Source code for mapclassify.greedy

greedy - Greedy (topological) coloring for GeoPandas

Copyright (C) 2019 Martin Fleischmann, 2017 Nyall Dawson


import operator

__all__ = ["greedy"]

def _balanced(features, sw, balance="count", min_colors=4):
    Strategy to color features in a way which is visually balanced.

    Algorithm ported from QGIS to be used with GeoDataFrames
    and libpysal weights objects.

    Original algorithm:
    Date                 : February 2017
    Copyright            : (C) 2017 by Nyall Dawson
    Email                : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com


    features : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
    sw : libpysal.weights.W
        Spatial weights object denoting adjacency of features.
    balance : str (default 'count')
        The method of color balancing.
    min_colors : int (default 4)
        The minimal number of colors to be used.


    feature_colors : dict
        Dictionary with assigned color codes.

    feature_colors = {}
    # start with minimum number of colors in pool
    color_pool = set(range(min_colors))

    # calculate count of neighbours
    neighbour_count = sw.cardinalities

    # sort features by neighbour count - handle those with more neighbours first
    sorted_by_count = sorted(
        neighbour_count.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True

    # counts for each color already assigned
    color_counts = {}
    color_areas = {}
    for c in color_pool:
        color_counts[c] = 0
        color_areas[c] = 0

    if balance == "centroid":
        features = features.copy()
        features.geometry = features.geometry.centroid
        balance = "distance"

    for feature_id, _ in sorted_by_count:
        # first work out which already assigned colors are adjacent to this feature
        adjacent_colors = set()
        for neighbour in sw.neighbors[feature_id]:
            if neighbour in feature_colors:

        # from the existing colors, work out which are available (ie non-adjacent)
        available_colors = color_pool.difference(adjacent_colors)

        feature_color = -1
        if len(available_colors) == 0:
            # no existing colors available for this feature; add new color and repeat
            min_colors += 1
            return _balanced(features, sw, balance, min_colors)
            if balance == "count":
                # choose least used available color
                counts = [
                    (c, v) for c, v in color_counts.items() if c in available_colors
                feature_color = sorted(counts, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0][0]
                color_counts[feature_color] += 1
            elif balance == "area":
                areas = [
                    (c, v) for c, v in color_areas.items() if c in available_colors
                feature_color = sorted(areas, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0][0]
                color_areas[feature_color] += features.loc[feature_id].geometry.area

            elif balance == "distance":
                min_distances = {c: float("inf") for c in available_colors}
                this_feature = features.loc[feature_id].geometry

                # find features for all available colors
                other_features = {
                    f_id: c
                    for (f_id, c) in feature_colors.items()
                    if c in available_colors

                distances = features.loc[other_features.keys()].distance(this_feature)
                # calculate the min distance from this feature to the nearest
                # feature with each assigned color
                for other_feature_id, c in other_features.items():
                    distance = distances.loc[other_feature_id]
                    if distance < min_distances[c]:
                        min_distances[c] = distance

                # choose color such that min distance is maximised!
                # - ie we want MAXIMAL separation between features with the same color
                feature_color = sorted(
                    min_distances, key=min_distances.__getitem__, reverse=True

        feature_colors[feature_id] = feature_color

    return feature_colors

[docs] def greedy( gdf, strategy="balanced", balance="count", min_colors=4, sw="queen", min_distance=None, silence_warnings=True, interchange=False, ): """ Color GeoDataFrame using various strategies of greedy (topological) colouring. Attempts to color a GeoDataFrame using as few colors as possible, where no neighbours can have same color as the feature itself. Offers various strategies ported from QGIS or implemented within NetworkX for greedy graph coloring. ``greedy`` will return ``pandas.Series`` representing assigned color codes. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame strategy : str (default 'balanced') Determine coloring strategy. Options are ``'balanced'`` for algorithm based on QGIS Topological coloring. It is aiming for a visual balance, defined by the balance parameter. Other options are those supported by ``networkx.greedy_color``: * ``'largest_first'`` * ``'random_sequential'`` * ``'smallest_last'`` * ``'independent_set'`` * ``'connected_sequential_bfs'`` * ``'connected_sequential_dfs'`` * ``'connected_sequential'`` (alias for the previous strategy) * ``'saturation_largest_first'`` * ``'DSATUR'`` (alias for the previous strategy) For details see balance : str (default 'count') If strategy is ``'balanced'``, determine the method of color balancing. * ``'count'`` attempts to balance the number of features per each color. * ``'area'`` attempts to balance the area covered by each color. * ``'centroid'`` attempts to balance the distance between colors based on the distance between centroids. * ``'distance'`` attempts to balance the distance between colors based on the distance between geometries. Slower than ``'centroid'``, but more precise. Both ``'centroid'`` and ``'distance'`` are significantly slower than other especially for larger GeoDataFrames. Apart from ``'count'``, all require CRS to be projected (not in degrees) to ensure metric values are correct. min_colors: int (default 4) If strategy is ``'balanced'``, define the minimal number of colors to be used. sw : 'queen', 'rook' or libpysal.weights.W (default 'queen') If min_distance is None, one can pass ``'libpysal.weights.W'`` object denoting neighbors or let greedy generate one based on ``'queen'`` or ``'rook'`` contiguity. min_distance : float (default None) Set minimal distance between colors. If ``min_distance`` is not ``None``, slower algorithm for generating spatial weghts is used based on intersection between geometries. ``'min_distance'`` is then used as a tolerance of intersection. silence_warnings : bool (default True) Silence libpysal warnings when creating spatial weights. interchange : bool (default False) Use the color interchange algorithm (applicable for NetworkX strategies). For details see Returns ------- color : pandas.Series ``pandas.Series`` representing assinged color codes. Examples -------- >>> from mapclassify import greedy >>> import geopandas >>> world = geopandas.read_file( ... "" ... ) >>> africa = world.loc[world.CONTINENT == "Africa"].copy() >>> africa = africa.to_crs("ESRI:102022").reset_index(drop=True) Default: >>> africa["greedy_colors"] = greedy(africa) >>> africa["greedy_colors"].head() 0 1 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 4 Name: greedy_colors, dtype: int64 Balanced by area: >>> africa["balanced_area"] = greedy(africa, strategy="balanced", balance="area") >>> africa["balanced_area"].head() 0 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 4 3 Name: balanced_area, dtype: int64 Using rook adjacency: >>> africa["rook_adjacency"] = greedy(africa, sw="rook") >>> africa["rook_adjacency"].tail() 46 3 47 0 48 2 49 3 50 1 Name: rook_adjacency, dtype: int64 Adding minimal distance between colors: >>> africa["min_distance"] = greedy(africa, min_distance=1000000) >>> africa["min_distance"].head() 0 1 1 9 2 0 3 7 4 4 Name: min_distance, dtype: int64 Using different coloring strategy: >>> africa["smallest_last"] = greedy(africa, strategy="smallest_last") >>> africa["smallest_last"].head() 0 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 1 Name: smallest_last, dtype: int64 """ # noqa if strategy != "balanced": try: import networkx as nx STRATEGIES = nx.algorithms.coloring.greedy_coloring.STRATEGIES.keys() except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'networkx' package is required.") from None try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'pandas' package is required.") from None try: from libpysal.weights import Queen, Rook, W, fuzzy_contiguity except ImportError: raise ImportError("The 'libpysal' package is required.") from None if min_distance is not None: sw = fuzzy_contiguity( gdf, tolerance=0.0, buffering=True, buffer=min_distance / 2.0, silence_warnings=silence_warnings, ) if not isinstance(sw, W): if sw == "queen": sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings) elif sw == "rook": sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings) if strategy == "balanced": color = pd.Series(_balanced(gdf, sw, balance=balance, min_colors=min_colors)) elif strategy in STRATEGIES: color = nx.greedy_color( sw.to_networkx(), strategy=strategy, interchange=interchange ) else: raise ValueError(f"'{strategy}' is not a valid strategy.") color = pd.Series(color).sort_index() color.index = gdf.index return color