vertices"] elif attr == "_component_vertex_count": # reassigns both network and graph _component_vertex_count supp = len(getattr(cnet, "vertex_list")) _val = [{cid: supp} for objt in obj_type] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "adjacencylist": supp_adj = copy.deepcopy(list(getattr(cnet, attr).keys())) supp_vtx = getattr(cnet, "vertex_list") supp_rmv = [v for v in supp_adj if v not in supp_vtx] [getattr(cnet, attr).pop(s) for s in supp_rmv] return elif attr == "_component_is_ring": # reassigns both network and graph _component_is_ring supp = [getattr(cnet, objt + attr) for objt in obj_type] _val = [{cid: s[cid]} for s in supp] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "non_articulation_points": supp_vtx = getattr(cnet, "vertex_list") _val = [[s for s in getattr(cnet, attr) if s in supp_vtx]] attr = [attr] elif attr == "_component2": # reassigns both network and graph _component2 attributes supp = [_n + "_component2" + _a] if hasgraph: supp += [_g + "_component2" + _e] _val = [{cid: getattr(cnet, s)[cid]} for s in supp] attr = supp elif attr == "arcs": # reassigns both arcs and edges c2 = "_component2" supp = [_n + c2 + _a] if hasgraph: supp += [_g + c2 + _e] _val = [getattr(cnet, s)[cid] for s in supp] attr = [attr] if hasgraph: attr += ["edges"] elif attr == "_component_labels": # reassigns both network and graph _component_labels supp = [len(getattr(cnet, o + "s")) for o in obj] _val = [numpy.array([cid] * s) for s in supp] attr = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] elif attr == "_component_lengths": # reassigns both network and graph _component_lengths supp = [objt + attr for objt in obj_type] _val = [{cid: getattr(cnet, s)[cid]} for s in supp] attr = supp elif attr == "_lengths": # reassigns both arc and edge _lengths supp_name = [o + attr for o in obj] supp_lens = [getattr(cnet, s) for s in supp_name] supp_link = [getattr(cnet, o + "s") for o in obj] supp_ll = list(zip(supp_lens, supp_link, strict=True)) _val = [{k: v for k, v in l1.items() if k in l2} for l1, l2 in supp_ll] attr = supp_name # reassign attributes for a, av in zip(attr, _val, strict=True): setattr(cnet, a, av) # provide warning (for now) if the network contains a point pattern if getattr(net, "pointpatterns"): msg = ( "There is a least one point pattern associated with the network." " Component extraction should be performed prior to snapping" " point patterns to the network object; failing to do so may" " lead to unexpected results." ) warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) # provide warning (for now) if the network contains a point pattern dm, nt = "distance_matrix", "network_trees" if hasattr(net, dm) or hasattr(net, nt): msg = ( f"Either one or both ({dm}, {nt}) attributes" " are present and will be deleted. These must be" " recalculated following component extraction." ) warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) for attr in [dm, nt]: if hasattr(net, attr): delattr(net, attr) # make initial copy of the network cnet = copy.deepcopy(net) # set labels _n, _a, _g, _e = "network", "arc", "graph", "edge" obj_type = [_n] obj = [_a] hasgraph = False if hasattr(cnet, "w_graph"): obj_type += [_g] obj += [_e] hasgraph = True # attributes to reassign update_attributes = [ "_fully_connected", "_n_components", "_longest_component", "_largest_component", "vertex_list", "vertex_coords", "_component_vertex_count", "adjacencylist", "_component_is_ring", "_component2", "arcs", "_component_lengths", "_lengths", "_component_labels", ] if hasgraph: update_attributes.append("non_articulation_points") # reassign attributes for attribute in update_attributes: _reassign(attribute, component_id) # recreate spatial weights cnet.w_network = cnet.contiguityweights(graph=False, weightings=weightings) if hasgraph: cnet.w_graph = cnet.contiguityweights(graph=True, weightings=weightings) return cnet
[docs] def spanning_tree(net, method="sort", maximum=False, silence_warnings=True): """Extract a minimum or maximum spanning tree from a network. Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network Instance of a network object. method : str Method for determining spanning tree. Currently, the only supported method is 'sort', which sorts the network arcs by length prior to building intermediary networks and checking for cycles within the tree/subtrees. Future methods may include linear programming approachs, etc. maximum : bool When ``True`` a maximum spanning tree is created. When ``False`` a minimum spanning tree is created. Default is ``False``. silence_warnings : bool Warn if there is more than one connected component. Default is ``False`` due to the nature of constructing a minimum spanning tree. Returns ------- net : spaghetti.Network Pruned instance of the network object. Notes ----- For in-depth background and details see :cite:`GrahamHell_1985`, :cite:`AhujaRavindraK`, and :cite:`Okabe2012`. See also -------- networkx.algorithms.tree.mst scipy.sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree Examples -------- Create a network instance. >>> from libpysal import cg >>> import spaghetti >>> p00 = cg.Point((0,0)) >>> lines = [cg.Chain([p00, cg.Point((0,3)), cg.Point((4,0)), p00])] >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(in_data=lines) Extract the minimum spanning tree. >>> minst_net = spaghetti.spanning_tree(ntw) >>> min_len = sum(minst_net.arc_lengths.values()) >>> min_len 7.0 Extract the maximum spanning tree. >>> maxst_net = spaghetti.spanning_tree(ntw, maximum=True) >>> max_len = sum(maxst_net.arc_lengths.values()) >>> max_len 9.0 >>> max_len > min_len True """ # (un)silence warning weights_kws = {"silence_warnings": silence_warnings} # do not extract graph object while testing for cycles net_kws = {"extractgraph": False, "weights_kws": weights_kws} # if the network has no cycles, it is already a spanning tree if util.network_has_cycle(net.adjacencylist): if method.lower() == "sort": spanning_tree = mst_weighted_sort(net, maximum, net_kws) else: msg = f"'{method}' not a valid method for minimum spanning tree creation." raise ValueError(msg) # instantiate the spanning tree as a network object net = Network(in_data=spanning_tree, weights_kws=weights_kws) return net
def mst_weighted_sort(net, maximum, net_kws): """Extract a minimum or maximum spanning tree from a network used the length-weighted sort method. Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network See ``spanning_tree()``. maximum : bool See ``spanning_tree()``. net_kws : dict Keywords arguments for instaniating a ``spaghetti.Network``. Returns ------- spanning_tree : list All networks arcs that are members of the spanning tree. Notes ----- This function is based on the method found in Chapter 3 Section 4.3 of :cite:`Okabe2012`. """ # network arcs dictionary sorted by arc length sort_kws = {"key": net.arc_lengths.get, "reverse": maximum} sorted_lengths = sorted(net.arc_lengths, **sort_kws) # the spanning tree is initially empty spanning_tree = [] # iterate over each lengths of network arc while sorted_lengths: _arc = sorted_lengths.pop(0) # make a spatial representation of an arc chain_rep = util.chain_constr(net.vertex_coords, [_arc]) # current set of network arcs as _chains = spanning_tree + chain_rep # current network iteration _ntw = Network(in_data=_chains, **net_kws) # determine if the network contains a cycle if not util.network_has_cycle(_ntw.adjacencylist): # If no cycle is present, add the arc to the spanning tree spanning_tree.extend(chain_rep) return spanning_tree
[docs] @requires("geopandas", "shapely") def element_as_gdf( net, vertices=False, arcs=False, pp_name=None, snapped=False, routes=None, id_col="id", geom_col=None, ): """Return a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` of network elements. This can be (a) the vertices of a network; (b) the arcs of a network; (c) both the vertices and arcs of the network; (d) the raw point pattern associated with the network; (e) the snapped point pattern of (d); or (f) the shortest path routes between point observations. Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network A `spaghetti` network object. vertices : bool Extract the network vertices (``True``). Default is ``False``. arcs : bool Extract the network arcs (``True``). Default is ``False``. pp_name : str Name of the ``network.PointPattern`` to extract. Default is ``None``. snapped : bool If extracting a ``network.PointPattern``, set to ``True`` for snapped point locations along the network. Default is ``False``. routes : dict See ``paths`` from ``spaghetti.Network.shortest_paths``. Default is ``None``. id_col : str ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` column name for IDs. Default is ``"id"``. When extracting routes this creates an (origin, destination) tuple. geom_col : str Deprecated and will be removed in the minor release. ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` column name for IDs. Default is ``"id"``. When extracting routes this creates an (origin, destination) tuple. Raises ------ KeyError In order to extract a ``network.PointPattern`` it must already be a part of the network object. This exception is raised when a ``network.PointPattern`` is being extracted that does not exist within the network object. Returns ------- points : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Network point elements (either vertices or ``network.PointPattern`` points) as a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` of ``shapely.geometry.Point`` objects with an ``"id"`` column and ``"geometry""`` column. If the network object has a ``network_component_vertices`` attribute, then component labels are also added in a column. lines : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Network arc elements as a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` of ``shapely.geometry.LineString`` objects with an ``"id"`` column and ``"geometry"`` column. If the network object has a ``network_component_labels`` attribute, then component labels are also added in a column. paths : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Shortest path routes along network arc elements as a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` of ``shapely.geometry.LineString`` objects with an ``"id"`` (see ``spaghetti.Network.shortest_paths()``) column and ``"geometry"`` column. Notes ----- When both network vertices and arcs are desired, the variable declaration must be in the order: <vertices>, <arcs>. This function requires ``geopandas``. See also -------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame Examples -------- Instantiate a network object. >>> import spaghetti >>> from libpysal import examples >>> ntw = spaghetti.Network(examples.get_path("streets.shp")) Extract the network elements (vertices and arcs) as ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` objects. >>> vertices_df, arcs_df = spaghetti.element_as_gdf( ... ntw, vertices=True, arcs=True ... ) Examine the first vertex. It is a member of the component labeled ``0``. >>> vertices_df.loc[0] id 0 geometry POINT (728368.04762 877125.89535) comp_label 0 Name: 0, dtype: object Calculate the total length of the network. >>> arcs_df.geometry.length.sum() 104414.09200823458 """ # see GH#722 if geom_col: dep_msg = ( "The ``geom_col`` keyword argument is deprecated and will " "be dropped in the next minor release of pysal/spaghetti (1.8.0) " "in favor of the default 'geometry' name. Users can rename " "the geometry column following processing, if desired." ) warnings.warn(dep_msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) # shortest path routes between observations if routes: paths = util._routes_as_gdf(routes, id_col) # see GH#722 if geom_col: paths.rename_geometry(geom_col, inplace=True) return paths # need vertices place holder to create network segment LineStrings # even if only network edges are desired. vertices_for_arcs = False if arcs and not vertices: vertices_for_arcs = True # vertices/nodes/points if vertices or vertices_for_arcs or pp_name: points = util._points_as_gdf( net, vertices, vertices_for_arcs, pp_name, snapped, id_col=id_col, ) # return points geodataframe if arcs not specified or # if extracting `PointPattern` points if not arcs or pp_name: # see GH#722 if geom_col: points.rename_geometry(geom_col, inplace=True) return points # arcs arcs = util._arcs_as_gdf(net, points, id_col=id_col) if vertices_for_arcs: # see GH#722 if geom_col: arcs.rename_geometry(geom_col, inplace=True) return arcs else: # see GH#722 if geom_col: points.rename_geometry(geom_col, inplace=True) arcs.rename_geometry(geom_col, inplace=True) return points, arcs
[docs] def regular_lattice(bounds, nh, nv=None, exterior=False): """Generate a regular lattice of line segments (```` `objects <>`_). Parameters ---------- bounds : {tuple, list} Area bounds in the form - <minx,miny,maxx,maxy>. nh : int The number of internal horizontal lines of the lattice. nv : int The number of internal vertical lines of the lattice. Defaults to ``nh`` if left as None. exterior : bool Flag for including the outer bounding box segments. Default is False. Returns ------- lattice : list The ```` objects forming a regular lattice. Notes ----- The ``nh`` and ``nv`` parameters do not include the external line segments. For example, setting ``nh=3, nv=2, exterior=True`` will result in 5 horizontal line sets and 4 vertical line sets. Examples -------- Create a 5x5 regular lattice with an exterior >>> import spaghetti >>> lattice = spaghetti.regular_lattice((0,0,4,4), 3, exterior=True) >>> lattice[0].vertices [(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0)] Create a 5x5 regular lattice without an exterior >>> lattice = spaghetti.regular_lattice((0,0,5,5), 3, exterior=False) >>> lattice[-1].vertices [(3.75, 3.75), (3.75, 5.0)] Create a 7x9 regular lattice with an exterior from the bounds of ``streets.shp``. >>> path = libpysal.examples.get_path("streets.shp") >>> shp = >>> lattice = spaghetti.regular_lattice(shp.bbox, 5, nv=7, exterior=True) >>> lattice[0].vertices [(723414.3683108028, 875929.0396895551), (724286.1381211297, 875929.0396895551)] """ # check for bounds validity if len(bounds) != 4: err_msg = ( f"The 'bounds' parameter is {len(bounds)} elements " "but should be exactly 4 - <minx,miny,maxx,maxy>." ) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # check for bounds validity if not nv: nv = nh try: nh, nv = int(nh), int(nv) except TypeError as err: err_msg = ( f"The 'nh' and 'nv' parameters ({type(nh)}, {type(nv)}) " "could not be converted to integers." ) raise TypeError(err_msg) from err # bounding box line lengths len_h, len_v = bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1] # horizontal and vertical increments incr_h, incr_v = len_h / float(nh + 1), len_v / float(nv + 1) # define the horizontal and vertical space space_h = [incr_h * slot for slot in range(nv + 2)] space_v = [incr_v * slot for slot in range(nh + 2)] # create vertical and horizontal lines lines_h = util.build_chains(space_h, space_v, exterior, bounds) lines_v = util.build_chains(space_h, space_v, exterior, bounds, h=False) # combine into one list lattice = lines_h + lines_v return lattice
[docs] class PointPattern: """A stub point pattern class used to store a point pattern. Note from the original author of ````: This class is monkey patched with network specific attributes when the points are snapped to a network. In the future this class may be replaced with a generic point pattern class. Parameters ---------- in_data : {str, list, tuple,, geopandas.GeoDataFrame} The input geographic data. Either (1) a path to a shapefile (str); (2) an iterable containing ```` objects; (3) a single ````; or (4) a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``. idvariable : str Field in the shapefile to use as an ID variable. attribute : bool A flag to indicate whether all attributes are tagged to this class (``True``) or excluded (``False``). Default is ``False``. Attributes ---------- points : dict Keys are the point IDs (int). Values are the :math:`(x,y)` coordinates (tuple). npoints : int The number of points. obs_to_arc : dict Keys are arc IDs (tuple). Values are snapped point information (``dict``). Within the snapped point information (``dict``) keys are observation IDs (``int``), and values are snapped coordinates. obs_to_vertex : list List of incident network vertices to snapped observation points converted from a ``default_dict``. Originally in the form of paired left/right nearest network vertices {netvtx1: obs_id1, netvtx2: obs_id1, netvtx1: obs_id2... netvtx1: obs_idn}, then simplified to a list in the form [netvtx1, netvtx2, netvtx1, netvtx2, ...]. dist_to_vertex : dict Keys are observations IDs (``int``). Values are distance lookup (``dict``). Within distance lookup (``dict``) keys are the two incident vertices of the arc and values are distance to each of those arcs. snapped_coordinates : dict Keys are the point IDs (int). Values are the snapped :math:`(x,y)` coordinates (tuple). snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, in_data=None, idvariable=None, attribute=False): # initialize points dictionary and counter self.points = {} self.npoints = 0 # determine input point data type in_dtype = str(type(in_data)).split("'")[1] # flag for points from a shapefile from_shp = False # flag for points as objects is_libpysal_points = False supported_iterables = ["list", "tuple"] # type error message msg = "'{}' not supported for point pattern instantiation." # set appropriate geometries if in_dtype == "str": from_shp = True elif in_dtype in supported_iterables: dtype = str(type(in_data[0])).split("'")[1] if dtype == "": is_libpysal_points = True else: raise TypeError(msg.format(dtype)) elif in_dtype == "": in_data = [in_data] is_libpysal_points = True elif in_dtype == "geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame": from_shp = False else: raise TypeError(msg.format(str(in_dtype))) # either set native point ID from dataset or create new IDs if idvariable and not is_libpysal_points: ids = weights.util.get_ids(in_data, idvariable) else: ids = None # extract the point geometries if not is_libpysal_points: if from_shp: pts = _open(in_data) else: pts_objs = list(in_data.geometry) pts = [cg.shapes.Point((p.x, p.y)) for p in pts_objs] else: pts = in_data # fetch attributes if requested if attribute and not is_libpysal_points: # open the database file if data is from shapefile if from_shp: dbname = os.path.splitext(in_data)[0] + ".dbf" db = _open(dbname) # if data is from a GeoDataFrame, drop the geometry column # and declare attribute values as a list of lists else: db = in_data.drop(, axis=1).values.tolist() db = [[d] for d in db] else: db = None # iterate over all points for i, pt in enumerate(pts): # IDs, attributes if ids and db is not None: self.points[ids[i]] = {"coordinates": pt, "properties": db[i]} # IDs, no attributes elif ids and db is None: self.points[ids[i]] = {"coordinates": pt, "properties": None} # no IDs, attributes elif not ids and db is not None: self.points[i] = {"coordinates": pt, "properties": db[i]} # no IDs, no attributes else: self.points[i] = {"coordinates": pt, "properties": None} # close the shapefile and database file # if the input data is a .shp if from_shp: pts.close() if db: db.close() # record number of points self.npoints = len(self.points.keys())
class SimulatedPointPattern: """Note from the original author of ````: Struct style class to mirror the ``PointPattern`` class. If the ``PointPattern`` class has methods, it might make sense to make this a child of that class. This class is not intended to be used by the external user. Attributes ---------- npoints : int The number of points. obs_to_arc : dict Keys are arc IDs (tuple). Values are snapped point information (dict). Within the snapped point information (dict) keys are observation IDs (int), and values are snapped coordinates. obs_to_vertex : list List of incident network vertices to snapped observation points converted from a default_dict. Originally in the form of paired left/right nearest network vertices {netvtx1: obs_id1, netvtx2: obs_id1, netvtx1: obs_id2... netvtx1: obs_idn}, then simplified to a list in the form [netvtx1, netvtx2, netvtx1, netvtx2, ...]. dist_to_vertex : dict Keys are observations IDs (int). Values are distance lookup (dict). Within distance lookup (dict) keys are the two incident vertices of the arc and values are distance to each of those arcs. snapped_coordinates : dict Keys are the point IDs (int). Values are the snapped :math:`(x,y)` coordinates (tuple). snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. """ def __init__(self): # duplicate post-snapping PointPattern class structure self.npoints = 0 self.obs_to_arc = {} self.obs_to_vertex = defaultdict(list) self.dist_to_vertex = {} self.snapped_coordinates = {}