
class esda.Moran_Local_BV(x, y, w, transformation='r', permutations=999, geoda_quads=False, n_jobs=1, keep_simulations=True, seed=None, island_weight=0)[source]

Bivariate Local Moran Statistics.


x-axis variable


(n,1), wy will be on y axis

wW | Graph

spatial weights instance as W or Graph aligned with y

transformation{‘R’, ‘B’, ‘D’, ‘U’, ‘V’}

weights transformation, default is row-standardized “r”. Other options include “B”: binary, “D”: doubly-standardized, “O”: restore original transformation (applicable only if w is passed as W), “V”: variance-stabilizing.


number of random permutations for calculation of pseudo p_values


(default=False) If True use GeoDa scheme: HH=1, LL=2, LH=3, HL=4 If False use PySAL Scheme: HH=1, LH=2, LL=3, HL=4


number of workers to use to compute the local statistic.


(default=True) If True, the entire matrix of replications under the null is stored in memory and accessible; otherwise, replications are not saved


Seed to ensure reproducibility of conditional randomizations. Must be set here, and not outside of the function, since numba does not correctly interpret external seeds nor numpy.random.RandomState instances.


value to use as a weight for the “fake” neighbor for every island. If numpy.nan, will propagate to the final local statistic depending on the stat_func. If 0, then the lag is always zero for islands.


original x variable standardized by mean and std


original y variable standardized by mean and std

wW | Graph

original w object


number of random permutations for calculation of pseudo p_values


value of Moran’s I


(if permutations>0) values indicate quandrant location 1 HH, 2 LH, 3 LL, 4 HL


(if permutations>0) vector of I values for permuted samples


(if permutations>0) p-value based on permutations (one-sided) null: spatial randomness alternative: the observed Ii is further away or extreme from the median of simulated values. It is either extremelyi high or extremely low in the distribution of simulated Is.


(if permutations>0) average values of local Is from permutations


(if permutations>0) variance of Is from permutations

seI_sim: array

(if permutations>0) standard deviations of Is under permutations.


(if permutations>0) standardized Is based on permutations

p_z_sim: array

(if permutations>0) p-values based on standard normal approximation from permutations (one-sided) for two-sided tests, these values should be multiplied by 2


>>> import libpysal
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.seed(10)
>>> w ="")).read()
>>> f ="sids2.dbf"))
>>> x = np.array(f.by_col['SIDR79'])
>>> y = np.array(f.by_col['SIDR74'])
>>> from esda.moran import Moran_Local_BV
>>> lm =Moran_Local_BV(x, y, w, transformation = "r",                                permutations = 99)
>>> lm.q[:10]
array([3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 4, 2, 4])
>>> lm = Moran_Local_BV(x, y, w, transformation = "r",                                permutations = 99, geoda_quads=True)
>>> lm.q[:10]
array([2, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4, 3, 4])

Note random components result is slightly different values across architectures so the results have been removed from doctests and will be moved into unittests that are conditional on architectures.

__init__(x, y, w, transformation='r', permutations=999, geoda_quads=False, n_jobs=1, keep_simulations=True, seed=None, island_weight=0)[source]


__init__(x, y, w[, transformation, ...])

by_col(df, x[, y, w, inplace, pvalue, outvals])

Function to compute a Moran_Local_BV statistic on a dataframe

explore(gdf[, crit_value])

Create interactive map of LISA indicators


Return LISA cluster labels for each observation.

plot(gdf[, crit_value])

Create static map of LISA indicators

plot_combination(gdf, attribute[, ...])

Produce three-plot visualisation of Moran Scatteprlot, LISA cluster and Choropleth maps, with Local Moran region and quadrant masking

plot_scatter([crit_value, ax, scatter_kwds, ...])

Plot a Moran scatterplot with optional coloring for significant points.

classmethod by_col(df, x, y=None, w=None, inplace=False, pvalue='sim', outvals=None, **stat_kws)[source]

Function to compute a Moran_Local_BV statistic on a dataframe


a pandas dataframe with a geometry column

Xlist of strings

column name or list of column names to use as X values to compute the bivariate statistic. If no Y is provided, pairwise comparisons among these variates are used instead.

Ylist of strings

column name or list of column names to use as Y values to compute the bivariate statistic. if no Y is provided, pariwise comparisons among the X variates are used instead.

wW | Graph

spatial weights instance as W or Graph aligned with the dataframe. If not provided, this is searched for in the dataframe’s metadata


a boolean denoting whether to operate on the dataframe inplace or to return a series contaning the results of the computation. If operating inplace, the derived columns will be named ‘column_moran_local_bv’


a string denoting which pvalue should be returned. Refer to the the Moran_Local_BV statistic’s documentation for available p-values

outvalslist of strings

list of arbitrary attributes to return as columns from the Moran_Local_BV statistic


options to pass to the underlying statistic. For this, see the documentation for the Moran_Local_BV statistic.

If inplace, None, and operation is conducted on dataframe
in memory. Otherwise, returns a copy of the dataframe with
the relevant columns attached.
explore(gdf, crit_value=0.05, **kwargs)[source]

Create interactive map of LISA indicators


geodataframe used to conduct the local Moran analysis

crit_valuefloat, optional

critical value to determine statistical significance, by default 0.05

kwargsdict, optional

additional keyword arguments passed to the geopandas explore method


interactive map with LISA clusters


Return LISA cluster labels for each observation.

crit_valuefloat, optional

crititical significance value for statistical inference, by default 0.05


an array of cluster labels aligned with the input data used to conduct the local Moran analysis

plot(gdf, crit_value=0.05, **kwargs)[source]

Create static map of LISA indicators


geodataframe used to conduct the local Moran analysis

crit_valuefloat, optional

critical value to determine statistical significance, by default 0.05

kwargsdict, optional

additional keyword arguments passed to the geopandas explore method


matplotlib axis

plot_combination(gdf, attribute, crit_value=0.05, region_column=None, mask=None, mask_color='#636363', quadrant=None, legend=True, scheme='Quantiles', cmap='YlGnBu', figsize=(15, 4), scatter_kwds=None, fitline_kwds=None, legend_kwds=None)[source]

Produce three-plot visualisation of Moran Scatteprlot, LISA cluster and Choropleth maps, with Local Moran region and quadrant masking


geodataframe used to conduct the local Moran analysis


Column name of attribute which should be depicted in Choropleth map.

crit_valuefloat, optional

critical value to determine statistical significance, by default 0.05

region_column: string, optional

Column name containing mask region of interest, by default None

mask: str, float, int, optional

Identifier or name of the region to highlight, by default None Use the same dtype to specifiy as in original dataset.

mask_color: str, optional

Color of mask, by default ‘#636363’.

quadrantint, optional

Quadrant 1-4 in scatterplot masking values in LISA cluster and Choropleth maps, by default None

figsize: tuple, optional

W, h of figure, by default (15,4)

legend: boolean, optional

If True, legend for maps will be depicted, by default True

scheme: str, optional

Name of mapclassify classifier to be used, by default ‘Quantiles’

cmap: str, optional

Name of matplotlib colormap used for plotting the Choropleth. By default ‘YlGnBu’.

scatter_kwdskeyword arguments, optional

Keywords used for creating and designing the scatter points, by default None.

fitline_kwdskeyword arguments, optional

Keywords used for creating and designing the moran fitline in the scatterplot, by default None.


Keyword arguments passed to geopandas.GeodataFrame.plot legend_kwds allowing repositioning of the legend in LISA cluster plot and choropleth.

axsarray of Matplotlib axes
plot_scatter(crit_value=0.05, ax=None, scatter_kwds=None, fitline_kwds=None)[source]

Plot a Moran scatterplot with optional coloring for significant points.

crit_valuefloat, optional

Critical value to determine statistical significance, by default 0.05.

axmatplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

Pre-existing axes for the plot, by default None.

scatter_kwdsdict, optional

Additional keyword arguments for scatter plot, by default None.

fitline_kwdsdict, optional

Additional keyword arguments for fit line, by default None.


Axes object with the Moran scatterplot.