
PySAL offers several options for installation. The PySAL meta-package can be used to install all the packages in the ecosystem. Alternatively, users can select individual packages for installation.

Installing the PySAL meta-package

If you want to explore the full potential of PySAL, the PySAL meta-package comprised of all the individual packages can be installed in a variety of ways.

Installing PySAL via Conda

conda install --channel conda-forge pysal

Install PySAL via pip

pip install pysal

Installing individual packages

Each individual package in the PySAL ecosystem can also be installed individually via pip or from source. Take giddy as an example:

Installing via pip

Since giddy has been released on the Python Package Index, users could download the distribution file and install it manually or from the command line using `pip`:

pip install giddy

Alternatively, grab the source distribution (.tar.gz) and decompress it to your selected destination. Open a command shell and navigate to the decompressed giddy folder. Type:

python install

Installing from the source

Those who are interested in contributing to developing giddy or want to explore the newest features can checkout giddy using git:

git clone

Open a command shell and navigate to the cloned pysal directory. Type:

python install

Keep up to date with pysal development by ‘pulling’ the latest changes:

git pull

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