%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import libpysal as lp
import esda
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Case Study: Gini in a bottle: Income Inequality and the Trump Vote

Read in the table and show the first three rows

pres = gpd.read_file("zip://../data/uspres.zip")

name state_name stfips cofips fipsno dem_2008 dem_2012 dem_2016 gini_2015 state county fips geometry
0 Delta Michigan 26 41 26041 0.532316 0.466327 0.366585 0.4268 26 041 26041 POLYGON ((-86.45813751220703 45.76276779174805...
1 Lipscomb Texas 48 295 48295 0.124199 0.102322 0.104328 0.4437 48 295 48295 POLYGON ((-100.0068664550781 36.49387741088867...
2 Walker Alabama 1 127 1127 0.263663 0.232437 0.156339 0.4594 01 127 1127 POLYGON ((-87.41892242431641 33.60782241821289...

Set the Coordinate Reference System and reproject it into a suitable projection for mapping the contiguous US

hint: the epsg code useful here is 5070, for Albers equal area conic focused on North America

pres.crs = {'init':'epsg:4326'}
pres = pres.to_crs(epsg=5070)

Plot each year’s vote against each other year’s vote

In this instance, it also helps to include the line ($y=x$) on each plot, so that it is clearer the directions the aggregate votes moved.

import seaborn as sns
facets = sns.pairplot(data=pres.filter(like='dem_'))
facets.map_offdiag(lambda *arg, **kw: plt.plot((0,1),(0,1), color='k'))

<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7fcaf577d0f0>


Show the relationship between the dem two-party vote and the Gini coefficient by county.

import seaborn as sns
facets = sns.pairplot(x_vars=pres.filter(like='dem_').columns,
                      y_vars=['gini_2015'], data=pres)


Compute change in vote between each subsequent election

pres['swing_2012'] = pres.eval("dem_2012 - dem_2008")
pres['swing_2016'] = pres.eval("dem_2016 - dem_2012")
pres['swing_full'] = pres.eval("dem_2016 - dem_2008")

Negative swing means the Democrat voteshare in 2016 (what Clinton won) is lower than Democrat voteshare in 2008 (what Obama won). So, counties where swing is negative mean that Obama “outperformed” Clinton. Equivalently, these would be counties where McCain (in 2008) “beat” Trump’s electoral performance in 2016.

Positive swing in a county means that Clinton (in 2016) outperformed Obama (in 2008), or where Trump (in 2016) did better than McCain (in 2008).

The national average swing was around -9% from 2008 to 2016. Further, swing does not directly record who “won” the county, only which direction the county “moved.”

map the change in vote from 2008 to 2016 alongside the votes in 2008 and 2016:

f,ax = plt.subplots(3,1,
pres.plot('dem_2008', ax=ax[0], cmap='RdYlBu')
pres.plot('swing_full', ax=ax[1], cmap='bwr_r')
pres.plot('dem_2016', ax=ax[2], cmap='RdYlBu')
for i,ax_ in enumerate(ax):


Build a spatial weights object to model the spatial relationships between US counties

import libpysal as lp
w = lp.weights.Rook.from_dataframe(pres)

Note that this is just one of many valid solutions. But, all the remaining exercises are predicated on using this weight. If you choose a different weight structure, your results may differ.

Is swing “contagious?” Do nearby counties tend to swing together?

from pysal.explore import esda as esda
moran = esda.moran.Moran(pres.swing_full, w)


Visually show the relationship between places’ swing and their surrounding swing, like in a scatterplot.

f = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
plt.scatter(pres.swing_full, lp.weights.lag_spatial(w, pres.swing_full))
plt.plot((-.3,.1),(-.3,.1), color='k')
plt.title('$I = {:.3f} \ \ (p < {:.3f})$'.format(moran.I,moran.p_sim))

Text(0.5, 1.0, '$I = 0.693 \\ \\ (p < 0.001)$')


Are there any outliers or clusters in swing using a Local Moran’s $I$?

lmos = esda.moran.Moran_Local(pres.swing_full, w, 
                              permutations=70000) #min for a bonf. bound
(lmos.p_sim <= (.05/len(pres))).sum()


Where are these outliers or clusters?

f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
ax = plt.gca()
is_weird = lmos.p_sim <= (.05/len(pres))
pres.plot(color='lightgrey', ax=ax)
                                         k=4, categorical=True,
                                         cmap='bwr_r', ax=ax)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcaf24ff668>


Can you focus the map in on the regions which are outliers?

f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
ax = plt.gca()
is_weird = lmos.p_sim <= (.05/len(pres))
                                         k=4, categorical='True',
                                         cmap='bwr_r', ax=ax)
bounds = ax.axis()
pres.plot(color='lightgrey', ax=ax, zorder=-1)

(300221.12947796297, 1721965.997477191, 1183473.8523896334, 2010122.0749399317)


Group 3 moves surprisingly strongly from Obama to Trump relative to its surroundings, and group 1 moves strongly from Obama to Hilary relative to its surroundings.

Group 4 moves surprisingly away from Trump while its area moves towards Trump. Group 2 moves surprisingly towards Trump while its area moves towards Hilary.

Relaxing the significance a bit, where do we see significant spatial outliers?

pres.assign(local_score = lmos.Is, 
            pval = lmos.p_sim,
            quad = lmos.q)\
    .query('pval < 1e-3 & local_score < 0')[['name','state_name','dem_2008','dem_2016',
                                             'local_score','pval', 'quad']]

name state_name dem_2008 dem_2016 local_score pval quad
2700 Washington Ohio 0.067810 0.282640 -5.992520 0.000229 4
298 Monroe Indiana 0.662479 0.624804 -1.069071 0.000586 4
441 San Juan Utah 0.477002 0.355410 -0.432591 0.000843 2
172 Eau Claire Wisconsin 0.612624 0.539251 -0.329336 0.000386 4
1112 Sangamon Illinois 0.522164 0.449798 -0.303292 0.000843 4
2746 Monongalia West Virginia 0.519568 0.443524 -0.299415 0.000343 4
2920 Cabell West Virginia 0.448643 0.365252 -0.134028 0.000829 4
2648 Tippecanoe Indiana 0.558866 0.469750 -0.024366 0.000057 4

mainly in ohio, indiana, and west virginia

What about when comparing the voting behavior from 2012 to 2016?

lmos16 = esda.moran.Moran_Local(pres.swing_2016, w, 
                              permutations=70000) #min for a bonf. bound
(lmos16.p_sim <= (.05/len(pres))).sum()
pres.assign(local_score = lmos16.Is, 
            pval = lmos16.p_sim,
            quad = lmos16.q)\
    .query('pval < 1e-3 & local_score < 0')[['name','state_name','dem_2008','dem_2016',
                                             'local_score','pval', 'quad']]

name state_name dem_2008 dem_2016 local_score pval quad
172 Eau Claire Wisconsin 0.612624 0.539251 -0.680028 0.000557 4
665 Lake California 0.599217 0.520347 -0.175233 0.000471 2
58 Carbon Utah 0.458791 0.248662 -0.158747 0.000400 2
1239 McDonough Illinois 0.528353 0.437391 -0.153826 0.000014 4
3058 Ohio West Virginia 0.445533 0.329845 -0.107886 0.000643 4
What is the relationship between the Gini coefficient and partisan swing?

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcaf119f668>


Hillary tended to do better than Obama in counties with higher income inequality. In contrast, Trump fared better in counties with lower income inequality. If you’re further interested in the sometimes-counterintuitive relationship between income, voting, & geographic context, check out Gelman’s Red State, Blue State.

Find 8 geographical regions in the US two-party vote since 2008

from sklearn import cluster

clusterer = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=8, connectivity=w.sparse)

AgglomerativeClustering(affinity='euclidean', compute_full_tree='auto',
            connectivity=<3082x3082 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
	with 17166 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>,
            linkage='ward', memory=None, n_clusters=8,
pres.assign(cluster = clusterer.labels_).plot('cluster', categorical='True')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcaf073ab38>


Find 10 geographical clusters in the change in US presidential two-party vote since 2008

clusterer = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=10, connectivity=w.sparse)

AgglomerativeClustering(affinity='euclidean', compute_full_tree='auto',
            connectivity=<3082x3082 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
	with 17166 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>,
            linkage='ward', memory=None, n_clusters=10,
pres.assign(cluster = clusterer.labels_).plot('cluster', categorical='True')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcaf06e7dd8>
