Source code for esda.silhouettes

import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse import csgraph as cg

    import pandas as pd
    import sklearn.metrics as sk
    import sklearn.metrics.pairwise as skp
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder  # noqa F401

except ImportError:

def _raise_initial_error():
    missing = []
        import sklearn  # noqa F401
    except ImportError:
        import pandas  # noqa F401
    except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "This function requires scikit-learn and "
        "pandas to be installed. Missing {','.join(missing)}."

__all__ = [

[docs] def path_silhouette( data, labels, W, D=None, metric=skp.euclidean_distances, closest=False, return_nbfc=False, return_nbfc_score=False, return_paths=False, directed=False, ): """ Compute a path silhouette for all observations :cite:`wolf2019geosilhouettes,Rousseeuw1987`. Parameters ----------- data : np.ndarray (N,P) matrix of data with N observations and P covariates. labels : np.ndarray (N,) flat vector of the L labels assigned over N observations. W : pysal.W object spatial weights object reflecting the spatial connectivity in the problem under analysis D : np.ndarray (N,N) a precomputed distance matrix to apply over W. If passed, takes precedence over data, and data is ignored. metric : callable function mapping the (N,P) data into an (N,N) dissimilarity matrix, like that found in scikit.metrics.pairwise or scipy.spatial.distance closest : bool whether or not to consider the observation "connected" when it is first connected to the cluster, or considering the path cost to transit through the cluster. If True, the path cost is assessed between i and the path-closest j in each cluster. If False, the path cost is assessed as the average of path costs between i and all j in each cluster return_nbfc : bool Whether or not to return the label of the next best fit cluster return_nbfc_score: bool Whether or not to return the score of the next best fit cluster. return_paths : bool Whether or not to return the matrix of shortest path lengths after having computed them. directed : bool whether to consider the weights matrix as directed or undirected. If directed, asymmetry in the input W is heeded. If not, asymmetry is ignored. Returns -------- An (N_obs,) array of the path silhouette values for each observation. """ if not HAS_REQUIREMENTS: _raise_initial_error() if D is None: D = metric(data) # polymorphic for sparse & dense input assert ( 0 == (D < 0).sum() ), "Distance metric has negative values, which is not supported." off_diag_zeros = (D + np.eye(D.shape[0])) == 0 D[off_diag_zeros] = -1 Wm = sp.csr_matrix(W.sparse) DW = sp.csr_matrix(Wm.multiply(D)) DW.eliminate_zeros() DW[DW < 0] = 0 assert 0 == (DW < 0).sum() all_pairs = cg.shortest_path(DW, directed=directed) labels = np.asarray(labels) if W.n_components > 1: from libpysal.weights.util import WSP psils_ = np.empty(W.n, dtype=float) closest_connecting_label_ = np.empty(W.n, dtype=labels.dtype) closest_connection_score_ = np.empty(W.n, dtype=labels.dtype) for component in np.unique(W.component_labels): this_component_mask = np.nonzero(W.component_labels == component)[0] subgraph = W.sparse[ this_component_mask.reshape(-1, 1), # these rows this_component_mask.reshape(1, -1), ] # these columns subgraph_W = WSP(subgraph).to_W() assert subgraph_W.n_components == 1 # DW operation is idempotent subgraph_D = DW[ this_component_mask.reshape(-1, 1), # these rows this_component_mask.reshape(1, -1), ] # these columns subgraph_labels = labels[this_component_mask] n_subgraph_labels = len(np.unique(subgraph_labels)) if not (2 < n_subgraph_labels < (subgraph_W.n - 1)): psils = subgraph_solutions = [0] * subgraph_W.n closest_connecting_label = [np.nan] * subgraph_W.n closest_connection_score = [np.inf] * subgraph_W.n else: subgraph_solutions = path_silhouette( data=None, labels=subgraph_labels, W=subgraph_W, D=subgraph_D, metric=metric, closest=closest, return_nbfc=return_nbfc, return_nbfc_score=return_nbfc_score, return_paths=return_paths, directed=directed, ) # always throw away all_pairs, since we already have it built if (return_nbfc or return_nbfc_score) and return_paths: if return_nbfc_score: ( psils, closest_connecting_label, closest_connection_score, _, ) = subgraph_solutions else: psils, closest_connecting_label, _ = subgraph_solutions elif return_nbfc_score: ( psils, closest_connecting_label, closest_connection_score, ) = subgraph_solutions elif return_nbfc: psils, closest_connecting_label = subgraph_solutions elif return_paths: psils, _ = subgraph_solutions else: psils = subgraph_solutions if return_nbfc: closest_connecting_label_[ this_component_mask ] = closest_connecting_label if return_nbfc_score: closest_connection_score_[ this_component_mask ] = closest_connection_score psils_[this_component_mask] = psils closest_connection_score = closest_connection_score_ closest_connecting_label = closest_connecting_label_ psils = psils_ # Single Connected Component elif closest is False: psils = sk.silhouette_samples(all_pairs, labels, metric="precomputed") if return_nbfc or return_nbfc_score: closest_connecting_label = [] closest_connection_score = [] for i, label in enumerate(labels): row = all_pairs[i].copy() in_label = labels == label masked_label = row.copy() # for observations in the row masked_label[in_label] = np.inf # make those in cluster infinite nearest_not_in_cluster = np.argmin(masked_label) # find the closest nearest_not_in_cluster_label = labels[nearest_not_in_cluster] # label nearest_not_in_cluster_score = masked_label[nearest_not_in_cluster] closest_connecting_label.append(nearest_not_in_cluster_label) closest_connection_score.append(nearest_not_in_cluster_score) else: psils = [] closest_connecting_label = [] closest_connection_score = [] for i, label in enumerate(labels): row = all_pairs[i] in_label = labels == label # required to make argmin pertain to N, not N - len(in_label) masked_label = row.copy() masked_label[in_label] = np.inf nearest_not_in_cluster = np.argmin(masked_label) nearest_not_in_cluster_score = row[nearest_not_in_cluster] nearest_not_in_cluster_label = labels[nearest_not_in_cluster] average_interconnect_in_cluster = row[in_label].mean() psil = nearest_not_in_cluster_score - average_interconnect_in_cluster psil /= np.maximum( nearest_not_in_cluster_score, average_interconnect_in_cluster ) psils.append(psil) closest_connecting_label.append(nearest_not_in_cluster_label) closest_connection_score.append(nearest_not_in_cluster_score) psils = np.asarray(psils) if (return_nbfc or return_nbfc_score) and return_paths: if return_nbfc_score: out = ( psils, np.asarray(closest_connecting_label), np.asarray(closest_connection_score), all_pairs, ) else: out = psils, np.asarray(closest_connecting_label), all_pairs elif return_nbfc_score: out = ( psils, np.asarray(closest_connecting_label), np.asarray(closest_connection_score), ) elif return_nbfc: out = psils, np.asarray(closest_connecting_label) elif return_paths: out = psils, all_pairs else: out = psils return out
[docs] def boundary_silhouette( data, labels, W, metric=skp.euclidean_distances, drop_islands=True ): """ Compute the observation-level boundary silhouette score :cite:`wolf2019geosilhouettes`. Parameters ---------- data : (N_obs,P) numpy array an array of covariates to analyze. Each row should be one observation, and each clumn should be one feature. labels : (N_obs,) array of labels the labels corresponding to the group each observation is assigned. W : pysal.weights.W object a spatial weights object containing the connectivity structure for the data metric : callable, array, a function that takes an argument (data) and returns the all-pairs distances/dissimilarity between observations. drop_islands : bool (default True) Whether or not to preserve islands as entries in the adjacency list. By default, observations with no neighbors do not appear in the adjacency list. If islands are kept, they are coded as self-neighbors with zero weight. See ``libpysal.weights.to_adjlist()``. Returns ------- (N_obs,) array of boundary silhouette values for each observation Notes ----- The boundary silhouette is the silhouette score using only spatially-proximate clusters as candidates for the next-best-fit distance function (the b(i) function in :cite:`Rousseeuw1987`. This restricts the next-best-fit cluster to be the set of clusters on which an observation neighbors. So, instead of considering *all* clusters when finding the next-best-fit cluster, only clusters that `i` borders are considered. This is supposed to model the fact that, in spatially-constrained clustering, observation i can only be reassigned from cluster c to cluster k if some observation j neighbors i and also resides in k. If an observation only neighbors its own cluster, i.e. is not on the boundary of a cluster, this value is zero. If a cluster has exactly one observation, this value is zero. If an observation is on the boundary of more than one cluster, then the best candidate is chosen from the set of clusters on which the observation borders. metric is a callable mapping an (N,P) data into an (N,N) distance matrix OR an (N,N) distance matrix already. """ if not HAS_REQUIREMENTS: _raise_initial_error() alist = W.to_adjlist(drop_islands=drop_islands) labels = np.asarray(labels) if callable(metric): full_distances = metric(data) elif isinstance(metric, np.ndarray): n_obs = W.n if metric.shape == (n_obs, n_obs): full_distances = metric else: raise ValueError( "Precomputed metric is supplied, but is not the right shape." f" The dissimilarity matrix should be of shape ({W.n},{W.n}), " f" but was of shape ({metric.shape})." ) else: raise ValueError( "The provided metric is neither a dissmilarity function" " nor a dissimilarity matrix." ) assert 0 == (full_distances < 0).sum(), ( "Distance metric has negative values, " "which is not supported" ) label_frame = pd.DataFrame(labels, index=W.id_order, columns=["label"]) alist = alist.merge( label_frame, left_on="focal", right_index=True, how="left" ).merge( label_frame, left_on="neighbor", right_index=True, how="left", suffixes=("_focal", "_neighbor"), ) alist["boundary"] = alist.label_focal != alist.label_neighbor focals = alist.groupby("focal") bmask = focals.boundary.any() result = [] np.seterr(all="raise") for i, (ix, bnd) in enumerate(bmask.items()): if not bnd: result.append(np.array([0])) continue sil_score = np.array([np.inf]) label = labels[i] focal_mask = np.nonzero(labels == label)[0] if len(focal_mask) == 1: # the candidate is singleton result.append(np.array([0])) continue neighbors = alist.query("focal == {}".format(ix)).label_neighbor mean_dissim = full_distances[i, focal_mask].sum() / (len(focal_mask) - 1) if not np.isfinite(mean_dissim).all(): raise ValueError( "A non-finite mean dissimilarity between groups " "and the boundary observation occurred. Please ensure " "the data & labels are formatted and shaped correctly." ) neighbor_score = np.array([np.inf]) for neighbor in set(neighbors).difference([label]): other_mask = np.nonzero(labels == neighbor)[0] other_score = full_distances[i, other_mask].mean() neighbor_score = np.minimum(neighbor_score, other_score, neighbor_score) if neighbor_score < 0: raise ValueError( "A negative neighborhood similarity value occurred. This should " "not happen. Please create a bug report on " "" ) sil_score = (neighbor_score - mean_dissim) / np.maximum( neighbor_score, mean_dissim ) result.append(sil_score) if len(result) != len(labels): raise ValueError( "The number of boundary silhouettes does not match the number of " "observations. This should not happen. Please create a bug report on " "" ) return np.asarray(result).squeeze()
def silhouette_alist(data, labels, alist, indices=None, metric=skp.euclidean_distances): """ Compute the silhouette for each edge in an adjacency graph. Given the alist containing `focal` id, `neighbor` id, and `label_focal`, and `label_neighbor`, this computes: .. math:: d(i,label_neighbor) - d(i,label_focal) / (max(d(i,label_neighbor), d(i,label_focal))) Parameters ---------- data : (N,P) array to cluster on or DataFrame indexed on the same values as that in alist.focal/alist.neighbor labels: (N,) array containing classifications, indexed on the same values as that in alist.focal/alist.neighbor alist: adjacency list containing columns focal & neighbor, describing one edge of the graph. indices: (N,) array containing the "name" for observations in alist to be linked to data. indices should be: 1. aligned with data by iteration order 2. include all values in the alist.focal set. if alist.focal and alist.neighbor are strings, then indices should be a list/array of strings aligned with the rows of data. if not provided and labels is a series/dataframe, then its index will be used. metric : callable, array, a function that takes an argument (data) and returns the all-pairs distances/dissimilarity between observations. Results ------- pandas.DataFrame, copy of the adjacency list `alist`, with an additional column called `silhouette` that contains the pseudo-silhouette values expressing the relative dissimilarity between neighboring observations. """ if not HAS_REQUIREMENTS: _raise_initial_error() n_obs = data.shape[0] if callable(metric): full_distances = metric(data) elif isinstance(metric, np.ndarray): if metric.shape == (n_obs, n_obs): full_distances = metric if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): indices = data.index if isinstance(labels, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)) and indices is None: indices = labels.index elif indices is not None and not isinstance(labels, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): labels = pd.Series(labels, index=indices) elif indices is None and not isinstance(labels, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): indices = np.arange(len(labels)) labels = pd.Series(labels, index=indices) if isinstance(labels, pd.DataFrame): labels = pd.Series(labels.values, index=labels.index) assert indices is not None assert isinstance(labels, pd.Series) labels = labels.to_frame("label") result = alist.sort_values("focal").copy(deep=True) result = result.merge(labels, left_on="focal", right_index=True, how="left").merge( labels, left_on="neighbor", right_index=True, how="left", suffixes=("_focal", "_neighbor"), ) self_dcache = dict() sils = [] indices = list(indices) for i_alist, row in result.iterrows(): name = row.focal label = row.label_focal neighbor_label = row.label_neighbor if neighbor_label == label: sils.append(0) continue i_Xc = indices.index(name) mask = labels == label mask = np.nonzero(mask.values)[0] within_cluster = self_dcache.get( (i_Xc, label), full_distances[i_Xc, mask].mean() ) self_dcache[(i_Xc, label)] = within_cluster neighbor_mask = labels == neighbor_label neighbor_mask = np.nonzero(neighbor_mask.values)[0] if len(neighbor_mask) == 0: sils.append(0) warnings.warn( f"A link ({row.focal},{row.neighbor}) has been found to have an empty " "set of neighbors. This may happen when a label assignment is " "missing for the neighbor unit. Check that no labels are missing." ) continue outer_distance = full_distances[i_Xc, neighbor_mask].mean() dist_diff = outer_distance - within_cluster dist_max = np.maximum(outer_distance, within_cluster) sils.append(dist_diff / dist_max) result["silhouette"] = sils return result.sort_values("focal").reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def nearest_label( data, labels, metric=skp.euclidean_distances, return_distance=False, keep_self=False ): """ Find the nearest label in attribute space. Given the data and a set of labels in labels, this finds the label whose mean center is closest to the observation in data. Parameters ---------- data : (N,P) array to cluster on or DataFrame indexed on the same values as that in alist.focal/alist.neighbor labels : (N,) array containing classifications, indexed on the same values as that in alist.focal/alist.neighbor metric : callable, array, a function that takes an argument (data) and returns the all-pairs distances/dissimilarity between observations. return_distance: bool Whether to return the distance from the observation to its nearest cluster in feature space. If True, the tuple of (nearest_label, dissim) is returned. If False, only the nearest_label array is returned. keep_self: bool whether to allow observations to use their current cluster as their nearest label. If True, an observation's existing cluster assignment can also be the cluster it is closest to. If False, an observation's existing cluster assignment cannot be the cluster it is closest to. This would mean the function computes the nearest *alternative* cluster. Returns ------- (N_obs,) array of assignments reflect each observation's nearest label. If return_distance is True, a tuple of ((N,) and (N,)) where the first array is the assignment, and the second is the distance to the centroid of that assignment. """ if not HAS_REQUIREMENTS: _raise_initial_error() if callable(metric): dissim = metric(data) elif metric.lower == "precomputed": assert data.shape == ( labels.shape[0], labels.shape[0], ), "Dissimilarity matrix is malformed!" dissim = data elif isinstance(metric, np.ndarray): assert metric.shape == ( labels.shape[0], labels.shape[0], ), "Dissimilarity matrix is malformed!" dissim = metric unique_labels = np.unique(labels) nearest_label = np.empty(labels.shape, dtype=labels.dtype) nearest_label_dissim = np.empty(labels.shape) for label in unique_labels: this_label_mask = labels == label this_label_mask = np.nonzero(this_label_mask)[0] next_best_fit = np.ones(this_label_mask.shape) * np.inf next_best_label = np.empty(this_label_mask.shape, dtype=labels.dtype) for neighbor in unique_labels: if (neighbor == label) & (not keep_self): continue neighbor_label_mask = labels == neighbor n_in_neighbor = neighbor_label_mask.sum() neighbor_label_mask = np.nonzero(neighbor_label_mask)[0].reshape(1, -1) # Need to account for the fact that the self-distance # is not included in the silhouette; in small clusters, # this extra zero can bring down the average, resulting in a case # where the silhouette is negative, but the "nearest" cluster would # be the current cluster if we take averages including i in C. chunk = dissim[ this_label_mask.reshape(-1, 1), neighbor_label_mask # these rows ] # and these columns neighbor_distance = chunk.sum(axis=1) / np.maximum( n_in_neighbor - 1, 1 ) # and sum across rows next_best_label[neighbor_distance < next_best_fit] = neighbor np.minimum(next_best_fit, neighbor_distance, next_best_fit) nearest_label[this_label_mask] = next_best_label nearest_label_dissim[this_label_mask] = next_best_fit if return_distance: return nearest_label, nearest_label_dissim else: return nearest_label