Source code for pointpats.spacetime

Methods for identifying space-time interaction in spatio-temporal event
__author__ = (
    "Eli Knaap <>",
    "Nicholas Malizia <>",
    "Sergio J. Rey <>",
    "Philip Stephens <",

__all__ = [

import os
from datetime import date
from warnings import warn

import geopandas as gpd
import libpysal as lps
import numpy as np
import pandas
import scipy.stats as stats
from libpysal import cg
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from scipy.stats import hypergeom, poisson
from shapely.geometry import LineString

[docs] class SpaceTimeEvents: """ Method for reformatting event data stored in a shapefile for use in calculating metrics of spatio-temporal interaction. Parameters ---------- path : string the path to the appropriate shapefile, including the file name and extension time : string column header in the DBF file indicating the column containing the time stamp. infer_timestamp : bool, optional if the column containing the timestamp is formatted as calendar dates, try to coerce them into Python datetime objects (the default is False). Attributes ---------- n : int number of events. x : array (n, 1), array of the x coordinates for the events. y : array (n, 1), array of the y coordinates for the events. t : array (n, 1), array of the temporal coordinates for the events. space : array (n, 2), array of the spatial coordinates (x,y) for the events. time : array (n, 2), array of the temporal coordinates (t,1) for the events, the second column is a vector of ones. Examples -------- Read in the example shapefile data, ensuring to omit the file extension. In order to successfully create the event data the .dbf file associated with the shapefile should have a column of values that are a timestamp for the events. This timestamp may be a numerical value or a date. Date inference was added in version 1.6. >>> import libpysal as lps >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents Create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents from a shapefile, where the temporal information is stored in a column named "T". >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') See how many events are in the instance. >>> events.n 188 Check the spatial coordinates of the first event. >>>[0] array([300., 302.]) Check the time of the first event. >>> events.t[0] array([413.]) Calculate the time difference between the first two events. >>> events.t[1] - events.t[0] array([59.]) New, in 1.6, date support: Now, create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents from a shapefile, where the temporal information is stored in a column named "DATE". >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'DATE') See how many events are in the instance. >>> events.n 188 Check the spatial coordinates of the first event. >>>[0] array([300., 302.]) Check the time of the first event. Note that this value is equivalent to 413 days after January 1, 1900. >>> events.t[0][0], 2, 16) Calculate the time difference between the first two events. >>> (events.t[1][0] - events.t[0][0]).days 59 """
[docs] def __init__(self, path, time_col, infer_timestamp=False): shp = head, tail = os.path.split(path) dbf_tail = tail.split(".")[0] + ".dbf" dbf = # extract the spatial coordinates from the shapefile x = [coords[0] for coords in shp] y = [coords[1] for coords in shp] self.n = n = len(shp) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) self.x = np.reshape(x, (n, 1)) self.y = np.reshape(y, (n, 1)) = np.hstack((self.x, self.y)) # extract the temporal information from the database if infer_timestamp: col = dbf.by_col(time_col) if isinstance(col[0], date): day1 = min(col) col = [(d - day1).days for d in col] t = np.array(col) else: print( "Unable to parse your time column as Python datetime \ objects, proceeding as integers." ) t = np.array(col) else: t = np.array(dbf.by_col(time_col)) line = np.ones((n, 1)) self.t = np.reshape(t, (n, 1)) self.time = np.hstack((self.t, line)) # close open objects dbf.close() shp.close()
def knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99, debug=False): """ Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Knox:1964` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. delta : float threshold for proximity in space. tau : float threshold for proximity in time. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). debug : bool, optional if true, debugging information is printed (the default is False). Returns ------- knox_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the knox test for the dataset. pvalue : float pseudo p-value associated with the statistic. counts : int count of space time neighbors. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, knox Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results - the end-user will normally omit this step. >>> np.random.seed(100) Run the Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5, respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in space, and 5 units in time. >>> result = knox(, events.t, delta=20, tau=5, permutations=99) Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the results dictionary. This reports that there are 13 events close in both space and time, according to our threshold definitions. >>> result['stat'] == 13 True Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case, the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction between the events. >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue']) 0.17 """ warn("This function is deprecated. Use Knox", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # Do a kdtree on space first as the number of ties (identical points) is # likely to be lower for space than time. kd_s = cg.KDTree(s_coords) neigh_s = kd_s.query_pairs(delta) tau2 = tau * tau ids = np.array(list(neigh_s)) # For the neighboring pairs in space, determine which are also time # neighbors d_t = (t_coords[ids[:, 0]] - t_coords[ids[:, 1]]) ** 2 n_st = sum(d_t <= tau2) knox_result = {"stat": n_st[0]} if permutations: joint = np.zeros((permutations, 1), int) for p in range(permutations): np.random.shuffle(t_coords) d_t = (t_coords[ids[:, 0]] - t_coords[ids[:, 1]]) ** 2 joint[p] = np.sum(d_t <= tau2) larger = sum(joint >= n_st[0]) if (permutations - larger) < larger: larger = permutations - larger p_sim = (larger + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0) knox_result["pvalue"] = p_sim return knox_result
[docs] def mantel( s_coords, t_coords, permutations=99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0 ): """ Standardized Mantel test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Mantel:1967` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). scon : float, optional constant added to spatial distances (the default is 1.0). spow : float, optional value for power transformation for spatial distances (the default is -1.0). tcon : float, optional constant added to temporal distances (the default is 1.0). tpow : float, optional value for power transformation for temporal distances (the default is -1.0). Returns ------- mantel_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the knox test for the dataset. pvalue : float pseudo p-value associated with the statistic. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, mantel Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results - the end-user will normally omit this step. >>> np.random.seed(100) The standardized Mantel test is a measure of matrix correlation between the spatial and temporal distance matrices of the event dataset. The following example runs the standardized Mantel test without a constant or transformation; however, as recommended by :cite:`Mantel:1967`, these should be added by the user. This can be done by adjusting the constant and power parameters. >>> result = mantel(, events.t, 99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0) Next, we examine the result of the test. >>> print("%6.6f"%result['stat']) 0.048368 Finally, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistic for each of the 99 permutations. According to these parameters, the results indicate space-time interaction between the events. >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue']) 0.01 """ t = t_coords s = s_coords n = len(t) # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events distmat = cg.distance_matrix(s) timemat = cg.distance_matrix(t) # calculate the transformed standardized statistic timevec = (timemat[np.tril_indices(timemat.shape[0], k=-1)] + tcon) ** tpow distvec = (distmat[np.tril_indices(distmat.shape[0], k=-1)] + scon) ** spow stat = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum() # return the results (if no inference) if not permutations: return stat # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance dist = [] for _i in range(permutations): trand = _shuffle_matrix(timemat, np.arange(n)) timevec = (trand[np.tril_indices(trand.shape[0], k=-1)] + tcon) ** tpow m = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum() dist.append(m) # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic distribution = np.array(dist) greater =, stat) count = pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0) # report the results mantel_result = {"stat": stat, "pvalue": pvalue} return mantel_result
[docs] def jacquez(s_coords, t_coords, k, permutations=99): """ Jacquez k nearest neighbors test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Jacquez:1996` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. k : int the number of nearest neighbors to be searched. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). Returns ------- jacquez_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the Jacquez k nearest neighbors test for the dataset. pvalue : float p-value associated with the statistic (normally distributed with k-1 df). Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, jacquez Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T') The Jacquez test counts the number of events that are k nearest neighbors in both time and space. The following runs the Jacquez test on the example data and reports the resulting statistic. In this case, there are 12 instances where events are nearest neighbors in both space and time. # turning off as kdtree changes from scipy < 0.12 return 13 >>> np.random.seed(100) >>> result = jacquez(, events.t ,k=3,permutations=99) >>> print(result['stat']) 12 The significance of this can be assessed by calling the p- value from the results dictionary, as shown below. Again, no space-time interaction is observed. >>> result['pvalue'] < 0.01 False """ time = t_coords space = s_coords n = len(time) # calculate the nearest neighbors in space and time separately knnt = lps.weights.KNN.from_array(time, k) knns = lps.weights.KNN.from_array(space, k) nnt = knnt.neighbors nns = knns.neighbors knn_sum = 0 # determine which events are nearest neighbors in both space and time for i in range(n): t_neighbors = nnt[i] s_neighbors = nns[i] check = set(t_neighbors) inter = check.intersection(s_neighbors) count = len(inter) knn_sum += count stat = knn_sum # return the results (if no inference) if not permutations: return stat # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance dist = [] for _p in range(permutations): j = 0 trand = np.random.permutation(time) knnt = lps.weights.KNN.from_array(trand, k) nnt = knnt.neighbors for i in range(n): t_neighbors = nnt[i] s_neighbors = nns[i] check = set(t_neighbors) inter = check.intersection(s_neighbors) count = len(inter) j += count dist.append(j) # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic distribution = np.array(dist) greater =, stat) count = pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0) # report the results jacquez_result = {"stat": stat, "pvalue": pvalue} return jacquez_result
[docs] def modified_knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99): """ Baker's modified Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. :cite:`Baker:2004` Parameters ---------- s_coords : array (n, 2), spatial coordinates. t_coords : array (n, 1), temporal coordinates. delta : float threshold for proximity in space. tau : float threshold for proximity in time. permutations : int, optional the number of permutations used to establish pseudo- significance (the default is 99). Returns ------- modknox_result : dictionary contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the associated p-value (pvalue). stat : float value of the modified knox test for the dataset. pvalue : float pseudo p-value associated with the statistic. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import libpysal as lps >>> from pointpats import SpaceTimeEvents, modified_knox Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents. >>> path = lps.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp") >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path, 'T') Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results - the end-user will normally omit this step. >>> np.random.seed(100) Run the modified Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5, respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in space, and 5 units in time. >>> result = modified_knox(, events.t, delta=20, tau=5, permutations=99) Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the results dictionary. This reports the difference between the observed and expected Knox statistic. >>> print("%2.8f" % result['stat']) 2.81016043 Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case, the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction. >>> print("%2.2f" % result['pvalue']) 0.11 """ s = s_coords t = t_coords n = len(t) # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s) tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t) # identify events within thresholds spacmat = np.ones((n, n)) spacbin = sdistmat <= delta spacmat = spacmat * spacbin timemat = np.ones((n, n)) timebin = tdistmat <= tau timemat = timemat * timebin # calculate the observed (original) statistic knoxmat = timemat * spacmat obsstat = knoxmat.sum() - n # calculate the expectated value ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum() # calculate the modified stat stat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0 # return results (if no inference) if not permutations: return stat distribution = [] # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance for _p in range(permutations): rtdistmat = _shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, list(range(n))) timemat = np.ones((n, n)) timebin = rtdistmat <= tau timemat = timemat * timebin # calculate the observed knox again knoxmat = timemat * spacmat obsstat = knoxmat.sum() - n # calculate the expectated value again ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1)) expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum() # calculate the modified stat tempstat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0 distribution.append(tempstat) # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic distribution = np.array(distribution) greater =, stat) count = pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0) # return results modknox_result = {"stat": stat, "pvalue": pvalue} return modknox_result
def _shuffle_matrix(X, ids): """ Random permutation of rows and columns of a matrix Parameters ---------- X : array (k, k), array to be permuted. ids : array range (k, ). Returns ------- : array (k, k) with rows and columns randomly shuffled. """ np.random.shuffle(ids) return X[ids, :][:, ids] def _knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99, keep=False): """ Parameters ========== s_coords: array-like spatial coordinates t_coords: array-like temporal coordinates delta: float distance threshold tau: float temporal threshold permutations: int number of permutations keep: bool return values from permutations (default False) Returns ======= summary table observed summary table h0 ns nt nst n p-value """ n = s_coords.shape[0] stree = KDTree(s_coords) ttree = KDTree(t_coords) sneighbors = stree.query_ball_tree(stree, r=delta) sneighbors = [ set(neighbors).difference([i]) for i, neighbors in enumerate(sneighbors) ] tneighbors = ttree.query_ball_tree(ttree, r=tau) tneighbors = [ set(neighbors).difference([i]) for i, neighbors in enumerate(tneighbors) ] # number of spatial neighbor pairs ns = np.array([len(neighbors) for neighbors in sneighbors]) # by i NS = ns.sum() / 2 # total # number of temporal neigbor pairs nt = np.array([len(neighbors) for neighbors in tneighbors]) NT = nt.sum() / 2 # s-t neighbors (list of lists) stneighbors = [ sneighbors_i.intersection(tneighbors_i) for sneighbors_i, tneighbors_i in zip(sneighbors, tneighbors) ] # number of spatio-temporal neigbor pairs nst = np.array([len(neighbors) for neighbors in stneighbors]) NST = nst.sum() / 2 all_pairs = [] pairs = {} for i, neigh in enumerate(stneighbors): if len(neigh) > 0: all_pairs.extend([sorted((i, j)) for j in neigh]) st_pairs = {tuple(l) for l in all_pairs} # ENST: expected number of spatio-temporal neighbors under HO pairs = n * (n - 1) / 2 ENST = NS * NT / pairs # observed table observed = np.zeros((2, 2)) NS_ = NS - NST # spatial only NT_ = NT - NST # temporal only observed[0, 0] = NST observed[0, 1] = NS_ observed[1, 0] = NT_ observed[1, 1] = pairs - NST - NS_ - NT_ # expected table expected = np.zeros((2, 2)) expected[0, 0] = ENST expected[0, 1] = NS - expected[0, 0] expected[1, 0] = NT - expected[0, 0] expected[1, 1] = pairs - expected.sum() p_value_poisson = 1 - poisson.cdf(NST, expected[0, 0]) results = {} results["ns"] = ns.sum() / 2 results["nt"] = nt.sum() / 2 results["nst"] = nst.sum() / 2 results["pairs"] = pairs results["expected"] = expected results["observed"] = observed results["p_value_poisson"] = p_value_poisson results["st_pairs"] = st_pairs results["sneighbors"] = sneighbors results["tneighbors"] = tneighbors results["stneighbors"] = stneighbors if permutations > 0: exceedence = 0 n = len(sneighbors) ids = np.arange(n) if keep: ST = np.zeros(permutations) for perm in range(permutations): st = 0 rids = np.random.permutation(ids) for i in range(n): ri = rids[i] tni = tneighbors[ri] rjs = [rids[j] for j in sneighbors[i]] sti = [j for j in rjs if j in tni] st += len(sti) st /= 2 if st >= results["nst"]: exceedence += 1 if keep: ST[perm] = st results["p_value_sim"] = (exceedence + 1) / (permutations + 1) results["exceedence"] = exceedence if keep: results["st_perm"] = ST return results
[docs] class Knox: """Global Knox statistic for space-time interactions Parameters ---------- s_coords: array-like spatial coordinates of point events t_coords: array-like temporal coordinates of point events (floats or ints, not dateTime) delta: float spatial threshold defining distance below which pairs are spatial neighbors tau: float temporal threshold defining distance below which pairs are temporal neighbors permutations: int number of random permutations for inference keep: bool whether to store realized values of the statistic under permutations Attributes ---------- s_coords: array-like spatial coordinates of point events t_coords: array-like temporal coordinates of point events (floats or ints, not dateTime) delta: float spatial threshold defining distance below which pairs are spatial neighbors tau: float temporal threshold defining distance below which pairs are temporal neighbors permutations: int number of random permutations for inference keep: bool whether to store realized values of the statistic under permutations nst: int number of space-time pairs p_poisson: float Analytical p-value under Poisson assumption p_sim: float Pseudo p-value based on random permutations expected: array Two-by-two array with expected counts under the null of no space-time interactions. [[NST, NS_], [NT_, N__]] where NST is the expected number of space-time pairs, NS_ is the expected number of spatial (but not also temporal) pairs, NT_ is the number of expected temporal (but not also spatial pairs), N__ is the number of pairs that are neighor spatial or temporal neighbors. observed: array Same structure as expected with the observed pair classifications sim: array Global statistics from permutations (if keep=True) Notes ----- Technical details can be found in :cite:`Rogerson:2001` Examples -------- >>> import libpysal >>> path = libpysal.examples.get_path('burkitt.shp') >>> import geopandas >>> df = geopandas.read_file(path) >>> from pointpats.spacetime import Knox >>> global_knox = Knox(df[['X', 'Y']], df[["T"]], delta=20, tau=5) >>> global_knox.statistic_ 13 >>> global_knox.p_poisson 0.14624558197140414 >>> global_knox.observed array([[1.300e+01, 3.416e+03], [3.900e+01, 1.411e+04]]) >>> global_knox.expected array([[1.01438161e+01, 3.41885618e+03], [4.18561839e+01, 1.41071438e+04]]) >>> hasattr(global_knox, 'sim') False >>> import numpy >>> numpy.random.seed(12345) >>> global_knox = Knox(df[['X', 'Y']], df[["T"]], delta=20, tau=5, keep=True) >>> hasattr(global_knox, 'sim') True >>> global_knox.p_sim 0.21 """
[docs] def __init__(self, s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99, keep=False): self.s_coords = s_coords self.t_coords = t_coords = delta self.tau = tau self.permutations = permutations self.keep = keep results = _knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations, keep) self.nst = int(results["nst"]) if permutations > 0: self.p_sim = results["p_value_sim"] if keep: self.sim = results["st_perm"] self.p_poisson = results["p_value_poisson"] self.observed = results["observed"] self.expected = results["expected"] self.statistic_ = self.nst
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe( cls, dataframe, time_col: int, delta: int, tau: int, permutations: int = 99, keep: bool = False, ): """Compute a Knox statistic from a dataframe of Point observations Parameters ---------- dataframe : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe holding observations. Should be in a projected coordinate system with geometries stored as Point time_col : str column in the dataframe storing the time values (integer coordinate) for each observation. For example if the observations are stored with a timestamp, the time_col should be converted to a series of integers representing, e.g. hours, days, seconds, etc. delta : int delta parameter defining the spatial neighbor threshold measured in the same units as the dataframe CRS tau : int tau parameter defining the temporal neihgbor threshold (in the units measured by `time_col`) permutations : int, optional permutations to use for computation inference, by default 99 keep : bool whether to store realized values of the statistic under permutations Returns ------- pointpats.spacetime.Knox a fitted Knox class """ s_coords, t_coords = _spacetime_points_to_arrays(dataframe, time_col) return cls(s_coords, dataframe[[time_col]], delta, tau, permutations, keep)
def _knox_local(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99, keep=False): """ Parameters ---------- s_coords: array (n,2) spatial coordinates t_coords: array (n,1) temporal coordinates delta: numeric spatial threshold distance for neighbor relation tau: numeric temporal threshold distance for neighbor relation permutations: int number of permutations for conditional randomization inference keep: bool whether to store local statistics from the permtuations """ # think about passing in the global object as an option to avoid recomputing the trees res = _knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=permutations) sneighbors = {i: tuple(ns) for i, ns in enumerate(res["sneighbors"])} tneighbors = {i: tuple(nt) for i, nt in enumerate(res["tneighbors"])} n = len(s_coords) ids = np.arange(n) res["nsti"] = np.zeros(n) # number of observed st_pairs for observation i res["nsi"] = [len(r) for r in res["sneighbors"]] res["nti"] = [len(r) for r in res["tneighbors"]] for pair in res["st_pairs"]: i, j = pair res["nsti"][i] += 1 res["nsti"][j] += 1 nsti = res["nsti"] nsi = res["nsi"] res["nti"] # rather than do n*permutations, we reuse the permutations # ensuring that each permutation is conditional on a focal unit i # for each of the permutations we loop over i and swap labels between the # label at index i in the current permutation and the label at the index # assigned i in the permutation. if permutations > 0: exceedence = np.zeros(n) if keep: STI = np.zeros((n, permutations)) for perm in range(permutations): rids = np.random.permutation(ids) for i in range(n): rids_i = rids.copy() # set observed value of focal unit i # swap with value assigned to rids[i] # example # 0 1 2 (ids) # 2 0 1 (rids) # i=0 # 0 2 1 (rids_i) # i=1 # 2 1 0 (rids_i) # i=2 # 1 0 2 (rids_i) rids_i[rids == i] = rids[i] rids_i[i] = i # calculate local stat rjs = [rids_i[j] for j in sneighbors[i]] tni = tneighbors[i] sti = [j for j in rjs if j in tni] count = len(sti) if count >= res["nsti"][i]: exceedence[i] += 1 if keep: STI[i, perm] = count if keep: res["sti_perm"] = STI res["exceedence_pvalue"] = (exceedence + 1) / (permutations + 1) res["exceedences"] = exceedence # analytical inference ntjis = [len(r) for r in res["tneighbors"]] n1 = n - 1 hg_pvalues = [ 1 - hypergeom.cdf(nsti[i] - 1, n1, ntjis, nsi[i]).mean() for i in range(n) ] res["hg_pvalues"] = np.array(hg_pvalues) # identification of hot spots adjlist = [] for i, j in res["st_pairs"]: adjlist.append([i, j]) adjlist.append([j, i]) adjlist = pandas.DataFrame(data=adjlist, columns=["focal", "neighbor"]) adjlist = adjlist.sort_values(by=["focal", "neighbor"]) adjlist.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) adjlist["orientation"] = "" for index, row in adjlist.iterrows(): focal = row["focal"] neighbor = row["neighbor"] ft = t_coords[focal] nt = t_coords[neighbor] if ft < nt: adjlist.iloc[index, 2] = "lead" elif ft > nt: adjlist.iloc[index, 2] = "lag" else: adjlist.iloc[index, 2] = "coincident" res["stadjlist"] = adjlist return res
[docs] class KnoxLocal: """Local Knox statistics for space-time interactions Parameters ---------- s_coords: array (nx2) spatial coordinates of point events t_coords: array (nx1) temporal coordinates of point events (floats or ints, not dateTime) delta: float spatial threshold defining distance below which pairs are spatial neighbors tau: float temporal threshold defining distance below which pairs are temporal neighbors permutations: int number of random permutations for inference keep: bool whether to store realized values of the statistic under permutations conditional: bool whether to include conditional permutation inference crit: float signifcance level for local statistics crs: str (optional) coordinate reference system string for s_coords Attributes ---------- s_coords: array (nx2) spatial coordinates of point events t_coords: array (nx1) temporal coordinates of point events (floats or ints, not dateTime) delta: float spatial threshold defining distance below which pairs are spatial neighbors tau: float temporal threshold defining distance below which pairs are temporal neighbors permutations: int number of random permutations for inference keep: bool whether to store realized values of the statistic under permutations nst: int number of space-time pairs (global) p_poisson: float Analytical p-value under Poisson assumption (global) p_sim: float Pseudo p-value based on random permutations (global) expected: array Two-by-two array with expected counts under the null of no space-time interactions. [[NST, NS_], [NT_, N__]] where NST is the expected number of space-time pairs, NS_ is the expected number of spatial (but not also temporal) pairs, NT_ is the number of expected temporal (but not also spatial pairs), N__ is the number of pairs that are neighor spatial or temporal neighbors. (global) observed: array Same structure as expected with the observed pair classifications (global) sim: array Global statistics from permutations (if keep=True and keep=True) (global) p_sims: array Local psuedo p-values from conditional permutations (if permutations>0) sims: array Local statistics from conditional permutations (if keep=True and permutations>0) nsti: array Local statistics p_hypergeom: array Analytical p-values based on hypergeometric distribution Notes ----- Technical details can be found in :cite:`Rogerson:2001`. The conditional permutation inference is unique to pysal.pointpats. Examples ------- >>> import libpysal >>> path = libpysal.examples.get_path('burkitt.shp') >>> import geopandas >>> df = geopandas.read_file(path) >>> from pointpats.spacetime import Knox >>> import numpy >>> numpy.random.seed(12345) >>> local_knox = KnoxLocal(df[['X', 'Y']], df[["T"]], delta=20, tau=5, keep=True) >>> local_knox.statistic_.shape (188,) >>> lres = local_knox >>> gt0ids = numpy.where(lres.nsti>0) >>> gt0ids # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (array([ 25, 26, 30, 31, 35, 36, 41, 42, 46, 47, 51, 52, 102, 103, 116, 118, 122, 123, 137, 138, 139, 140, 158, 159, 162, 163]),) >>> lres.nsti[gt0ids] array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) >>> lres.p_hypergeom[gt0ids] array([0.1348993 , 0.14220663, 0.07335085, 0.08400282, 0.1494317 , 0.21524073, 0.0175806 , 0.04599869, 0.17523687, 0.18209188, 0.19111321, 0.16830444, 0.13734428, 0.14703242, 0.06796364, 0.03192559, 0.13734428, 0.17523687, 0.12998154, 0.1933476 , 0.13244507, 0.13244507, 0.12502644, 0.14703242, 0.12502644, 0.12998154]) >>> lres.p_sims[gt0ids] array([0.3 , 0.33, 0.11, 0.17, 0.3 , 0.42, 0.06, 0.06, 0.33, 0.34, 0.36, 0.38, 0.3 , 0.29, 0.41, 0.19, 0.31, 0.39, 0.18, 0.39, 0.48, 0.41, 0.22, 0.41, 0.39, 0.32]) """
[docs] def __init__( self, s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99, keep=False, crit=0.05, crs=None, ids=None, ): if not isinstance(t_coords, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("t_coords should be numpy.ndarray type") if not isinstance(s_coords, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("s_coords should be numpy.ndarray type") n_s, k = s_coords.shape rangeids = list(range(n_s)) if k < 2: raise ValueError("s_coords shape required to be nx2") n_t, k = t_coords.shape if n_s != n_t: raise ValueError("t_coords and s_coords need to be same length") if ids is not None: if len(ids) != n_s: raise ValueError("`ids` must have the same length as the inputs") else: ids = rangeids self._ids = ids self.s_coords = s_coords self.t_coords = t_coords = delta self.tau = tau self.permutations = permutations self.keep = keep self.crit = crit results = _knox_local(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations, keep) self.adjlist = results["stadjlist"] self.nst = int(results["nst"]) if permutations > 0: self.p_sim = results["p_value_sim"] if keep: self.sim = results["sti_perm"] self.p_poisson = results["p_value_poisson"] self.observed = results["observed"] self.expected = results["expected"] self.p_hypergeom = results["hg_pvalues"] if permutations > 0: self.p_sims = results["exceedence_pvalue"] if keep: self.sims = results["sti_perm"] self.nsti = results["nsti"] # self.hotspots = results["hotspots"] self._crs = crs self.statistic_ = self.nsti self._id_map = dict(zip(rangeids, self._ids)) self.adjlist["focal"] = self.adjlist["focal"].replace(self._id_map) self.adjlist["neighbor"] = self.adjlist["neighbor"].replace(self._id_map) # reconstruct df geom = gpd.points_from_xy(self.s_coords[:, 0], self.s_coords[:, 1]) _gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=geom, crs=self._crs, index=self._ids) _gdf["time"] = self.t_coords if permutations > 0: _gdf["p_sim"] = self.p_sims _gdf["p_hypergeom"] = self.p_hypergeom self._gdf_static = _gdf
@property def _gdf(self): return self._gdf_static.copy()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe( cls, dataframe, time_col: str, delta: int, tau: int, permutations: int = 99, keep: bool = False, ): """Compute a set of local Knox statistics from a dataframe of Point observations Parameters ---------- dataframe : geopandas.GeoDataFrame dataframe holding observations. Should be in a projected coordinate system with geometries stored as Points time_col : str column in the dataframe storing the time values (integer coordinate) for each observation. For example if the observations are stored with a timestamp, the time_col should be converted to a series of integers representing, e.g. hours, days, seconds, etc. delta : int delta parameter defining the spatial neighbor threshold measured in the same units as the dataframe CRS tau : int tau parameter defining the temporal neihgbor threshold (in the units measured by `time_col`) permutations : int, optional permutations to use for computational inference, by default 99 keep : bool whether to store realized values of the statistic under permutations Returns ------- pointpats.spacetime.LocalKnox a fitted KnoxLocal class """ s_coords, t_coords = _spacetime_points_to_arrays(dataframe, time_col) return cls( s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations, keep,, ids=dataframe.index.values, )
[docs] def hotspots(self, crit=0.05, inference="permutation"): """Table of significant space-time clusters that define local hotspots. Parameters ---------- crit : float, optional critical value for statistical inference, by default 0.05 inference : str, optional whether p-values should use permutation or analutical inference, by default "permutation" Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame dataframe of significant hotspots Raises ------ ValueError if `inference` is not in {'permutation', 'analytic'} """ if inference == "permutation": if not hasattr(self, "p_sim"): warn( "Pseudo-p values not availalable. Permutation-based p-values require " "fitting the KnoxLocal class using `permutations` set to a large " "number. Using analytic p-values instead" ) col = "p_hypergeom" else: col = "p_sim" elif inference == "analytic": col = "p_hypergeom" else: raise ValueError("inference must be either `permutation` or `analytic`") # determine hot spots pdf_sig = self._gdf[self._gdf[col] <= crit][[col, "time"]].rename( columns={col: "pvalue", "time": "focal_time"} ) pdf_sig = pdf_sig.merge( self.adjlist, how="inner", left_index=True, right_on="focal" ).reset_index(drop=True) return pdf_sig.copy()
[docs] def plot( self, colors: dict = {"focal": "red", "neighbor": "yellow", "nonsig": "grey"}, crit: float = 0.05, inference: str = "permutation", point_kwargs: dict = None, plot_edges: bool = True, edge_color: str = "black", edge_kwargs: dict = None, ax=None, ): """plot hotspots Parameters ---------- colors : dict, optional mapping of colors to hotspot values, by default {"focal": "red", "neighbor": "yellow", "nonsig": "grey"} crit : float, optional critical value for assessing statistical sgifnicance, by default 0.05 inference : str, optional whether to use permutation or analytic inference, by default "permutation" point_kwargs : dict, optional additional keyword arguments passsed to point plot, by default None plot_edges : bool, optional whether to plot edges connecting members of the same hotspot subgraph, by default True edge_color : str, optional color of edges when plot_edges is True, by default 'black' edge_kwargs : dict, optional additional keyword arguments passsed to edge plot, by default None ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional axes object on which to create the plot, by default None Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes plot of local space-time hotspots """ if point_kwargs is None: point_kwargs = dict() if edge_kwargs is None: edge_kwargs = dict() g = self._gdf.copy() g["color"] = colors["nonsig"] g["pvalue"] = self.p_hypergeom if inference == "permutation": if not hasattr(self, "p_sims"): warn( "Pseudo-p values not availalable. Permutation-based p-values require " "fitting the KnoxLocal class using `permutations` set to a large " "number. Using analytic p-values instead" ) g["pvalue"] = self.p_hypergeom else: g["pvalue"] = self.p_sims elif inference == "analytic": g["pvalue"] = self.p_hypergeom else: raise ValueError("inference must be either `permutation` or `analytic`") mask = g[g.pvalue <= crit].index.values neighbors = self.adjlist[self.adjlist.focal.isin(mask)].neighbor.unique() g.loc[neighbors, "color"] = colors["neighbor"] g.loc[g.pvalue <= crit, "color"] = colors["focal"] m = g[g.color == colors["nonsig"]].plot( color=colors["nonsig"], ax=ax, **point_kwargs ) g[g.color == colors["neighbor"]].plot( ax=m, color=colors["neighbor"], **point_kwargs ) g[g.color == colors["focal"]].plot(ax=m, color=colors["focal"], **point_kwargs) if plot_edges: # edges between hotspot and st-neighbors ghs = self.hotspots(crit=crit, inference=inference) ghs = ghs.dropna() origins = g.loc[ghs.focal].geometry destinations = g.loc[ghs.neighbor].geometry ods = zip(origins, destinations) lines = gpd.GeoSeries([LineString(od) for od in ods], lines.plot(ax=m, color=edge_color, **edge_kwargs) return m
[docs] def explore( self, crit: float = 0.05, inference: str = "permutation", radius: int = 5, style_kwds: dict = None, tiles: str = "CartoDB Positron", plot_edges: bool = True, edge_weight: int = 2, edge_color: str = "black", colors: dict = {"focal": "red", "neighbor": "yellow", "nonsig": "grey"}, ): """Interactive plotting for space-time hotspots. Parameters ---------- crit : float, optional critical value for statistical inference, by default 0.05 inference : str, optional which p-value to use for determining hotspots. Either "permutation" or "analytic", by default "permutation" radius : int, optional radius of the circlemarker plotted by folium, passed to geopandas.GeoDataFrame.explore style_kwds as a convenience. Ignored if `style_kwds` is passed directly, by default 5 style_kwds : dict, optional additional style kewords passed to GeoDataFrame.explore, by default None tiles : str, optional tileset passed to GeoDataFrame.explore `tiles` argument, by default "CartoDB Positron" plot_edges : bool, optional Whether to include lines drawn between members of a singnificant hotspot, by default True edge_weight : int, optional line thickness when `plot_edges=True`, by default 2 edge_color : str, optional color of line when `plot_edges=True`, by default "black" colors : dict, optional mapping of observation type to color, by default {"focal": "red", "neighbor": "yellow", "nonsig": "grey"} Returns ------- folium.Map an interactive map showing locally-significant spacetime hotspots """ if style_kwds is None: style_kwds = {"radius": radius} g = self._gdf.copy() g["color"] = colors["nonsig"] if inference == "permutation": if not hasattr(self, "p_sims"): warn( "Pseudo-p values not availalable. Permutation-based p-values require " "fitting the KnoxLocal class using `permutations` set to a large " "number. Using analytic p-values instead" ) g["pvalue"] = self.p_hypergeom else: g["pvalue"] = self.p_sims elif inference == "analytic": g["pvalue"] = self.p_hypergeom else: raise ValueError("inference must be either `permutation` or `analytic`") mask = g[g.pvalue <= crit].index.values neighbors = self.adjlist[self.adjlist.focal.isin(mask)].neighbor.unique() # this is clunky, but enforces plotting order so significance is prioritized g.loc[neighbors, "color"] = colors["neighbor"] g.loc[g.pvalue <= crit, "color"] = colors["focal"] nbs = self.adjlist.groupby("focal").agg(list)["neighbor"] g = g.reset_index().merge(nbs, left_on="index", right_index=True, how="left") m = g[g.color == colors["nonsig"]].explore( color="grey", style_kwds=style_kwds, tiles=tiles ) blues = g[g.color == colors["neighbor"]] if blues.shape[0] == 0: warn("empty neighbor set.") else: m = blues.explore(m=m, color=colors["neighbor"], style_kwds=style_kwds) m = g[g.color == colors["focal"]].explore( m=m, color=colors["focal"], style_kwds=style_kwds ) if plot_edges: # edges between hotspot and st-neighbors g = g.set_index("index") ghs = self.hotspots(crit=crit, inference=inference) ghs = ghs.dropna() origins = g.loc[ghs.focal].geometry destinations = g.loc[ghs.neighbor].geometry ods = zip(origins, destinations) lines = gpd.GeoSeries([LineString(od) for od in ods], lines.explore(m=m, color=edge_color, style_kwds={"weight": edge_weight}) return m
def _gdfhs(self, crit=0.05, inference="permutation"): # merge df with self.hotspots return gpd.GeoDataFrame( self._gdf.merge( self.hotspots(crit=crit, inference=inference), left_index=True, right_on="focal", ) )
def _spacetime_points_to_arrays(dataframe, time_col): """convert long-form geodataframe into arrays for kdtree Parameters ---------- dataframe : geopandas.GeoDataFrame geodataframe with point geometries time_col : str name of the column on dataframe that stores time values Returns ------- tuple two numpy arrays holding spatial coodinates s_coords (n,2) and temporal coordinates t_coords (n,1) """ if is None: warn( "There is no CRS set on the dataframe. The KDTree will assume coordinates " "are stored in Euclidean distances" ) else: if raise ValueError( "The input dataframe must be in a projected coordinate system." ) assert dataframe.geom_type.unique().tolist() == [ "Point" ], "The Knox statistic is only defined for Point geometries" # kdtree wont operate on datetime if is_numeric_dtype(dataframe[time_col].dtype) is False: raise ValueError( "The time values must be stored as " f"a numeric dtype but the column {time_col} is stored as " f"{dataframe[time_col].dtype}" ) s_coords = np.vstack((dataframe.geometry.x.values, dataframe.geometry.y.values)).T t_coords = np.vstack(dataframe[time_col].values) return s_coords, t_coords