Source code for libpysal.weights.contiguity

# ruff: noqa: B006, N802, N803, N813

import itertools
import warnings

import numpy

from import voronoi_frames
from import FileIO
from ._contW_lists import ContiguityWeightsLists
from .raster import da2W, da2WSP
from .util import get_ids, get_points_array
from .weights import WSP, W

    from shapely.geometry import Point as shapely_point

    from import Point as pysal_point

    point_type = (shapely_point, pysal_point)
except ImportError:
    from import Point as point_type

WT_TYPE = {"rook": 2, "queen": 1}  # for _contW_Binning

__author__ = "Sergio J. Rey <> , Levi John Wolf <>"

__all__ = ["Rook", "Queen", "Voronoi"]

[docs] class Rook(W): """ Construct a weights object from a collection of pysal polygons that share at least one edge. Parameters ---------- polygons : list a collection of PySAL shapes to build weights from ids : list a list of names to use to build the weights **kw : keyword arguments optional arguments for :class:`pysal.weights.W` See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` """
[docs] def __init__(self, polygons, **kw): criterion = "rook" ids = kw.pop("ids", None) polygons, backup = itertools.tee(polygons) first_shape = next(iter(backup)) if isinstance(first_shape, point_type): polygons = voronoi_frames( get_points_array(polygons), return_input=False, as_gdf=False ) polygons = list(polygons) neighbors, ids = _build(polygons, criterion=criterion, ids=ids) W.__init__(self, neighbors, ids=ids, **kw)
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapefile(cls, filepath, idVariable=None, full=False, **kwargs): """ Rook contiguity weights from a polygon shapefile. Parameters ---------- shapefile : string name of polygon shapefile including suffix. sparse : boolean If True return WSP instance If False return W instance Returns ------- w : W instance of spatial weights Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import Rook >>> import libpysal >>> wr=Rook.from_shapefile(libpysal.examples.get_path("columbus.shp"), "POLYID") >>> "%.3f"%wr.pct_nonzero '8.330' >>> wr=Rook.from_shapefile( ... libpysal.examples.get_path("columbus.shp"), sparse=True ... ) >>> pct_sp = wr.sparse.nnz *1. / wr.n**2 >>> "%.3f"%pct_sp '0.083' Notes ----- Rook contiguity defines as neighbors any pair of polygons that share a common edge in their polygon definitions. See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.contiguity.Rook` """ sparse = kwargs.pop("sparse", False) ids = get_ids(filepath, idVariable) if idVariable is not None else None w = cls(FileIO(filepath), ids=ids, **kwargs) w.set_shapefile(filepath, idVariable=idVariable, full=full) if sparse: w = w.to_WSP() return w
[docs] @classmethod def from_iterable(cls, iterable, sparse=False, **kwargs): """ Construct a weights object from a collection of arbitrary polygons. This will cast the polygons to PySAL polygons, then build the W. Parameters ---------- iterable : iterable a collection of of shapes to be cast to PySAL shapes. Must support iteration. Can be either Shapely or PySAL shapes. **kw : keyword arguments optional arguments for :class:`pysal.weights.W` See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.contiguity.Rook` """ new_iterable = iter(iterable) w = cls(new_iterable, **kwargs) if sparse: w = WSP.from_W(w) return w
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe( cls, df, geom_col=None, idVariable=None, ids=None, id_order=None, use_index=None, **kwargs, ): """ Construct a weights object from a (geo)pandas dataframe with a geometry column. This will cast the polygons to PySAL polygons, then build the W using ids from the dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame a :class: `pandas.DataFrame` containing geometries to use for spatial weights geom_col : string the name of the column in `df` that contains the geometries. Defaults to active geometry column. idVariable : string DEPRECATED - use `ids` instead. the name of the column to use as IDs. If nothing is provided, the dataframe index is used ids : list-like, string a list-like of ids to use to index the spatial weights object or the name of the column to use as IDs. If nothing is provided, the dataframe index is used if `use_index=True` or a positional index is used if `use_index=False`. Order of the resulting W is not respected from this list. id_order : list DEPRECATED - argument is deprecated and will be removed. An ordered list of ids to use to index the spatial weights object. If used, the resulting weights object will iterate over results in the order of the names provided in this argument. use_index : bool use index of `df` as `ids` to index the spatial weights object. Defaults to False but in future will default to True. See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.contiguity.Rook` """ if geom_col is None: geom_col = if id_order is not None: warnings.warn( "`id_order` is deprecated and will be removed in future.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if id_order is True and ((idVariable is not None) or (ids is not None)): # if idVariable is None, we want ids. Otherwise, we want the # idVariable column id_order = list(df.get(idVariable, ids)) else: id_order = df.get(id_order, ids) if idVariable is not None: if ids is None: warnings.warn( "`idVariable` is deprecated and will be removed in future. " "Use `ids` instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) ids = idVariable else: warnings.warn( "Both `idVariable` and `ids` passed, using `ids`.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if ids is None: if use_index is None: warnings.warn( "`use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. " "Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this " "warning", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) use_index = False if use_index: ids = df.index.tolist() else: if isinstance(ids, str): ids = df[ids] if not isinstance(ids, list): ids = ids.tolist() if len(ids) != len(df): raise ValueError("The length of `ids` does not match the length of df.") if id_order is None: id_order = ids return cls.from_iterable( df[geom_col].tolist(), ids=ids, id_order=id_order, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xarray( cls, da, z_value=None, coords_labels={}, k=1, include_nodata=False, n_jobs=1, # noqa: ARG003 sparse=True, **kwargs, ): """ Construct a weights object from a xarray.DataArray with an additional attribute index containing coordinate values of the raster in the form of Pandas.Index/MultiIndex. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray Input 2D or 3D DataArray with shape=(z, y, x) z_value : int/string/float Select the z_value of 3D DataArray with multiple layers. coords_labels : dictionary Pass dimension labels for coordinates and layers if they do not belong to default dimensions, which are (band/time, y/lat, x/lon) e.g. coords_labels = {"y_label": "latitude", "x_label": "longitude", "z_label": "year"} Default is {} empty dictionary. sparse : boolean type of weight object. Default is True. For libpysal.weights.W, sparse = False k : int Order of contiguity, this will select all neighbors upto kth order. Default is 1. include_nodata : boolean If True, missing values will be assumed as non-missing when selecting higher_order neighbors, Default is False n_jobs : int Number of cores to be used in the sparse weight construction. If -1, all available cores are used. Default is 1. **kwargs : keyword arguments optional arguments passed when sparse = False Returns ------- w : libpysal.weights.W/libpysal.weights.WSP instance of spatial weights class W or WSP with an index attribute Notes ----- 1. Lower order contiguities are also selected. 2. Returned object contains `index` attribute that includes a `Pandas.MultiIndex` object from the DataArray. See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.WSP` """ if sparse: w = da2WSP(da, "rook", z_value, coords_labels, k, include_nodata) else: w = da2W(da, "rook", z_value, coords_labels, k, include_nodata, **kwargs) return w
[docs] class Queen(W): """ Construct a weights object from a collection of pysal polygons that share at least one vertex. Parameters ---------- polygons : list a collection of PySAL shapes to build weights from ids : list a list of names to use to build the weights **kw : keyword arguments optional arguments for :class:`pysal.weights.W` See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` """
[docs] def __init__(self, polygons, **kw): criterion = "queen" ids = kw.pop("ids", None) polygons, backup = itertools.tee(polygons) first_shape = next(iter(backup)) if isinstance(first_shape, point_type): polygons = voronoi_frames( get_points_array(polygons), return_input=False, as_gdf=False ) polygons = list(polygons) neighbors, ids = _build(polygons, criterion=criterion, ids=ids) W.__init__(self, neighbors, ids=ids, **kw)
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapefile(cls, filepath, idVariable=None, full=False, **kwargs): """ Queen contiguity weights from a polygon shapefile. Parameters ---------- shapefile : string name of polygon shapefile including suffix. idVariable : string name of a column in the shapefile's DBF to use for ids. sparse : boolean If True return WSP instance If False return W instance Returns ------- w : W instance of spatial weights Examples -------- >>> from libpysal.weights import Queen >>> import libpysal >>> wq=Queen.from_shapefile(libpysal.examples.get_path("columbus.shp")) >>> "%.3f"%wq.pct_nonzero '9.829' >>> wq=Queen.from_shapefile(libpysal.examples.get_path("columbus.shp"),"POLYID") >>> "%.3f"%wq.pct_nonzero '9.829' >>> wq=Queen.from_shapefile( ... libpysal.examples.get_path("columbus.shp"), sparse=True ... ) >>> pct_sp = wq.sparse.nnz *1. / wq.n**2 >>> "%.3f"%pct_sp '0.098' Notes ----- Queen contiguity defines as neighbors any pair of polygons that share at least one vertex in their polygon definitions. See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.contiguity.Queen` """ sparse = kwargs.pop("sparse", False) ids = get_ids(filepath, idVariable) if idVariable is not None else None w = cls(FileIO(filepath), ids=ids, **kwargs) w.set_shapefile(filepath, idVariable=idVariable, full=full) if sparse: w = w.to_WSP() return w
[docs] @classmethod def from_iterable(cls, iterable, sparse=False, **kwargs): """ Construct a weights object from a collection of arbitrary polygons. This will cast the polygons to PySAL polygons, then build the W. Parameters ---------- iterable : iterable a collection of of shapes to be cast to PySAL shapes. Must support iteration. Contents may either be a shapely or PySAL shape. **kw : keyword arguments optional arguments for :class:`pysal.weights.W` See Also --------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.contiguiyt.Queen` """ new_iterable = iter(iterable) w = cls(new_iterable, **kwargs) if sparse: w = WSP.from_W(w) return w
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe( cls, df, geom_col=None, idVariable=None, ids=None, id_order=None, use_index=None, **kwargs, ): """ Construct a weights object from a (geo)pandas dataframe with a geometry column. This will cast the polygons to PySAL polygons, then build the W using ids from the dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame a :class: `pandas.DataFrame` containing geometries to use for spatial weights geom_col : string the name of the column in `df` that contains the geometries. Defaults to active geometry column. idVariable : string DEPRECATED - use `ids` instead. the name of the column to use as IDs. If nothing is provided, the dataframe index is used ids : list-like, string a list-like of ids to use to index the spatial weights object or the name of the column to use as IDs. If nothing is provided, the dataframe index is used if `use_index=True` or a positional index is used if `use_index=False`. Order of the resulting W is not respected from this list. id_order : list DEPRECATED - argument is deprecated and will be removed. An ordered list of ids to use to index the spatial weights object. If used, the resulting weights object will iterate over results in the order of the names provided in this argument. use_index : bool use index of `df` as `ids` to index the spatial weights object. Defaults to False but in future will default to True. See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.contiguity.Queen` """ if geom_col is None: geom_col = if id_order is not None: warnings.warn( "`id_order` is deprecated and will be removed in future.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if id_order is True and ((idVariable is not None) or (ids is not None)): # if idVariable is None, we want ids. Otherwise, we want the # idVariable column id_order = list(df.get(idVariable, ids)) else: id_order = df.get(id_order, ids) if idVariable is not None: if ids is None: warnings.warn( "`idVariable` is deprecated and will be removed in future. " "Use `ids` instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) ids = idVariable else: warnings.warn( "Both `idVariable` and `ids` passed, using `ids`.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if ids is None: if use_index is None: warnings.warn( "`use_index` defaults to False but will default to True in future. " "Set True/False directly to control this behavior and silence this " "warning", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) use_index = False if use_index: ids = df.index.tolist() else: if isinstance(ids, str): ids = df[ids] if not isinstance(ids, list): ids = ids.tolist() if len(ids) != len(df): raise ValueError("The length of `ids` does not match the length of df.") if id_order is None: id_order = ids return cls.from_iterable( df[geom_col].tolist(), ids=ids, id_order=id_order, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xarray( cls, da, z_value=None, coords_labels={}, k=1, include_nodata=False, n_jobs=1, # noqa: ARG003 sparse=True, **kwargs, ): """ Construct a weights object from a xarray.DataArray with an additional attribute index containing coordinate values of the raster in the form of Pandas.Index/MultiIndex. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray Input 2D or 3D DataArray with shape=(z, y, x) z_value : int/string/float Select the z_value of 3D DataArray with multiple layers. coords_labels : dictionary Pass dimension labels for coordinates and layers if they do not belong to default dimensions, which are (band/time, y/lat, x/lon) e.g. coords_labels = {"y_label": "latitude", "x_label": "longitude", "z_label": "year"} Default is {} empty dictionary. sparse : boolean type of weight object. Default is True. For libpysal.weights.W, sparse = False k : int Order of contiguity, this will select all neighbors upto kth order. Default is 1. include_nodata : boolean If True, missing values will be assumed as non-missing when selecting higher_order neighbors, Default is False n_jobs : int Number of cores to be used in the sparse weight construction. If -1, all available cores are used. Default is 1. **kwargs : keyword arguments optional arguments passed when sparse = False Returns ------- w : libpysal.weights.W/libpysal.weights.WSP instance of spatial weights class W or WSP with an index attribute Notes ----- 1. Lower order contiguities are also selected. 2. Returned object contains `index` attribute that includes a `Pandas.MultiIndex` object from the DataArray. See Also -------- :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.W` :class:`libpysal.weights.weights.WSP` """ if sparse: w = da2WSP(da, "queen", z_value, coords_labels, k, include_nodata) else: w = da2W(da, "queen", z_value, coords_labels, k, include_nodata, **kwargs) return w
[docs] def Voronoi(points, criterion="rook", clip="alpha_shape", **kwargs): """ Voronoi weights for a 2-d point set Points are Voronoi neighbors if their polygons share an edge or vertex. Parameters ---------- points : array (n,2) coordinates for point locations kwargs : arguments to pass to Rook, the underlying contiguity class. Returns ------- w : W instance of spatial weights Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from libpysal.weights import Voronoi >>> np.random.seed(12345) >>> points= np.random.random((5,2))*10 + 10 >>> w = Voronoi(points) >>> w.neighbors {0: [2, 3, 4], 1: [2], 2: [0, 1, 4], 3: [0, 4], 4: [0, 2, 3]} """ from import voronoi_frames region_df = voronoi_frames(points, clip=clip, return_input=False, as_gdf=True) if criterion.lower() == "queen": cls = Queen elif criterion.lower() == "rook": cls = Rook else: raise ValueError( f"Contiguity criterion {criterion} not supported. " "Only 'rook' and 'queen' are supported." ) return cls.from_dataframe(region_df, **kwargs)
def _from_dataframe(df, **kwargs): """ Construct a voronoi contiguity weight directly from a dataframe. Note that if criterion='rook', this is identical to the delaunay graph for the points if no clipping of the voronoi cells is applied. If the input dataframe is of any other geometry type than "Point", a value error is raised. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing point geometries for a voronoi diagram. Returns ------- w : W instance of spatial weights. """ try: x, y = df.geometry.x.values, df.geometry.y.values except ValueError: raise NotImplementedError( "Voronoi weights are only" " implemented for point geometries. " "You may consider using df.centroid." ) from None coords = numpy.column_stack((x, y)) return Voronoi(coords, **kwargs) Voronoi.from_dataframe = _from_dataframe def _build(polygons, criterion="rook", ids=None): """ This is a developer-facing function to construct a spatial weights object. Parameters ---------- polygons : list list of pysal polygons to use to build contiguity criterion : string option of which kind of contiguity to build. Is either "rook" or "queen" ids : list list of ids to use to index the neighbor dictionary Returns ------- tuple containing (neighbors, ids), where neighbors is a dictionary describing contiguity relations and ids is the list of ids used to index that dictionary. Notes ----- This is different from the prior behavior of buildContiguity, which returned an actual weights object. Since this just dispatches for the classes above, this returns the raw ingredients for a spatial weights object, not the object itself. """ if ids and len(ids) != len(set(ids)): raise ValueError( "The argument to the ids parameter contains duplicate entries." ) wttype = WT_TYPE[criterion.lower()] geo = polygons if issubclass(type(geo), FileIO): # Make sure we read from the beginning of the file. neighbor_data = ContiguityWeightsLists(polygons, wttype=wttype).w neighbors = {} # weights={} if ids: for key in neighbor_data: ida = ids[key] if ida not in neighbors: neighbors[ida] = set() neighbors[ida].update([ids[x] for x in neighbor_data[key]]) for key in neighbors: neighbors[key] = set(neighbors[key]) else: for key in neighbor_data: neighbors[key] = set(neighbor_data[key]) return ( dict( list( zip( list(neighbors.keys()), list(map(list, list(neighbors.values()))), strict=True, ) ) ), ids, ) def buildContiguity(polygons, criterion="rook", ids=None): """ This is a deprecated function. It builds a contiguity W from the polygons provided. As such, it is now identical to calling the class constructors for Rook or Queen. """ # Warn('This function is deprecated. Please use the Rook or Queen classes', # UserWarning) if criterion.lower() == "rook": return Rook(polygons, ids=ids) elif criterion.lower() == "queen": return Queen(polygons, ids=ids) else: raise ValueError(f"Weights criterion '{criterion}' was not found.")