import rasterio
import numpy
import pandas
import geopandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Read in the austinlights.tif file we made in the rasters notebook

nightlight_file ='../data/austinlights.tif')
nightlights =

Make a nightlights_extent array containing the extent of the nightlight raster.

the bounds attribute from the nightlight_file will be helpful.

nightlight_extent = numpy.asarray(nightlight_file.bounds)[[0,2,1,3]]

plt.imshow(nightlights, cmap='hot', extent=nightlight_extent)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f68882bd710>


Read in the Ausin 311 data

reports = pandas.read_csv('../data/austin_311.csv.gz')

Clean the 311 data:

  1. This time, we’ll simply ignore the missing points. Drop the values with missing latitude, longitude, or location attributes.
  2. Keep only tickets whose status suggests they’re reports with full information that are not duplicated.
  3. Remove impossible latitude/longitudes using the nightlight_extent you made earlier.
reports = reports.dropna(subset=['longitude', 'latitude', 'location'])

to_drop = ('Duplicate (closed)', 'Closed -Incomplete Information', 'Duplicate (open)', 
           'TO BE DELETED', 'CancelledTesting', 'Closed -Incomplete', 'Incomplete')
reports = reports.query('status not in @to_drop')

too_far_ns = (reports.latitude < nightlight_extent[2]) | (reports.latitude > nightlight_extent[3])
too_far_we = (reports.longitude < nightlight_extent[0]) | (reports.longitude > nightlight_extent[1])
outside = too_far_ns | too_far_we

reports = reports[~outside]

Make a geodataframe from the reports data

reports = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(reports, 

Identify whether your zipcodes are accurately coded

  1. First, build a convex hull around points within the same area
  2. Then, plot the convex hulls to see if they overlap/make sense.
zipcodes = reports.groupby('zipcode').geometry\
                  .apply(lambda x: x.unary_union.convex_hull)

zipcodes = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(zipcodes)

zipcodes.plot(ax=plt.gca(), facecolor='none', edgecolor='k')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f686cf91a20>


What is the highest, lowest, and median brightness within these three zipcodes?

  1. 78705
  2. 78702
  3. 78701
zipcodes.loc[[78705, 78702, 78701]].plot(ax=plt.gca(), facecolor='none', edgecolor='k')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f686ff81ac8>


targets = zipcodes.loc[[78705, 78702, 78701]]

from rasterio.mask import mask

def summarize_mask(geom, dataset=nightlight_file, **mask_kw):
    mask_kw.setdefault('crop', True)
    mask_kw.setdefault('filled', False)
    masked = mask(dataset=dataset, shapes=(geom,), **mask_kw)[0]
    return (masked.min(),, masked.max())


78705    (63, 63.0, 63)
78702    (62, 63.0, 63)
78701    (56, 63.0, 63)
Name: geometry, dtype: object

What is the brightness at each of the streetlight issues in the 311 dataset?

streetlight_issues = reports.description.apply(lambda string: ('street light' in string.lower()))

streetlight_reports = reports[streetlight_issues]

brightnesses = nightlight_file.sample(streetlight_reports[['longitude', 'latitude']].values)

brightnesses = numpy.hstack(list(brightnesses))

streetlight_reports.assign(brightness=brightnesses).plot('brightness', ax=plt.gca(), marker='.')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f686e700978>


plt.hist(brightnesses, bins=30, density=True)
plt.hist(nightlights.flatten(), density=True,
         bins=30, histtype='step', linewidth=2)

(array([0.00083984, 0.        , 0.00503905, 0.01455726, 0.01581703,
        0.02295568, 0.01651689, 0.01623695, 0.01651689, 0.01819658,
        0.02225582, 0.01189776, 0.00853839, 0.01021808, 0.00769855,
        0.00755858, 0.0079785 , 0.00741861, 0.00727863, 0.00643879,
        0.01203774, 0.00853839, 0.00867837, 0.00783853, 0.01119789,
        0.01203774, 0.01497718, 0.02071611, 0.02827468, 0.12793595]),
 array([ 0. ,  2.1,  4.2,  6.3,  8.4, 10.5, 12.6, 14.7, 16.8, 18.9, 21. ,
        23.1, 25.2, 27.3, 29.4, 31.5, 33.6, 35.7, 37.8, 39.9, 42. , 44.1,
        46.2, 48.3, 50.4, 52.5, 54.6, 56.7, 58.8, 60.9, 63. ]),
 <a list of 1 Patch objects>)
