
tobler.util.h3fy(source, resolution=6, clip=False, buffer=False, return_geoms=True)[source]

Generate a hexgrid geodataframe that covers the face of a source geodataframe.


GeoDataFrame to transform into a hexagonal grid

resolutionint, optional (default is 6)

resolution of output h3 hexgrid. See <> for more information

clipbool, optional (default is False)

if True, hexagons are clipped by the boundary of the source gdf. Otherwise, heaxgons along the boundary will be left intact.

bufferbool, optional (default is False)

if True, force hexagons to completely fill the interior of the source area. if False, (h3 default) may result in empty areas within the source area.

return_geoms: bool, optional (default is True)

whether to generate hexagon geometries as a geodataframe or simply return hex ids as a pandas.Series

pandas.Series or geopandas.GeoDataFrame

if return_geoms is True, a geopandas.GeoDataFrame whose rows comprise a hexagonal h3 grid (indexed on h3 hex id). if return_geoms is False, a pandas.Series of h3 hexagon ids