Source code for tobler.pycno.pycno

"""Pycnophylactic Interpolation (contributed by @danlewis85)."""

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from numpy import (
from import masked_invalid, masked_where
from pandas import DataFrame
from rasterio.features import rasterize

def pycno(
    gdf, value_field, cellsize, r=0.2, handle_null=True, converge=3, verbose=True
    """Returns a smooth pycnophylactic interpolation raster for a given geodataframe

    gdf (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): Input GeoDataFrame.
    value_field (str): Field name of values to be used to produce pycnophylactic surface
    cellsize (int): Pixel size of raster in planar units (i.e. metres, feet)
    r (float, optional): Relaxation parameter, default of 0.2 is generally fine.
    handle_null (boolean, optional): Changes how nodata values are smoothed. Default True.
    converge (int, optional): Index for stopping value, default 3 is generally fine.
    verbose (boolean, optional): Print out progress at each iteration.

    Numpy Array: Smooth pycnophylactic interpolation.
    Rasterio geotransform
    GeoPandas crs
    # set nodata value
    nodata = -9999

    # work out raster rows and columns based on gdf extent and cellsize
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = gdf.total_bounds
    xres = int((xmax - xmin) / cellsize)
    yres = int((ymax - ymin) / cellsize)

    # Work out transform so that we rasterize the area where the data are!
    trans = rasterio.Affine.from_gdal(xmin, cellsize, 0, ymax, 0, -cellsize)

    # First make a zone array
    # NB using index values as ids can often be too large/alphanumeric. Limit is int32 polygon features.
    # create a generator of geom, index pairs to use in rasterizing
    shapes = ((geom, value) for geom, value in zip(gdf.geometry, gdf.index))
    # burn the features into a raster array
    feature_array = rasterize(
        shapes=shapes, fill=nodata, out_shape=(yres, xres), transform=trans

    # Get cell counts per index value (feature)
    unique, count = np.unique(feature_array, return_counts=True)
    cellcounts = asarray((unique, count)).T
    # Lose the nodata counts
    cellcounts = cellcounts[cellcounts[:, 0] != nodata, :]
    # Adjust value totals by cells
    # Make cell counts dataframe
    celldf = DataFrame(cellcounts[:, 1], index=cellcounts[:, 0], columns=["cellcount"])
    # Merge cell counts
    gdf = gdf.merge(celldf, how="left", left_index=True, right_index=True)
    # Calculate cell values
    gdf["cellvalues"] = gdf[value_field] / gdf["cellcount"]

    # create a generator of geom, cellvalue pairs to use in rasterizing
    shapes = ((geom, value) for geom, value in zip(gdf.geometry, gdf.cellvalues))
    # Now burn the initial value raster
    value_array = rasterize(
        shapes=shapes, fill=nodata, out_shape=(yres, xres), transform=trans

    # Set nodata in value array to np.nan
    value_array[value_array == -9999] = nan

    # Set stopper value based on converge parameter
    stopper = nanmax(value_array) * power(10.0, -converge)

    # The basic numpy convolve function doesn't handle nulls.
    def smooth2D(data):
        # Create function that calls a 1 dimensionsal smoother.
        s1d = lambda s: convolve(s, [0.5, 0.0, 0.5], mode="same")
        # pad the data array with the mean value
        padarray = pad(data, 1, "constant", constant_values=nanmean(data))
        # make nodata mask
        mask = masked_invalid(padarray).mask
        # set nodata as zero to avoid eroding the raster
        padarray[mask] = 0.0
        # Apply the convolution along each axis of the data and average
        padarray = (
            apply_along_axis(s1d, 1, padarray) + apply_along_axis(s1d, 0, padarray)
        ) / 2
        # Reinstate nodata
        padarray[mask] = nan
        return padarray[1:-1, 1:-1]

    # The convolution function from astropy handles nulls.
    def astroSmooth2d(data):
            from astropy.convolution import convolve as astro_convolve
        except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as err:
            raise ImportError(
                "Pycnophylactic interpolation with handle_null=True "
                "requires the astropy package"
            ) from err
        s1d = lambda s: astro_convolve(s, [0.5, 0, 0.5])
        # pad the data array with the mean value
        padarray = pad(data, 1, "constant", constant_values=nanmean(data))
        # Apply the convolution along each axis of the data and average
        padarray = (
            apply_along_axis(s1d, 1, padarray) + apply_along_axis(s1d, 0, padarray)
        ) / 2
        return padarray[1:-1, 1:-1]

    def correct2Da(data):
        for idx, val in gdf[value_field].items():
            # Create zone mask from feature_array
            mask = masked_where(feature_array == idx, feature_array).mask
            # Work out the correction factor
            correct = (val - nansum(data[mask])) / mask.sum()
            # Apply correction
            data[mask] += correct

        return data

    def correct2Dm(data):
        for idx, val in gdf[value_field].items():
            # Create zone mask from feature_array
            mask = masked_where(feature_array == idx, feature_array).mask
            # Work out the correction factor
            correct = val / nansum(data[mask])
            if correct != 0.0:
                # Apply correction
                data[mask] *= correct

        return data

    while True:
        # Store the current iteration
        old = copy(value_array)

        # Smooth the value_array
        if handle_null:
            sm = astroSmooth2d(value_array)
            sm = smooth2D(value_array)

        # Relaxation to prevent overcompensation in the smoothing step
        value_array = value_array * r + (1.0 - r) * sm

        # Perform correction
        value_array = correct2Da(value_array)

        # Reset any negative values to zero.
        value_array[value_array < 0] = 0.0

        # Perform correction
        value_array = correct2Dm(value_array)

        if verbose:
                "Maximum Change: "
                + str(round(nanmax(absolute(old - value_array)), 4))
                + " - will stop at "
                + str(round(stopper, 4))

        if nanmax(absolute(old - value_array)) < stopper:

    return (value_array, trans,

def save_pycno(pycno_array, transform, crs, filestring, driver="GTiff"):
    """Saves a numpy array as a raster, largely a helper function for pycno
        pycno_array (numpy array): 2D numpy array of pycnophylactic surface
        transform (rasterio geotransform): Relevant transform from pycno()
        crs (GeoPandas crs): Coordinate reference system of GeoDataFrame used in pycno()
        filestring (str): File path to save raster
        driver (str, optional): Format for output raster, default: geoTiff.
    import rasterio

    # Save raster
    new_dataset =
    new_dataset.write(pycno_array.astype("float64"), 1)

    return None

def extract_values(pycno_array, gdf, transform, fieldname="Estimate"):
    """Extract raster value sums according to a provided polygon geodataframe
        pycno_array (numpy array): 2D numpy array of pycnophylactic surface.
        gdf (geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame): Target GeoDataFrame.
        transform (rasterio geotransform): Relevant transform from pycno()
        fieldname (str, optional): New gdf field to save estimates in. Default name: 'Estimate'.
        geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame: Target GeoDataFrame with appended estimates.
    from numpy import nansum
    from rasterio.features import geometry_mask

    estimates = []
    # Iterate through geodataframe and extract values
    for idx, geom in gdf["geometry"].items():
        mask = geometry_mask(
            [geom], pycno_array.shape, transform=transform, invert=True
    out = pd.Series(estimates, index=gdf.index)
    return out

[docs]def pycno_interpolate( source_df, target_df, variables, cellsize, r=0.2, handle_null=True, converge=3, verbose=False, ): """Pycnophylactic Inerpolation. Parameters ---------- source_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame (required) geodataframe with polygon geometries and data to transfer target_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame (required) geodataframe with polygon geometries to receive new data variables : list columns on the source_df containing data to transfer cellsize : int Pixel size of intermediate raster in planar units (i.e. metres, feet) r : float, optional Relaxation parameter, default of 0.2 is generally fine handle_null : bool, optional Changes how nodata values are smoothed. Default True. converge : int, optional Index for stopping value, default 3 is generally fine. verbose : bool, optional Print out progress at each iteration. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame new geodataframe with interpolated variables as columns and target_df geometry as output geometry Notes ----- The formula is based on Tobler, W. R. (1979). Smooth pycnophylactic interpolation for geographical regions. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74(367), 519–529. Original implementation written by @danlewis85 at <> and based in part on the R pycno package by Chris Brusndon (<>) References: :cite:`tobler_smooth_1979` """ assert ), "source_df CRS and target_df CRS are not the same. Reproject into consistent systems before proceeding" output_vars = target_df.copy()[[]] for variable in variables: pyc, trans, _ = pycno( source_df, variable, cellsize=cellsize, r=r, handle_null=handle_null, converge=converge, verbose=verbose, ) vals = extract_values(pyc, target_df, transform=trans) output_vars[variable] = vals return output_vars