
tobler.dasymetric.extract_raster_features(gdf, raster_path, pixel_values=None, nodata=255, n_jobs=-1, collapse_values=False)[source]

Generate a geodataframe from raster data by polygonizing contiguous pixels with the same value using rasterio’s features module.


geodataframe defining the area of interest. The input raster will be clipped to the extent of the geodataframe


path to raster file, such as downloaded from <>

pixel_valueslist-like, optional

subset of pixel values to extract, by default None. If None, this function may generate a very large geodataframe

nodataint, optional

pixel value denoting “no data” in input raster


[Optional. Default=-1] Number of processes to run in parallel. If -1, this is set to the number of CPUs available

collapse_valuesbool, optional

If True, multiple values passed to the pixel_values argument are treated as a single type. I.e. polygons will be generated from any contiguous collection of values from pixel_types, instead of unique polygons generated for each value This can dramatically reduce the complexity of the resulting geodataframe a fewer polygons are required to represent the study area.


geodataframe whose rows are the zones extracted by the rasterio.features module. The geometry of each zone is the boundary of a contiguous group of pixels with the same value; the value column contains the pixel value of each zone.