Source code for libpysal.weights.weights


# ruff: noqa: N802, N803

__author__ = "Sergio J. Rey <>"

import copy
import math
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import basename

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components

from import FileIO

# from .util import full, WSP2W resolve import cycle by
# forcing these into methods
from . import adjtools

__all__ = ["W", "WSP"]

class _LabelEncoder:
    """Encode labels with values between 0 and n_classes-1.

    classes_: array of shape [n_classes]
        Class labels for each index.

    >>> le = _LabelEncoder()
    >>>["NY", "CA", "NY", "CA", "TX", "TX"])
    >>> le.classes_
    array(['CA', 'NY', 'TX'])
    >>> le.transform(["NY", "CA", "NY", "CA", "TX", "TX"])
    array([1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2])

    def fit(self, y):
        """Fit label encoder.

        y : list
            list of labels

        self : instance of self.
          Fitted label encoder.
        self.classes_ = np.unique(y)
        return self

    def transform(self, y):
        """Transform labels to normalized encoding.

        y : list
            list of labels

        y : array
            array of normalized labels.
        return np.searchsorted(self.classes_, y)

[docs] class W: """ Spatial weights class. Class attributes are described by their docstrings. to view, use the ``help`` function. Parameters ---------- neighbors : dict Key is region ID, value is a list of neighbor IDS. For example, ``{'a':['b'],'b':['a','c'],'c':['b']}``. weights : dict Key is region ID, value is a list of edge weights. If not supplied all edge weights are assumed to have a weight of 1. For example, ``{'a':[0.5],'b':[0.5,1.5],'c':[1.5]}``. id_order : list An ordered list of ids, defines the order of observations when iterating over ``W`` if not set, lexicographical ordering is used to iterate and the ``id_order_set`` property will return ``False``. This can be set after creation by setting the ``id_order`` property. silence_warnings : bool By default ``libpysal`` will print a warning if the dataset contains any disconnected components or islands. To silence this warning set this parameter to ``True``. ids : list Values to use for keys of the neighbors and weights ``dict`` objects. Attributes ---------- asymmetries cardinalities component_labels diagW2 diagWtW diagWtW_WW histogram id2i id_order id_order_set islands max_neighbors mean_neighbors min_neighbors n n_components neighbor_offsets nonzero pct_nonzero s0 s1 s2 s2array sd sparse trcW2 trcWtW trcWtW_WW transform Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import W >>> neighbors = {0: [3, 1], 1: [0, 4, 2], 2: [1, 5], 3: [0, 6, 4], 4: [1, 3, 7, 5], 5: [2, 4, 8], 6: [3, 7], 7: [4, 6, 8], 8: [5, 7]} >>> weights = {0: [1, 1], 1: [1, 1, 1], 2: [1, 1], 3: [1, 1, 1], 4: [1, 1, 1, 1], 5: [1, 1, 1], 6: [1, 1], 7: [1, 1, 1], 8: [1, 1]} >>> w = W(neighbors, weights) >>> "%.3f"%w.pct_nonzero '29.630' Read from external `.gal file <>`_. >>> import libpysal >>> w ="")).read() >>> w.n 78 >>> "%.3f"%w.pct_nonzero '6.542' Set weights implicitly. >>> neighbors = {0: [3, 1], 1: [0, 4, 2], 2: [1, 5], 3: [0, 6, 4], 4: [1, 3, 7, 5], 5: [2, 4, 8], 6: [3, 7], 7: [4, 6, 8], 8: [5, 7]} >>> w = W(neighbors) >>> round(w.pct_nonzero,3) 29.63 >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w = lat2W(100, 100) >>> w.trcW2 39600.0 >>> w.trcWtW 39600.0 >>> w.transform='r' >>> round(w.trcW2, 3) 2530.722 >>> round(w.trcWtW, 3) 2533.667 Cardinality Histogram: >>> w.histogram [(2, 4), (3, 392), (4, 9604)] Disconnected observations (islands): >>> from libpysal.weights import W >>> w = W({1:[0],0:[1],2:[], 3:[]}) UserWarning: The weights matrix is not fully connected: There are 3 disconnected components. There are 2 islands with ids: 2, 3. """ # noqa: E501
[docs] def __init__( self, neighbors, weights=None, id_order=None, silence_warnings=False, ids=None, # noqa: ARG002 ): self.silence_warnings = silence_warnings self.transformations = {} self.neighbors = neighbors if not weights: weights = {} for key in neighbors: weights[key] = [1.0] * len(neighbors[key]) self.weights = weights self.transformations["O"] = self.weights.copy() # original weights self.transform = "O" if id_order is None: self._id_order = list(self.neighbors.keys()) self._id_order.sort() self._id_order_set = False else: self._id_order = id_order self._id_order_set = True self._reset() self._n = len(self.weights) if (not self.silence_warnings) and (self.n_components > 1): message = ( "The weights matrix is not fully connected: " "\n There are %d disconnected components." % self.n_components ) ni = len(self.islands) if ni == 1: message = ( message + f"\n There is 1 island with id: {str(self.islands[0])}." ) elif ni > 1: message = message + "\n There are %d islands with ids: %s." % ( ni, ", ".join(str(island) for island in self.islands), ) warnings.warn(message, stacklevel=2)
def _reset(self): """Reset properties.""" self._cache = {}
[docs] def to_file(self, path="", format=None): # noqa: A002 """ Write a weights to a file. The format is guessed automatically from the path, but can be overridden with the format argument. See for more information. Parameters ---------- path : string location to save the file format : string string denoting the format to write the weights to. Returns ------- None """ f = FileIO(dataPath=path, mode="w", dataFormat=format) f.write(self) f.close()
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path="", format=None): # noqa: A002 """ Read a weights file into a W object. Parameters ---------- path : string location to save the file format : string string denoting the format to write the weights to. Returns ------- W object """ f = FileIO(dataPath=path, mode="r", dataFormat=format) w = f.close() return w
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapefile(cls, *args, **kwargs): # we could also just "do the right thing," but I think it'd make sense to # try and get people to use `Rook.from_shapefile(shapefile)` rather than # W.from_shapefile(shapefile, type=`rook`), otherwise we'd need to build # a type dispatch table. Generic W should be for stuff we don't know # anything about. raise NotImplementedError( "Use type-specific constructors, like Rook, Queen, DistanceBand, or Kernel" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_WSP(cls, WSP, silence_warnings=True): """Create a pysal W from a pysal WSP object (thin weights matrix). Parameters ---------- wsp : WSP PySAL sparse weights object silence_warnings : bool By default ``libpysal`` will print a warning if the dataset contains any disconnected components or islands. To silence this warning set this parameter to ``True``. Returns ------- w : W PySAL weights object Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W, WSP, W Build a 10x10 scipy.sparse matrix for a rectangular 2x5 region of cells (rook contiguity), then construct a PySAL sparse weights object (wsp). >>> sp = lat2SW(2, 5) >>> wsp = WSP(sp) >>> wsp.n 10 >>> wsp.sparse[0].todense() matrix([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=int8) Create a standard PySAL W from this sparse weights object. >>> w = W.from_WSP(wsp) >>> w.n 10 >>> print(w.full()[0][0]) [0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0] """ data = indptr = WSP.sparse.indptr id_order = WSP.id_order if id_order: # replace indices with user IDs indices = [id_order[i] for i in WSP.sparse.indices] else: id_order = list(range(WSP.n)) neighbors, weights = {}, {} start = indptr[0] for i in range(WSP.n): oid = id_order[i] end = indptr[i + 1] neighbors[oid] = indices[start:end] weights[oid] = data[start:end] start = end ids = copy.copy(WSP.id_order) w = W(neighbors, weights, ids, silence_warnings=silence_warnings) w._sparse = copy.deepcopy(WSP.sparse) w._cache["sparse"] = w._sparse return w
[docs] @classmethod def from_adjlist( cls, adjlist, focal_col="focal", neighbor_col="neighbor", weight_col=None ): """ Return an adjacency list representation of a weights object. Parameters ---------- adjlist : pandas.DataFrame Adjacency list with a minimum of two columns. focal_col : str Name of the column with the "source" node ids. neighbor_col : str Name of the column with the "destination" node ids. weight_col : str Name of the column with the weight information. If not provided and the dataframe has no column named "weight" then all weights are assumed to be 1. """ if weight_col is None: weight_col = "weight" try_weightcol = getattr(adjlist, weight_col) if try_weightcol is None: adjlist = adjlist.copy(deep=True) adjlist["weight"] = 1 grouper = adjlist.groupby(focal_col) neighbors = {} weights = {} for ix, chunk in grouper: neighbors_to_ix = chunk[neighbor_col].values weights_to_ix = chunk[weight_col].values mask = neighbors_to_ix != ix neighbors[ix] = neighbors_to_ix[mask].tolist() weights[ix] = weights_to_ix[mask].tolist() return cls(neighbors=neighbors, weights=weights)
[docs] def to_adjlist( self, remove_symmetric=False, drop_islands=None, focal_col="focal", neighbor_col="neighbor", weight_col="weight", sort_joins=False, ): """ Compute an adjacency list representation of a weights object. Parameters ---------- remove_symmetric : bool Whether or not to remove symmetric entries. If the ``W`` is symmetric, a standard directed adjacency list will contain both the forward and backward links by default because adjacency lists are a directed graph representation. If this is ``True``, a ``W`` created from this adjacency list **MAY NOT BE THE SAME** as the original ``W``. If you would like to consider (1,2) and (2,1) as distinct links, leave this as ``False``. drop_islands : bool Whether or not to preserve islands as entries in the adjacency list. By default, observations with no neighbors do not appear in the adjacency list. If islands are kept, they are coded as self-neighbors with zero weight. focal_col : str Name of the column in which to store "source" node ids. neighbor_col : str Name of the column in which to store "destination" node ids. weight_col : str Name of the column in which to store weight information. sort_joins : bool Whether or not to lexicographically sort the adjacency list by (focal_col, neighbor_col). Default is False. """ try: import pandas except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): raise ImportError( "pandas must be installed & importable to use this method" ) from None if (drop_islands is None) and not (self.silence_warnings): warnings.warn( ( "In the next version of libpysal, observations with no neighbors " "will be included in adjacency lists as loops (row with the same " "focal and neighbor) with zero weight. In the current version, " "observations with no neighbors are dropped. If you would like to " "keep the current behavior, use drop_islands=True in this function" ), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) drop_islands = True focal_ix, neighbor_ix = self.sparse.nonzero() idxs = np.array(self.id_order) focal_ix = idxs[focal_ix] neighbor_ix = idxs[neighbor_ix] weights = adjlist = pandas.DataFrame( {focal_col: focal_ix, neighbor_col: neighbor_ix, weight_col: weights} ) if remove_symmetric: adjlist = adjtools.filter_adjlist(adjlist) if not drop_islands: island_adjlist = pandas.DataFrame( {focal_col: self.islands, neighbor_col: self.islands, weight_col: 0} ) adjlist = pandas.concat((adjlist, island_adjlist)).reset_index(drop=True) if sort_joins: return adjlist.sort_values([focal_col, neighbor_col]) return adjlist
[docs] def to_networkx(self): """Convert a weights object to a ``networkx`` graph. Returns ------- A ``networkx`` graph representation of the ``W`` object. """ try: import networkx as nx except ImportError: raise ImportError( "NetworkX 2.7+ is required to use this function." ) from None g = nx.DiGraph() if len(self.asymmetries) > 0 else nx.Graph() return nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(self.sparse, create_using=g)
[docs] @classmethod def from_networkx(cls, graph, weight_col="weight"): # noqa: ARG003 """Convert a ``networkx`` graph to a PySAL ``W`` object. Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph The graph to convert to a ``W``. weight_col : string If the graph is labeled, this should be the name of the field to use as the weight for the ``W``. Returns ------- w : libpysal.weights.W A ``W`` object containing the same graph as the ``networkx`` graph. """ try: import networkx as nx except ImportError: raise ImportError( "NetworkX 2.7+ is required to use this function." ) from None sparse_array = nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(graph) w = WSP(sparse_array).to_W() return w
@property def sparse(self): """Sparse matrix object. For any matrix manipulations required for w, ``w.sparse`` should be used. This is based on ``scipy.sparse``. """ if "sparse" not in self._cache: self._sparse = self._build_sparse() self._cache["sparse"] = self._sparse return self._sparse
[docs] @classmethod def from_sparse(cls, sparse): """Convert a ``scipy.sparse`` array to a PySAL ``W`` object. Parameters ---------- sparse : scipy.sparse array Returns ------- w : libpysal.weights.W A ``W`` object containing the same graph as the ``scipy.sparse`` graph. Notes ----- When the sparse array has a zero in its data attribute, and the corresponding row and column values are equal, the value for the pysal weight will be 0 for the "loop". """ coo = sparse.tocoo() neighbors = defaultdict(list) weights = defaultdict(list) for k, v, w in zip(coo.row, coo.col,, strict=True): neighbors[k].append(v) weights[k].append(w) return W(neighbors=neighbors, weights=weights)
[docs] def to_sparse(self, fmt="coo"): """Generate a ``scipy.sparse`` array object from a pysal W. Parameters ---------- fmt : {'bsr', 'coo', 'csc', 'csr'} scipy.sparse format Returns ------- scipy.sparse array A scipy.sparse array with a format of fmt. Notes ----- The keys of the w.neighbors are encoded to determine row,col in the sparse array. """ disp = {} disp["bsr"] = scipy.sparse.bsr_array disp["coo"] = scipy.sparse.coo_array disp["csc"] = scipy.sparse.csc_array disp["csr"] = scipy.sparse.csr_array fmt_l = fmt.lower() if fmt_l in disp: adj_list = self.to_adjlist(drop_islands=False) data = adj_list.weight row = adj_list.focal col = adj_list.neighbor le = _LabelEncoder() row = le.transform(row) col = le.transform(col) n = self.n return disp[fmt_l]((data, (row, col)), shape=(n, n)) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported sparse format: {fmt}")
@property def n_components(self): """Store whether the adjacency matrix is fully connected.""" if "n_components" not in self._cache: self._n_components, self._component_labels = connected_components( self.sparse ) self._cache["n_components"] = self._n_components self._cache["component_labels"] = self._component_labels return self._n_components @property def component_labels(self): """Store the graph component in which each observation falls.""" if "component_labels" not in self._cache: self._n_components, self._component_labels = connected_components( self.sparse ) self._cache["n_components"] = self._n_components self._cache["component_labels"] = self._component_labels return self._component_labels def _build_sparse(self): """Construct the sparse attribute.""" row = [] col = [] data = [] id2i = self.id2i for i, neigh_list in list(self.neighbor_offsets.items()): card = self.cardinalities[i] row.extend([id2i[i]] * card) col.extend(neigh_list) data.extend(self.weights[i]) row = np.array(row) col = np.array(col) data = np.array(data) s = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(self.n, self.n)) return s @property def id2i(self): """Dictionary where the key is an ID and the value is that ID's index in ``W.id_order``. """ if "id2i" not in self._cache: self._id2i = {} for i, id_i in enumerate(self._id_order): self._id2i[id_i] = i self._id2i = self._id2i self._cache["id2i"] = self._id2i return self._id2i @property def n(self): """Number of units.""" if "n" not in self._cache: self._n = len(self.neighbors) self._cache["n"] = self._n return self._n @property def s0(self): r"""``s0`` is defined as .. math:: s0=\sum_i \sum_j w_{i,j} """ if "s0" not in self._cache: self._s0 = self.sparse.sum() self._cache["s0"] = self._s0 return self._s0 @property def s1(self): r"""``s1`` is defined as .. math:: s1=1/2 \sum_i \sum_j \Big(w_{i,j} + w_{j,i}\Big)^2 """ if "s1" not in self._cache: t = self.sparse.transpose() t = t + self.sparse t2 = t.multiply(t) # element-wise square self._s1 = t2.sum() / 2.0 self._cache["s1"] = self._s1 return self._s1 @property def s2array(self): """Individual elements comprising ``s2``. See Also -------- s2 """ if "s2array" not in self._cache: s = self.sparse self._s2array = np.array(s.sum(1) + s.sum(0).transpose()) ** 2 self._cache["s2array"] = self._s2array return self._s2array @property def s2(self): r"""``s2`` is defined as .. math:: s2=\sum_j \Big(\sum_i w_{i,j} + \sum_i w_{j,i}\Big)^2 """ if "s2" not in self._cache: self._s2 = self.s2array.sum() self._cache["s2"] = self._s2 return self._s2 @property def trcW2(self): """Trace of :math:`WW`. See Also -------- diagW2 """ if "trcW2" not in self._cache: self._trcW2 = self.diagW2.sum() self._cache["trcw2"] = self._trcW2 return self._trcW2 @property def diagW2(self): """Diagonal of :math:`WW`. See Also -------- trcW2 """ if "diagw2" not in self._cache: self._diagW2 = (self.sparse * self.sparse).diagonal() self._cache["diagW2"] = self._diagW2 return self._diagW2 @property def diagWtW(self): """Diagonal of :math:`W^{'}W`. See Also -------- trcWtW """ if "diagWtW" not in self._cache: self._diagWtW = (self.sparse.transpose() * self.sparse).diagonal() self._cache["diagWtW"] = self._diagWtW return self._diagWtW @property def trcWtW(self): """Trace of :math:`W^{'}W`. See Also -------- diagWtW """ if "trcWtW" not in self._cache: self._trcWtW = self.diagWtW.sum() self._cache["trcWtW"] = self._trcWtW return self._trcWtW @property def diagWtW_WW(self): """Diagonal of :math:`W^{'}W + WW`.""" if "diagWtW_WW" not in self._cache: wt = self.sparse.transpose() w = self.sparse self._diagWtW_WW = (wt * w + w * w).diagonal() self._cache["diagWtW_WW"] = self._diagWtW_WW return self._diagWtW_WW @property def trcWtW_WW(self): """Trace of :math:`W^{'}W + WW`.""" if "trcWtW_WW" not in self._cache: self._trcWtW_WW = self.diagWtW_WW.sum() self._cache["trcWtW_WW"] = self._trcWtW_WW return self._trcWtW_WW @property def pct_nonzero(self): """Percentage of nonzero weights.""" if "pct_nonzero" not in self._cache: self._pct_nonzero = 100.0 * self.sparse.nnz / (1.0 * self._n**2) self._cache["pct_nonzero"] = self._pct_nonzero return self._pct_nonzero @property def cardinalities(self): """Number of neighbors for each observation.""" if "cardinalities" not in self._cache: c = {} for i in self._id_order: c[i] = len(self.neighbors[i]) self._cardinalities = c self._cache["cardinalities"] = self._cardinalities return self._cardinalities @property def max_neighbors(self): """Largest number of neighbors.""" if "max_neighbors" not in self._cache: self._max_neighbors = max(self.cardinalities.values()) self._cache["max_neighbors"] = self._max_neighbors return self._max_neighbors @property def mean_neighbors(self): """Average number of neighbors.""" if "mean_neighbors" not in self._cache: self._mean_neighbors = np.mean(list(self.cardinalities.values())) self._cache["mean_neighbors"] = self._mean_neighbors return self._mean_neighbors @property def min_neighbors(self): """Minimum number of neighbors.""" if "min_neighbors" not in self._cache: self._min_neighbors = min(self.cardinalities.values()) self._cache["min_neighbors"] = self._min_neighbors return self._min_neighbors @property def nonzero(self): """Number of nonzero weights.""" if "nonzero" not in self._cache: self._nonzero = self.sparse.nnz self._cache["nonzero"] = self._nonzero return self._nonzero @property def sd(self): """Standard deviation of number of neighbors.""" if "sd" not in self._cache: self._sd = np.std(list(self.cardinalities.values())) self._cache["sd"] = self._sd return self._sd @property def asymmetries(self): """List of id pairs with asymmetric weights sorted in ascending *index location* order. """ if "asymmetries" not in self._cache: self._asymmetries = self.asymmetry() self._cache["asymmetries"] = self._asymmetries return self._asymmetries @property def islands(self): """List of ids without any neighbors.""" if "islands" not in self._cache: self._islands = [i for i, c in list(self.cardinalities.items()) if c == 0] self._cache["islands"] = self._islands return self._islands @property def histogram(self): """Cardinality histogram as a dictionary where key is the id and value is the number of neighbors for that unit. """ if "histogram" not in self._cache: ct, bin_ = np.histogram( list(self.cardinalities.values()), list(range(self.min_neighbors, self.max_neighbors + 2)), ) self._histogram = list(zip(bin_[:-1], ct, strict=True)) self._cache["histogram"] = self._histogram return self._histogram def __getitem__(self, key): """Allow a dictionary like interaction with the weights class. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w = lat2W() >>> w[0] == dict({1: 1.0, 5: 1.0}) True """ return dict(list(zip(self.neighbors[key], self.weights[key], strict=True))) def __iter__(self): """ Support iteration over weights. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w=lat2W(3,3) >>> for i,wi in enumerate(w): ... print(i,wi[0]) ... 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 >>> """ for i in self._id_order: yield i, dict(list(zip(self.neighbors[i], self.weights[i], strict=True)))
[docs] def remap_ids(self, new_ids): """ In place modification throughout ``W`` of id values from ``w.id_order`` to ``new_ids`` in all. Parameters ---------- new_ids : list, numpy.ndarray Aligned list of new ids to be inserted. Note that first element of ``new_ids`` will replace first element of ``w.id_order``, second element of ``new_ids`` replaces second element of ``w.id_order`` and so on. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w = lat2W(3, 3) >>> w.id_order [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] >>> w.neighbors[0] [3, 1] >>> new_ids = ['id%i'%id for id in w.id_order] >>> _ = w.remap_ids(new_ids) >>> w.id_order ['id0', 'id1', 'id2', 'id3', 'id4', 'id5', 'id6', 'id7', 'id8'] >>> w.neighbors['id0'] ['id3', 'id1'] """ old_ids = self._id_order if len(old_ids) != len(new_ids): raise Exception( "W.remap_ids: length of `old_ids` does not match that of" " new_ids" ) if len(set(new_ids)) != len(new_ids): raise Exception("W.remap_ids: list `new_ids` contains duplicates") else: new_neighbors = {} new_weights = {} old_transformations = self.transformations["O"].copy() new_transformations = {} for o, n in zip(old_ids, new_ids, strict=True): o_neighbors = self.neighbors[o] o_weights = self.weights[o] n_neighbors = [new_ids[old_ids.index(j)] for j in o_neighbors] new_neighbors[n] = n_neighbors new_weights[n] = o_weights[:] new_transformations[n] = old_transformations[o] self.neighbors = new_neighbors self.weights = new_weights self.transformations["O"] = new_transformations id_order = [self._id_order.index(o) for o in old_ids] for i, id_ in enumerate(id_order): self.id_order[id_] = new_ids[i] self._reset()
def __set_id_order(self, ordered_ids): """Set the iteration order in w. ``W`` can be iterated over. On construction the iteration order is set to the lexicographic order of the keys in the ``w.weights`` dictionary. If a specific order is required it can be set with this method. Parameters ---------- ordered_ids : sequence Identifiers for observations in specified order. Notes ----- The ``ordered_ids`` parameter is checked against the ids implied by the keys in ``w.weights``. If they are not equivalent sets an exception is raised and the iteration order is not changed. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w=lat2W(3,3) >>> for i,wi in enumerate(w): ... print(i, wi[0]) ... 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 >>> w.id_order [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] >>> w.id_order=range(8,-1,-1) >>> list(w.id_order) [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] >>> for i,w_i in enumerate(w): ... print(i,w_i[0]) ... 0 8 1 7 2 6 3 5 4 4 5 3 6 2 7 1 8 0 """ if set(self._id_order) == set(ordered_ids): self._id_order = ordered_ids self._id_order_set = True self._reset() else: raise Exception("ordered_ids do not align with W ids") def __get_id_order(self): """Returns the ids for the observations in the order in which they would be encountered if iterating over the weights. """ return self._id_order id_order = property(__get_id_order, __set_id_order) @property def id_order_set(self): """Returns ``True`` if user has set ``id_order``, ``False`` if not. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w=lat2W() >>> w.id_order_set True """ return self._id_order_set @property def neighbor_offsets(self): """ Given the current ``id_order``, ``neighbor_offsets[id]`` is the offsets of the id's neighbors in ``id_order``. Returns ------- neighbor_list : list Offsets of the id's neighbors in ``id_order``. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import W >>> neighbors={'c': ['b'], 'b': ['c', 'a'], 'a': ['b']} >>> weights ={'c': [1.0], 'b': [1.0, 1.0], 'a': [1.0]} >>> w=W(neighbors,weights) >>> w.id_order = ['a','b','c'] >>> w.neighbor_offsets['b'] [2, 0] >>> w.id_order = ['b','a','c'] >>> w.neighbor_offsets['b'] [2, 1] """ if "neighbors_0" not in self._cache: self.__neighbors_0 = {} id2i = self.id2i for j, neigh_list in list(self.neighbors.items()): self.__neighbors_0[j] = [id2i[neigh] for neigh in neigh_list] self._cache["neighbors_0"] = self.__neighbors_0 neighbor_list = self.__neighbors_0 return neighbor_list
[docs] def get_transform(self): """Getter for transform property. Returns ------- transformation : str, None Valid transformation value. See the ``transform`` parameters in ``set_transform()`` for a detailed description. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w=lat2W() >>> w.weights[0] [1.0, 1.0] >>> w.transform 'O' >>> w.transform='r' >>> w.weights[0] [0.5, 0.5] >>> w.transform='b' >>> w.weights[0] [1.0, 1.0] See also -------- set_transform """ return self._transform
[docs] def set_transform(self, value="B"): """Transformations of weights. Parameters ---------- transform : str This parameter is not case sensitive. The following are valid transformations. * **B** -- Binary * **R** -- Row-standardization (global sum :math:`=n`) * **D** -- Double-standardization (global sum :math:`=1`) * **V** -- Variance stabilizing * **O** -- Restore original transformation (from instantiation) Notes ----- Transformations are applied only to the value of the weights at instantiation. Chaining of transformations cannot be done on a ``W`` instance. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w=lat2W() >>> w.weights[0] [1.0, 1.0] >>> w.transform 'O' >>> w.transform='r' >>> w.weights[0] [0.5, 0.5] >>> w.transform='b' >>> w.weights[0] [1.0, 1.0] """ value = value.upper() self._transform = value if value in self.transformations: self.weights = self.transformations[value] self._reset() else: if value == "R": # row standardized weights weights = {} self.weights = self.transformations["O"] for i in self.weights: wijs = self.weights[i] row_sum = sum(wijs) * 1.0 if row_sum == 0.0 and not self.silence_warnings: print(("WARNING: ", i, " is an island (no neighbors)")) weights[i] = [wij / row_sum for wij in wijs] weights = weights self.transformations[value] = weights self.weights = weights self._reset() elif value == "D": # doubly-standardized weights # update current chars before doing global sum self._reset() s0 = self.s0 ws = 1.0 / s0 weights = {} self.weights = self.transformations["O"] for i in self.weights: wijs = self.weights[i] weights[i] = [wij * ws for wij in wijs] weights = weights self.transformations[value] = weights self.weights = weights self._reset() elif value == "B": # binary transformation weights = {} self.weights = self.transformations["O"] for i in self.weights: wijs = self.weights[i] weights[i] = [1.0 for wij in wijs] weights = weights self.transformations[value] = weights self.weights = weights self._reset() elif value == "V": # variance stabilizing weights = {} q = {} s = {} big_q = 0.0 self.weights = self.transformations["O"] for i in self.weights: wijs = self.weights[i] q[i] = math.sqrt(sum([wij * wij for wij in wijs])) s[i] = [wij / q[i] for wij in wijs] big_q += sum(s[i]) nq = self.n / big_q for i in self.weights: weights[i] = [w * nq for w in s[i]] weights = weights self.transformations[value] = weights self.weights = weights self._reset() elif value == "O": # put weights back to original transformation weights = {} original = self.transformations[value] self.weights = original self._reset() else: raise Exception("unsupported weights transformation")
transform = property(get_transform, set_transform)
[docs] def asymmetry(self, intrinsic=True): r""" Asymmetry check. Parameters ---------- intrinsic : bool Default is ``True``. Intrinsic symmetry is defined as: .. math:: w_{i,j} == w_{j,i} If ``intrinsic`` is ``False`` symmetry is defined as: .. math:: i \in N_j \ \& \ j \in N_i where :math:`N_j` is the set of neighbors for :math:`j`. Returns ------- asymmetries : list Empty if no asymmetries are found. If there are asymmetries, then a ``list`` of ``(i,j)`` tuples is returned sorted in ascending *index location* order. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2W >>> w=lat2W(3,3) >>> w.asymmetry() [] >>> w.transform='r' >>> w.asymmetry() [(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 1), (2, 5), (3, 0), (3, 4), (3, 6), (4, 1), (4, 3), (4, 5), (4, 7), (5, 2), (5, 4), (5, 8), (6, 3), (6, 7), (7, 4), (7, 6), (7, 8), (8, 5), (8, 7)] >>> result = w.asymmetry(intrinsic=False) >>> result [] >>> neighbors={0:[1,2,3], 1:[1,2,3], 2:[0,1], 3:[0,1]} >>> weights={0:[1,1,1], 1:[1,1,1], 2:[1,1], 3:[1,1]} >>> w=W(neighbors,weights) >>> w.asymmetry() [(0, 1), (1, 0)] """ # noqa: E501 if intrinsic: wd = self.sparse.transpose() - self.sparse else: transform = self.transform self.transform = "b" wd = self.sparse.transpose() - self.sparse self.transform = transform ids = np.nonzero(wd) if len(ids[0]) == 0: return [] else: ijs = list(zip(ids[0], ids[1], strict=True)) ijs.sort() i2id = {v: k for k, v in self.id2i.items()} ijs = [(i2id[i], i2id[j]) for i, j in ijs] return ijs
[docs] def symmetrize(self, inplace=False): """Construct a symmetric KNN weight. This ensures that the neighbors of each focal observation consider the focal observation itself as a neighbor. This returns a generic ``W`` object, since the object is no longer guaranteed to have ``k`` neighbors for each observation. """ if not inplace: neighbors = copy.deepcopy(self.neighbors) weights = copy.deepcopy(self.weights) out_w = W(neighbors, weights, id_order=self.id_order) out_w.symmetrize(inplace=True) return out_w else: for focal, fneighbs in list(self.neighbors.items()): for j, neighbor in enumerate(fneighbs): neighb_neighbors = self.neighbors[neighbor] if focal not in neighb_neighbors: self.neighbors[neighbor].append(focal) self.weights[neighbor].append(self.weights[focal][j]) self._cache = {} return
[docs] def full(self): """Generate a full ``numpy.ndarray``. Parameters ---------- self : libpysal.weights.W spatial weights object Returns ------- (fullw, keys) : tuple The first element being the full ``numpy.ndarray`` and second element keys being the ids associated with each row in the array. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import W, full >>> neighbors = { ... 'first':['second'],'second':['first','third'],'third':['second'] ... } >>> weights = {'first':[1],'second':[1,1],'third':[1]} >>> w = W(neighbors, weights) >>> wf, ids = full(w) >>> wf array([[0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.]]) >>> ids ['first', 'second', 'third'] """ wfull = self.sparse.toarray() keys = list(self.neighbors.keys()) if self.id_order: keys = self.id_order return (wfull, keys)
[docs] def to_WSP(self): """Generate a ``WSP`` object. Returns ------- implicit : libpysal.weights.WSP Thin ``W`` class Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import W, WSP >>> neighbors={'first':['second'],'second':['first','third'],'third':['second']} >>> weights={'first':[1],'second':[1,1],'third':[1]} >>> w=W(neighbors,weights) >>> wsp=w.to_WSP() >>> isinstance(wsp, WSP) True >>> wsp.n 3 >>> wsp.s0 4 See also -------- WSP """ return WSP(self.sparse, self._id_order)
[docs] def set_shapefile(self, shapefile, idVariable=None, full=False): """ Adding metadata for writing headers of ``.gal`` and ``.gwt`` files. Parameters ---------- shapefile : str The shapefile name used to construct weights. idVariable : str The name of the attribute in the shapefile to associate with ids in the weights. full : bool Write out the entire path for a shapefile (``True``) or only the base of the shapefile without extension (``False``). Default is ``True``. """ if full: self._shpName = shapefile else: self._shpName = basename(shapefile).split(".")[0] self._varName = idVariable
[docs] def plot( self, gdf, indexed_on=None, ax=None, color="k", node_kws=None, edge_kws=None ): """Plot spatial weights objects. **Requires** ``matplotlib``, and implicitly requires a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` as input. Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame The original shapes whose topological relations are modelled in ``W``. indexed_on : str Column of ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` that the weights object uses as an index. Default is ``None``, so the index of the ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` is used. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axis on which to plot the weights. Default is ``None``, so plots on the current figure. color : str ``matplotlib`` color string, will color both nodes and edges the same by default. node_kws : dict Keyword arguments dictionary to send to ``pyplot.scatter``, which provides fine-grained control over the aesthetics of the nodes in the plot. edge_kws : dict Keyword arguments dictionary to send to ``pyplot.plot``, which provides fine-grained control over the aesthetics of the edges in the plot. Returns ------- f : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure on which the plot is made. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axis on which the plot is made. Notes ----- If you'd like to overlay the actual shapes from the ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``, call ``gdf.plot(ax=ax)`` after this. To plot underneath, adjust the z-order of the plot as follows: ``gdf.plot(ax=ax,zorder=0)``. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import Queen >>> import libpysal as lp >>> import geopandas >>> gdf = geopandas.read_file(lp.examples.get_path("columbus.shp")) >>> weights = Queen.from_dataframe(gdf) >>> tmp = weights.plot( ... gdf, color='firebrickred', node_kws=dict(marker='*', color='k') ... ) """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise ImportError( "W.plot depends on matplotlib.pyplot, and this was" "not able to be imported. \nInstall matplotlib to" "plot spatial weights." ) from None if ax is None: f = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() else: f = plt.gcf() if node_kws is not None: if "color" not in node_kws: node_kws["color"] = color else: node_kws = {"color": color} if edge_kws is not None: if "color" not in edge_kws: edge_kws["color"] = color else: edge_kws = {"color": color} for idx, neighbors in self.neighbors.items(): if idx in self.islands: continue if indexed_on is not None: neighbors = gdf[gdf[indexed_on].isin(neighbors)].index.tolist() idx = gdf[gdf[indexed_on] == idx].index.tolist()[0] else: neighbors = list(neighbors) centroids = gdf.loc[neighbors].centroid centroids = np.stack([centroids.x, centroids.y], axis=1) focal = np.hstack(gdf.loc[idx].geometry.centroid.xy) seen = set() for nidx, neighbor in zip(neighbors, centroids, strict=True): if (idx, nidx) in seen: continue ax.plot( *list(zip(focal, neighbor, strict=True)), marker=None, **edge_kws ) seen.update((idx, nidx)) seen.update((nidx, idx)) centroids = gdf.centroid ax.scatter(centroids.x, centroids.y, **node_kws) return f, ax
[docs] class WSP: """Thin ``W`` class for ``spreg``. Parameters ---------- sparse : scipy.sparse.{matrix-type} NxN object from ``scipy.sparse`` Attributes ---------- n : int description s0 : float description trcWtW_WW : float description Examples -------- From GAL information >>> import scipy.sparse >>> from libpysal.weights import WSP >>> rows = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3] >>> cols = [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 3] >>> weights = [1, 0.75, 0.25, 0.9, 0.1, 1] >>> sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((weights, (rows, cols)), shape=(4,4)) >>> w = WSP(sparse) >>> w.s0 4.0 >>> w.trcWtW_WW 6.395 >>> w.n 4 """
[docs] def __init__(self, sparse, id_order=None, index=None): if not scipy.sparse.issparse(sparse): raise ValueError("must pass a scipy sparse object") rows, cols = sparse.shape if rows != cols: raise ValueError("Weights object must be square") self.sparse = sparse.tocsr() self.n = sparse.shape[0] self._cache = {} if id_order: if len(id_order) != self.n: raise ValueError( "Number of values in id_order must match shape of sparse" ) else: self._id_order = id_order self._cache["id_order"] = self._id_order # temp addition of index attribute import pandas as pd # will be removed after refactoring is done if index is not None: if not isinstance(index, pd.Index | pd.MultiIndex | pd.RangeIndex): raise TypeError("index must be an instance of pandas.Index dtype") if len(index) != self.n: raise ValueError("Number of values in index must match shape of sparse") else: index = pd.RangeIndex(self.n) self.index = index
@property def id_order(self): """An ordered list of ids, assumed to match the ordering in ``sparse``.""" # Temporary solution until the refactoring is finished if "id_order" not in self._cache: if hasattr(self, "index"): self._id_order = self.index.tolist() else: self._id_order = list(range(self.n)) self._cache["id_order"] = self._id_order return self._id_order @property def s0(self): r"""``s0`` is defined as: .. math:: s0=\sum_i \sum_j w_{i,j} """ if "s0" not in self._cache: self._s0 = self.sparse.sum() self._cache["s0"] = self._s0 return self._s0 @property def trcWtW_WW(self): """Trace of :math:`W^{'}W + WW`.""" if "trcWtW_WW" not in self._cache: self._trcWtW_WW = self.diagWtW_WW.sum() self._cache["trcWtW_WW"] = self._trcWtW_WW return self._trcWtW_WW @property def diagWtW_WW(self): """Diagonal of :math:`W^{'}W + WW`.""" if "diagWtW_WW" not in self._cache: wt = self.sparse.transpose() w = self.sparse self._diagWtW_WW = (wt * w + w * w).diagonal() self._cache["diagWtW_WW"] = self._diagWtW_WW return self._diagWtW_WW
[docs] @classmethod def from_W(cls, W): """Constructs a ``WSP`` object from the ``W``'s sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- W : libpysal.weights.W A PySAL weights object with a sparse form and ids. Returns ------- A ``WSP`` instance. """ return cls(W.sparse, id_order=W.id_order)
[docs] def to_W(self, silence_warnings=False): """ Convert a pysal WSP object (thin weights matrix) to a pysal W object. Parameters ---------- self : WSP PySAL sparse weights object. silence_warnings : bool Switch to ``True`` to turn off print statements for every observation with islands. Default is ``False``, which does not silence warnings. Returns ------- w : W PySAL weights object. Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import lat2SW, WSP, WSP2W Build a 10x10 ``scipy.sparse`` matrix for a rectangular 2x5 region of cells (rook contiguity), then construct a ``libpysal`` sparse weights object (``self``). >>> sp = lat2SW(2, 5) >>> self = WSP(sp) >>> self.n 10 >>> print(self.sparse[0].todense()) [[0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]] Convert this sparse weights object to a standard PySAL weights object. >>> w = WSP2W(self) >>> w.n 10 >>> print(w.full()[0][0]) [0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.] """ indices = list(self.sparse.indices) data = list( indptr = list(self.sparse.indptr) id_order = self.id_order if id_order: # replace indices with user IDs indices = [id_order[i] for i in indices] else: id_order = list(range(self.n)) neighbors, weights = {}, {} start = indptr[0] for i in range(self.n): oid = id_order[i] end = indptr[i + 1] neighbors[oid] = indices[start:end] weights[oid] = data[start:end] start = end ids = copy.copy(self.id_order) w = W(neighbors, weights, ids, silence_warnings=silence_warnings) w._sparse = copy.deepcopy(self.sparse) w._cache["sparse"] = w._sparse return w