This page was generated from notebooks/05_Greedy_coloring.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge

Getting started with mapclassify.greedy

Greedy or topological coloring (or sequential coloring) is a cartographic method of assigning colors to polygons (or other geometries, mapclassify.greedy supports all geometry types) in such a way, that no two adjacent polygons share the same color.

greedy is a small toolkit within mapclassify providing such a functionality on top of GeoPandas GeoDataFrames. mapclassify.greedy() is all we need.

from mapclassify import __version__, greedy

import geopandas
import seaborn


Few of greedy’s methods of coloring require either measuring of areas or distances. To obtain proper values, our GeoDataFrame needs to be in a projected CRS. Let’s use Africa and reproject it to ‘ESRI:102022’:

world = geopandas.read_file("")
africa = world.loc[world.CONTINENT == "Africa"]
africa = africa.to_crs("ESRI:102022")
ax = africa.plot(figsize=(8, 12), edgecolor="w")


The default usage of greedy is extremely simple. Greedy returns a Series with color codes, so we can assign it directly as a new column of our GeoDataFrame:

africa["greedy_default"] = greedy(africa)
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
1     1
2     0
11    0
12    1
13    4
Name: greedy_default, dtype: int64

Using resulting color codes as plotting categories gives us following the plot:

ax = africa.plot(
    figsize=(8, 12),



Greedy offers several strategies of coloring. The default strategy is balanced based on count attempting to balance the number of features per each color. Other balanced modes are area (balance the area covered by each color), distance and centroid (both attemtps to balance the distance between colors). Each of them attempt to balance the color assignment according to different conditions and hence can result in a different number of colors.

africa = africa.reset_index(drop=True)
africa["greedy_area"] = greedy(africa, strategy="balanced", balance="area")
ax = africa.plot(
    figsize=(8, 12),
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)

Different modes of balancing within the balanced strategy can be set using the balance keyword.

africa["greedy_distance"] = greedy(africa, strategy="balanced", balance="distance")
ax = africa.plot(
    figsize=(8, 12),
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)

NetworkX strategies

On top of four modes of balanced coloring strategy, greedy offers all networkx.greedy_coloring() strategies, like largest_first:

africa["greedy_largest_first"] = greedy(africa, strategy="largest_first")
ax = africa.plot(
    figsize=(8, 12),
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)

Another strategy provided by NetworkX is smallest_last. All strategies provide different results. Check Comparison of strategies below for details.

africa["greedy_s"] = greedy(africa, strategy="smallest_last")
ax = africa.plot(
    figsize=(8, 12),
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)

Greedy is variable in a way how to define adjacency and which coloring strategy to use. All options are described in this documentation together with comparison of their performance.

Defining adjacency

The key in toplogical coloring is the definition of adjacency, to understand which features are neighboring and could not share the same color. mapclassify.greedy comes with several methods of defining it. Binary spatial weights denoting adjacency are then stored as libpysal weights objects.

from shapely.geometry import Point

For illustration purposes, let’s generate a 10x10 mesh of square polygons:

def poly_lattice_gdf(dim, plot=False):
    polys = []
    for x in range(dim):
        for y in range(dim):
            polys.append(Point(x, y).buffer(0.5, cap_style=3))
    _gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(geometry=polys)
    if plot:
        ax = _gdf.plot(edgecolor="w")
    return _gdf
gdf = poly_lattice_gdf(10, plot=True)

libpysal adjacency

The most performant way of generating spatial weights is using libpysal contiguity weights. As they are based on the shared nodes or edges, the dataset needs to be topologically correct. Neighboring polygons needs to share vertices and edges, otherwise their relationship will not be captured. There are two ways to define contiguity weights - "rook" and "queen".


Rook identifies two objects as neighboring only if they share at least on edge - line between two shared points. Use rook if you do not mind two polygons touching by their corners having the same color:

gdf["rook"] = greedy(gdf, sw="rook", min_colors=2)
ax = gdf.plot("rook", edgecolor="w", categorical=True, cmap="Set3")
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)


The default option in greedy is "queen" adjacency. Queen adjaceny identifies two objects as neighboring if they share at least one point. It ensures that even polygons sharing only one corner will not share a color:

gdf["queen"] = greedy(gdf, sw="queen", min_colors=2)
ax = gdf.plot("queen", edgecolor="w", categorical=True, cmap="Set3")
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)

Intersection-based adjacency

As noted above, if the topology of the dataset is not ideal, libpysal might not identify two visually neighboring features as neighbors. greedy can utilize an intersection-based algorithm using GEOS intersection to identify if two features intersects in any way. They do not have to share any points. Naturally, such an approach is significantly slower (details below), but it can provide correct adjacency when libpysal fails.

To make greedy use this algorithm, one just needs to define min_distance. If it is set to 0, it behaves similarly to queen contiguity, just capturing all intersections:

gdf["geos"] = greedy(gdf, min_distance=0, min_colors=2)
ax = gdf.plot("geos", edgecolor="w", categorical=True, cmap="Set3")
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)

min_distance also sets the minimal distance between colors. To do that, all features within such a distance are identified as neighbors, hence no two features within the set distance can share the same color:

gdf["dist1"] = greedy(gdf, min_distance=1, min_colors=2)
ax = gdf.plot("dist1", edgecolor="w", categorical=True, cmap="Set3")
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)

Reusing spatial weights

Passing libpysal.weights.W object to sw, will skip generating spatial weights and use the passed object instead. That will improve the performance if one intends to repeat the coloring multiple times. In that case, weights should be denoted using the GeodataFrame’s index.


The difference in performance of libpysal and GEOS-based method is large, so it is recommended to use libpysal if possible. Details of comparison between all methods are below:

import numpy
import pandas
import time
def run_greedy(_gdf, greedy_kws, min_colors=4, runs=5):
    timer = []
    for run in range(runs):
        s = time.time()
        colors = greedy(_gdf, min_colors=min_colors, **greedy_kws)
        e = time.time() - s
    _mean_time = round(numpy.mean(timer), 4)
    return _mean_time, colors

def printer(m, t, c):
    print(f"\t{m}:\t", t, "s;\t", c + 1, "colors")
params = {
    "rook": dict(sw="rook"),
    "queen": dict(sw="queen"),
    "geos": dict(min_distance=0),
    "dist1": dict(min_distance=1)
times = pandas.DataFrame(index=params.keys())
steps = range(10, 110, 10)
for step in steps:
    print(step, "----------------------------------------------")
    gdf = poly_lattice_gdf(step, plot=False)
    for method, kwargs in params.items():
        mean_time, colors = run_greedy(gdf, kwargs, min_colors=2)
        printer(method, mean_time, numpy.max(colors))
        times.loc[method, step] = mean_time
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
10 ----------------------------------------------
        rook:    0.0031 s;       2 colors
        queen:   0.0028 s;       4 colors
        geos:    0.0026 s;       4 colors
        dist1:   0.0057 s;       10 colors
20 ----------------------------------------------
        rook:    0.0107 s;       2 colors
        queen:   0.0099 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        geos:    0.0061 s;       4 colors
        dist1:   0.0188 s;       10 colors
30 ----------------------------------------------
        rook:    0.0239 s;       2 colors
        queen:   0.0224 s;       4 colors
        geos:    0.0131 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        dist1:   0.069 s;        10 colors
40 ----------------------------------------------
        rook:    0.0462 s;       2 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        queen:   0.0471 s;       4 colors
        geos:    0.0261 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        dist1:   0.0846 s;       10 colors
50 ----------------------------------------------
        rook:    0.0698 s;       2 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        queen:   0.0683 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        geos:    0.048 s;        4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        dist1:   0.1344 s;       10 colors
60 ----------------------------------------------
        rook:    0.1067 s;       2 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        queen:   0.1031 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        geos:    0.0729 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        dist1:   0.2205 s;       10 colors
70 ----------------------------------------------
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        rook:    0.1493 s;       2 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        queen:   0.1396 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        geos:    0.1082 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        dist1:   0.3423 s;       10 colors
80 ----------------------------------------------
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        rook:    0.1976 s;       2 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        queen:   0.1864 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        geos:    0.1639 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        dist1:   0.4713 s;       10 colors
90 ----------------------------------------------
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        rook:    0.27 s;         2 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        queen:   0.2479 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        geos:    0.2187 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        dist1:   0.646 s;        10 colors
100 ----------------------------------------------
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Rook.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        rook:    0.3191 s;       2 colors
/Users/martin/Git/mapclassify/mapclassify/ FutureWarning: `use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this warning
  sw = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf, silence_warnings=silence_warnings)
        queen:   0.2963 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        geos:    0.3076 s;       4 colors
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
/Users/martin/Git/libpysal/libpysal/weights/ FutureWarning: The `query_bulk()` method is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.0. You can use the `query()` method instead.
  inp, res = gdf.sindex.query_bulk(gdf.geometry, predicate=predicate)
        dist1:   0.8972 s;       10 colors
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
rook 0.0031 0.0107 0.0239 0.0462 0.0698 0.1067 0.1493 0.1976 0.2700 0.3191
queen 0.0028 0.0099 0.0224 0.0471 0.0683 0.1031 0.1396 0.1864 0.2479 0.2963
geos 0.0026 0.0061 0.0131 0.0261 0.0480 0.0729 0.1082 0.1639 0.2187 0.3076
dist1 0.0057 0.0188 0.0690 0.0846 0.1344 0.2205 0.3423 0.4713 0.6460 0.8972
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = times.T.plot()
ax.set_ylabel("time (s)")
ax.set_xlabel("# of polygons")
locs, labels = plt.xticks()
plt.xticks(ticks=locs, labels=(times.columns ** 2)[:7], rotation="vertical");

Plotting without the GEOS methods, the difference between queen and rook is minimal:

ax = times.loc[["rook", "queen"]].T.plot()
ax.set_ylabel("time (s)")
ax.set_xlabel("# of polygons")
locs, labels = plt.xticks()
plt.xticks(ticks=locs, labels=(times.columns ** 2)[:7], rotation="vertical");

Comparison of strategies

Different coloring strategies lead to different results, but also have different performance. It all depends on the prefered goal.

If one want visually balanced result, 'balanced' strategy could be the right choice. It comes with four different modes of balancing - 'count', 'area', 'distance', and 'centroid'. The first one attempts to balance the number of features per each color, the second balances the area covered by each color, and the two last are based on the distance between features (either represented by the geometry itself or its centroid, which is a bit faster).

Other strategies might be helpful if one wants to minimize the number of colors as not all strategies use the same amount in the end. Or they just might look better on your map.

strategies = [
balanced_modes = ["count", "area", "centroid", "distance"]
import libpysal
import warnings
sw = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(
    world, ids=world.index.to_list(), silence_warnings=True

Below is a comparison of performance and the result of each of the strategies supported by greedy.

When using the 'balanced' strategy with 'area', 'distance', or 'centroid' modes, keep in mind that your data needs to be in a projected CRS to obtain correct results. For the simplicity of this comparison, let’s pretend that dataset below is (even though it is not).

Strategies used in mapclassify.greedy have two origins - 'balanced' is ported from QGIS while the rest comes from NetworkX. The nippet below generates each option 20x and returns the mean time elapsed together with the number of colors used.

times = {}
with warnings.catch_warnings():
        "ignore", message="Geometry is in a geographic CRS.", category=UserWarning
    for strategy in strategies:
        if strategy == "balanced":
            for mode in balanced_modes:
                stgy_mode = strategy + "_" + mode
                kwargs = dict(strategy=strategy, balance=mode, sw=sw)
                mean_time, colors = run_greedy(world, kwargs, runs=20)
                printer("time", mean_time, numpy.max(colors))
                world[stgy_mode], times[stgy_mode] = colors, mean_time
            kwargs = dict(strategy=strategy, sw=sw)
            mean_time, colors = run_greedy(world, kwargs, runs=20)
            printer("time", mean_time, numpy.max(colors))
            world[strategy], times[strategy] = colors, mean_time
        time:    0.0005 s;       5 colors
        time:    0.0129 s;       5 colors
        time:    2.1403 s;       5 colors
        time:    2.0867 s;       5 colors
        time:    0.0056 s;       5 colors
        time:    0.0025 s;       5 colors
        time:    0.0047 s;       4 colors
        time:    0.0652 s;       5 colors
        time:    0.0043 s;       5 colors
        time:    0.0045 s;       5 colors
        time:    0.0405 s;       4 colors

As you can see, smallest_last and saturation_largest_first were able, for this particular dataset, to generate greedy coloring using only 4 colors. If one wants to use a higher number than the minimal, the 'balanced' strategy allows the setting of min_colors.

times = pandas.Series(times)
ax = times.plot(kind="bar")

The plot above shows the performance of each strategy. Note that the vertical axis is using log scale.

Below are all results plotted on the map.

plt_kws = dict(categorical=True, figsize=(16, 12), cmap="Set3", legend=True)
for strategy in times.index:
    ax = world.plot(strategy, **plt_kws)