What's new at PySAL?

07.04 2024

mapclassify 2.7.0

mapclassify 2.7.0 released.

07.04 2024

pointpats 2.5.0

pointpats 2.5.0 released.

07.03 2024

spreg 1.5.0

spreg 1.5.0 released.

06.27 2024

momepy 0.7.2

momepy 0.7.2 released.

06.21 2024

spaghetti 1.7.6

spaghetti 1.7.6 released.

06.20 2024

spopt 0.6.1

spopt 0.6.1 released.

06.19 2024

spaghetti 1.7.6rc1

spaghetti 1.7.6rc1 released.

06.10 2024

libpysal 4.11

libpysal 4.11.0 released.

03.01 2024

libpysal 4.10

libpysal 4.10 released.

02.11 2024

WRSA 2024

Spatial Data Science tutorial at WRSA 2024

01.31 2024

pysal 24.01

PySAL 24.01 released. Refer to the GitHhub release notes for details.

01.29 2024

spaghetti 1.7.5.post1

spaghetti 1.7.5.post1 released.

01.26 2024

pysal 24.01rc2

pysal 24.01rc2 released.

01.16 2024

giddy 2.3.5

giddy 2.3.5 released.

01.06 2024

mgwr 2.2.1

mgwr 2.2.1 released.

12.10 2023

spopt 0.6.0

spopt 0.6.0 released.

10.03 2023

pointpats 2.4.0

pointpats 2.4.0 released

08.25 2023

esda 2.5.0

esda 2.5.0 released.

07.31 2023

pysal 23.07

PySAL 23.07 released. Refer to the GitHhub release notes for details.

03.06 2023

pointpats 2.3.0

pointpats 2.3.0 released

03.02 2023

giddy 2.3.4

giddy 2.3.4 released

01.13 2023

spopt 0.5.0

spopt 0.5.0 released.

01.01 2023

spopt AGILE grant

spopt receives AGILE grant for capacitated p-median development.

10.28 2022

spreg 1.3.0

spreg 1.3.0 released.

10.17 2022

spaghetti 1.6.8

spaghetti 1.6.8 released.

10.11 2022

PySAL on Youtube

New Youtube Channel with PySAL videos of tutorials and workshops

08.02 2022

SciPy 2022

Spatial and Urban Data Science tutorial with PySAL at SciPy 2022

07.31 2022

pysal 2.7.0

PySAL 2.7.0 released. Refer to the GitHhub release notes for details.

06.14 2022

spopt JOSS paper

A new JOSS paper has been published that highlights spopt.

01.30 2022

pysal 2.6.0

PySAL 2.6.0 released. Refer to the GitHhub release notes for details.

01.22 2022

libpysal 4.6.0

libpysal 4.6.0 released. Refer to the GitHhub release notes for details.

10.01 2021


momepy - Morphological Measuring in Python, joins the PySAL federation.

07.31 2021

PySAL 2.5.0

PySAL 2.5.0 is released

06.05 2021

spaghetti 1.6.0

spaghetti 1.6.0 released. This released includes new functionally to split network arcs by a fixed number.

06.04 2021

spaghetti JOSS paper

A new JOSS paper has been published that highlights spaghetti.

06.01 2021

New paper

The PySAL Ecosystem: Philosophy and Implementation

01.31 2021

PySAL 2.4.0

PySAL 2.4.0 is released

12.22 2020
12.19 2020

SciPy India 2020

Spatial Data Science with PySAL tutorial at SciPy India 2020.

12.13 2020
11.09 2020

PySAL NARSC20 Tutorial

PySAL Tutorial at NARSC20

11.03 2020

SpatialAPI20 Tutorial

PySAL Tutorial at SpatialAPI20

10.23 2020

Dani Arribas-Bel, SDSC Award

Congratulations to Dani Arribas-Bel for being named Spatial Data Scientist of the Year

10.22 2020

spaghetti 1.5.2

spaghetti 1.5.2 released. This released includes a critical bug fix concerning the results from splitting network segments.

07.30 2020

PySAL 2.3.0

PySAL 2.3.0 is released

07.10 2020

SciPy 2020

PySAL tutorial given at SciPy 2020

06.28 2020

libpysal 4.3.0

libpysal 4.3.0 released. Refer to the GitHhub release notes for details.

06.13 2020

mapclassify 2.3.0

mapclassify 2.3.0 released. This release includes support for pooled classifiers and topological coloring. Refer to the tutorial for details.

06.10 2020

giddy 2.3.3

This release does not add new functionalities for spatiotemporal analytics. Instead, it features the additional support of python 3.8 and the migration of the documentation website host from readthedocs to GitHub Page. In addition, two GitHub workflows for (1) continuous integration and (2) building and releasing the package to pypi and github are configured to automate these maintenance process with GitHub Actions. Refer to the GitHhub release notes for details.

05.04 2020

spaghetti 1.5.0

This release includes new functionality with spanning tree extraction and improved tutorials, among other enhancements and bug fixes.

03.28 2020

New splot JOSS paper.

A new JOSS paper has been published that highlights splot.

02.24 2020

spaghetti 1.4.2.post2

spaghetti 1.4.2.post2 released on PyPI and conda-forge.

02.13 2020

pysal 2.2.0

pysal 2.2.0 released on PyPI. Release Notes.

02.01 2020

esda 2.2.1

esda 2.2.1 released on PyPI. This release includes bug fixes related to the Pandas 1.0 release. Release Notes are here.

02.01 2020

libpysal 4.2.2

libpysal 4.2.2 released on PyPI. This release includes bug fixes related to the Pandas 1.0 release. Release Notes.

01.25 2020

spaghetti 1.4.1

spaghetti 1.4.1 released on PyPI and conda-forge. This release includes new functionality with handling PySAL geometries and shortest path extraction, among other enhancements and bug fixes.

01.04 2020

mapclassify 2.2.0

mapclassify 2.2.0 released on PyPI. This release includes new legend formatting functionality among other enhancements and bug fixes.

01.03 2020

spaghetti 1.4.0

spaghetti 1.4.0 released on PyPI and conda-forge. This release includes major improvements to the API documentation and notebooks/tutorials.

12.14 2019

libpysal 4.2.0

libpysal 4.2.0 released and available on PyPI and conda-forge.

09.18 2019

Geocomputation 2019

Spatial Data Science with PySAL workshop at Gecomputation 2019.

08.30 2019


A new book is in the works! Geographic Data Science with PySAL and the PyData Stack.

07.29 2019

pysal 2.1.0

PySAL 2.1.0 is released, representing 6 months of enhancements, bug-fixes, widening of test coverage, and improved documentation. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this version as there are numerous optimizations as well as new features that have been implemented. See the release notes for details.

07.29 2019

spaghetti 1.3.1

spaghetti 1.3.1 released on PyPI and conda-forge.

07.25 2019

giddy 2.2.1

giddy 2.2.1 released on PyPI and conda-forge. This release features an addition of several alignment-based sequence analysis methods. Refer to this example notebook to learn more.

07.08 2019

SciPy 2019

A PySAL workshop will be held at SciPy 2019 in Austin, Texas, on July 8, 2019.

07.01 2019

pointpats 2.1.0

pointpats 2.1.0 released on PyPI and conda-forge. This is the first version that officially supports Python 3.6 and 3.7 exclusively.

06.30 2019

esda 2.1.0

esda 2.1.0 released. Changelog.

06.27 2019

splot 1.1.0

splot 1.1.0 released with new splot documentation website!

06.26 2019

mapclassify 2.1.0

Release of mapclassify 2.1.0 including new plot methods!

06.22 2019


PySAL is now a NumFOCUS affilated project.

06.20 2019

giddy 2.2.0

giddy 2.2.0 released on PyPI and conda-forge. This is the first version that officially supports Python 3.6 and 3.7 exclusively.

05.22 2019

spaghetti 1.3

spaghetti 1.3 released on PyPI and conda-forge. This is the first version that officially supports Python 3.6 and 3.7 exclusively.

04.08 2019

giddy 2.1.0

Release of giddy 2.1.0 featuring the addition of two rank-based Markov classes for spatial distribution dynamics research.

03.03 2019


PySAL is participating in Google Summer of Code under the Python Organization GSOC.

02.27 2019

spaghetti 1.2

Third stable release of spaghetti (1.2).

02.15 2019


A PySAL workshop will be held at FOSS4G in San Diego, on April 19, 2019

01.31 2019

pysal 2.0.0

First stable release of PySAL 2.0 as a meta-package.

11.30 2018

splot 1.0.0

First stable release of our new visualization package splot .

11.07 2018


A PySAL Workshop was be held at 65th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, San Antonio, Texas.

10.31 2018

pointpats 2.0.0

First stable release of pointpats (2.0.0) since PySAL refactoring together with the launch of the pointpats documentation website!

10.31 2018

spaghetti 1.1.1

Second stable release of spaghetti (1.1.1.post3) since PySAL refactoring together with new website.

10.28 2018

mapclassify 2.0.1

mapclassify 2.0.1 released with new mapclassify documentation website!

10.27 2018

libpysal 4.0.1

libpysal 4.0.1 released and we are also launching the libpysal documentation website.

09.28 2018

mgwr 2.0.1

mgwr 2.0.1 released and we are also launching the mgwr documentation website.

08.26 2018

giddy 2.0.0

giddy 2.0.0 released.

08.25 2018

esda 2.0.0

esda 2.0.0 released

08.24 2018

spreg 1.0.4

spreg 1.0.4 released.

08.22 2018

libpysal 4.0.0

libpysal 4.0.0 released.

08.10 2018

mapclassify 2.0.0

mapclassify 2.0.0 released.