Source code for segregation.inference.randomization

"""Tools for simulating spatial population distributions."""

import itertools
import multiprocessing
from warnings import warn

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from import tqdm

def _generate_estimate(input):
    if hasattr(input[0], "_original_data"):
        df = input[0]._original_data.copy()
        df = input[0].data.copy()
    if input[0].index_type == "singlegroup":
        df = input[1](df, group=input[0].group_pop_var, total=input[0].total_pop_var,)
        estimate = (
            .__class__(df, input[0].group_pop_var, input[0].total_pop_var, **input[2])
        df = input[1](df, groups=input[0].groups)
        estimate = input[0].__class__(df, input[0].groups, **input[2]).statistic
    return estimate

[docs]def simulate_null( iterations=500, sim_func=None, seg_class=None, n_jobs=-1, backend="loky", index_kwargs=None, ): """Simulate a series of index values in parallel to serve as a null distribution. Parameters ---------- iterations : int, required Number of iterations to simulate (size of the distribution), by default 1000 sim_func : function, required population randomization function from segregation.inference to serve as the null hypothesis. seg_func : Class from segregation.singlegroup or segregation.singlegroup, required fitted segregation class from which to generate a reference distribution n_jobs : int, optional number of cpus to initialize for parallelization. If -1, use all available, by default -1 backend : str, optional backend passed to joblib.Parallel, by default "loky" index_kwargs : dict, optional additional keyword arguments used to fit the index, such as distance or network if estimating a spatial index; by default None Returns ------- list pandas.Series of segregation indices for simulated data """ if not index_kwargs: index_kwargs = {} if n_jobs == -1: n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() estimates = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend=backend)( delayed(_generate_estimate)((seg_class, sim_func, index_kwargs)) for i in tqdm(range(iterations)) ) return pd.Series(estimates)
[docs]def simulate_person_permutation(df, group=None, total=None, groups=None): """Simulate the permutation of individuals across spatial units. Parameters ---------- df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with population data to be randomized group : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the group total (for use with single group indices) total : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the total population for each unit (for use with single group indices) groups : list, optional list of columns on input dataframe that hold total population counts for each group of interest Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with randomly reallocated population Notes ------- Simulates the random permutation of the existing population's location. Given a pool of the total population in the region, randomly allocate each person to a geographic unit, subject to the total capacity of each unit. Results are guaranteed to respect regional and local totals for geographic units as well as regional totals and relative shares for groups """ df = df.copy() # ensure we have a coilumn named "index" df = df.reset_index(drop=True) df = df.reset_index() if isinstance(df, gpd.GeoDataFrame): geoms = df[[]] else: geoms = df.assign(idx=df.index.values)[["idx"]] if not total: total = "total" df["total"] = df[groups].sum(axis=1).astype(int) df = df[df[total] > 0] if group: df[total] = df[total].astype(int) df["other"] = df[total] - df[group] groups = [group, "other"] # create a list of group membership for each person members = [[group for i in range(df[group].sum().astype(int))] for group in groups] pop_groups = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(members)) # create a list of 1s representing the population in each unit df["people"] = df[total].apply(lambda x: [1 for i in range(x)]) # explode the dataframe to have n_rows = total_population df = df["people"].explode().reset_index()["index"].to_frame() df["groups"] = pop_groups # randomize people's group id df["groups"] = df["groups"].sample(frac=1).values # reaggregate by unit index df = df.groupby("index")["groups"].value_counts().unstack() df[total] = df[groups].sum(axis=1) df = df.join(geoms, how="right").fillna(0) if "idx" in df.columns: df = df.drop(columns=["idx"]) return df return gpd.GeoDataFrame(df,
[docs]def simulate_evenness(df, group=None, total=None, groups=None): """Simulate even redistribution of population groups across spatial units. Parameters ---------- df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with population data to be randomized group : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the group total (for use with single group indices) total : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the total population for each unit (for use with single group indices) groups : list, optional list of columns on input dataframe that hold total population counts for each group of interest Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with evenly distributed population groups Notes ------- Simulates the random allocation of groups, given the total population of each geographic unit (randomizes group totals for each location). Given the total population of each location, take draws from a multinomial distribution to assign group categories for each person, where the probability of each group is equal to its regional share. Results are guaranteed to match local population totals, but will include variation in the regional totals for each group """ df = df.copy() if geoms = df[].values crs = if group: df[[group, total]] = df[[group, total]].astype(int) p_null = df[group].sum() / df[total].sum() output = pd.DataFrame() output[group] = np.random.binomial(n=df[total].values, p=p_null) output[total] = df[total].tolist() if groups: df = df[groups] global_prob_vector = df.sum(axis=0) / df.sum().sum() t = df[groups].sum(axis=1).astype(int) simul = list( map(lambda i: list(np.random.multinomial(i, global_prob_vector)), t) ) output = pd.DataFrame(simul, columns=groups) if geoms: return gpd.GeoDataFrame(output, geometry=geoms, crs=crs) return output
[docs]def simulate_systematic_randomization(df, group=None, total=None, groups=None): """Simulate systematic redistribution of population groups across spatial units. Parameters ---------- df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with population data to be randomized group : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the group total (for use with singlegroup indices). total : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the total population for each unit. For singlegroup indices, this parameter is required. For multigroup indices, this is optional if groups are not exhaustive. groups : list, optional list of columns on input dataframe that hold total population counts for each group of interest. Note that if not passing a `total` argument, groups are assumed to be exhaustive. If total is not set and groups are not exhaustive, the function will estimate incorrect probabilities of choosing each geographic unit. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with systematically randomized population groups Notes ------- Simulates the random allocation of each group across geographic units, given the total population of each group (randomizes location totals for each group). Given the total population of each group in the region, take draws from a multinomial distribution where the probability of choosing each geographic unit is equal to the total regional share currently residing in the unit. Results are guaranteed to respect regional group totals, but will include variation in the total population of each geographic unit. For more, see Allen, R., Burgess, S., Davidson, R., & Windmeijer, F. (2015). More reliable inference for the dissimilarity index of segregation. The Econometrics Journal, 18(1), 40–66. Reference: :cite:`allen2015more` """ if groups: if not total: warn( "No `total` argument passed. Assuming population groups are exhaustive" ) total = "total" df[total] = df[groups].sum(axis=1) if group: assert ( total ), "If simulating a single group, you must also supply a total population column" df["other_group_pop"] = df[total] - df[group] groups = [group, "other_group_pop"] p_j = df[total] / df[total].sum() data_aux = {} for group in groups: n = df[group].sum() sim = np.random.multinomial(n, p_j) data_aux[group] = sim.tolist() df_aux = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_aux) df_aux[total] = df_aux[groups].sum(axis=1) if isinstance(df, gpd.GeoDataFrame): df_aux = df[[]].reset_index().join(df_aux) return df_aux
[docs]def simulate_bootstrap_resample(df, **kwargs): """Generate bootstrap replications of the units with replacement of the same size of the original data. Parameters ---------- df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame or pandas.DataFrame (geo)dataframe with population counts to be randomized Returns ------- DataFrame DataFrame with bootstrap resampled observations Notes ------- Simulate a synthetic dataset by drawing from rows of the input data with replacement until reaching the same number of observations in the original dataframe. Note that if input is a geodataframe, then the output will not be planar-enforced, as more than one of the same unit may appear in the sample. """ df = df.copy() df = df.reset_index(drop=True) sample_index = np.random.choice(df.index, size=len(df), replace=True) df_aux = df.iloc[sample_index] return df_aux
[docs]def simulate_geo_permutation(df, **kwargs): """Simulate a synthetic dataset by random permutation of geographic units. Parameters ---------- df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with population counts to be randomized Returns ------- DataFrame Simulate a synthetic dataset by randomly allocating the units over space keeping their original values. """ df = df.copy() df = df.reset_index(drop=True) data = df.assign( geometry=df[][ list(np.random.choice(df.shape[0], df.shape[0], replace=False)) ].reset_index()[] ) return data
[docs]def simulate_systematic_geo_permutation(df, group=None, total=None, groups=None): """Simulate systematic redistribution followed by random permutation of geographic units. Parameters ---------- df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with population data to be randomized group : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the group total (for use with single group indices) total : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the total population for each unit (for use with single group indices) groups : list, optional list of columns on input dataframe that hold total population counts for each group of interest Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with systematically randomized population groups """ df = simulate_systematic_randomization(df, group=group, total=total, groups=groups) df = simulate_geo_permutation(df) return df
[docs]def simulate_evenness_geo_permutation(df, group=None, total=None, groups=None): """Simulate evenness followed by random permutation of geographic units. Parameters ---------- df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with population data to be randomized group : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the group total (for use with single group indices) total : str, optional name of column on geodataframe that holds the total population for each unit (for use with single group indices) groups : list, optional list of columns on input dataframe that hold total population counts for each group of interest Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with evenly distributed population groups """ df = simulate_evenness(df=df, group=group, total=total, groups=groups) df = simulate_geo_permutation(df) return df
SIMULATORS = { "systematic": simulate_systematic_randomization, "bootstrap": simulate_bootstrap_resample, "evenness": simulate_evenness, "person_permutation": simulate_person_permutation, "geographic_permutation": simulate_geo_permutation, "systematic_permutation": simulate_systematic_geo_permutation, "even_permutation": simulate_evenness_geo_permutation, }