Source code for pointpats.random

import numpy
from .geometry import (
    area as _area,
    centroid as _centroid,
    contains as _contains,
    bbox as _bbox,
    prepare_hull as _prepare_hull,

# ------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Utilities                                                    #
# ------------------------------------------------------------ #

def parse_size_and_intensity(hull, intensity=None, size=None):
    Given a hull, an intensity, and a size int/tuple, correctly
    compute the resulting missing quantities. Defaults to 100 points in one
    replication, meaning the intensity will be computed on the fly
    if nothing is provided.

    hull : A geometry-like object
        This encodes the "space" in which to simulate the normal pattern. All points will
        lie within this hull. Supported values are:
        - a bounding box encoded in a numpy array as numpy.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
        - an (N,2) array of points for which the bounding box will be computed & used
        - a shapely polygon/multipolygon
        - a scipy convexh hull
    intensity : float
        the number of observations per unit area in the hull to use. If provided,
        then the number of observations is determined using the intensity * area(hull) and
        the size is assumed to represent n_replications (if provided).
    size : tuple or int
        a tuple of (n_observations, n_replications), where the first number is the number
        of points to simulate in each replication and the second number is the number of
        total replications. So, (10, 4) indicates 10 points, 4 times.
        If an integer is provided and intensity is None, n_replications is assumed to be 1.
        If size is an integer and intensity is also provided, then size indicates n_replications,
        and the number of observations is computed on the fly using intensity and area.
    if size is None:
        if intensity is not None:
            # if intensity is provided, assume
            # n_observations
            n_observations = int(_area(hull) * intensity)
            # default to 100 points
            n_observations = 100
            intensity = n_observations / _area(hull)
        n_simulations = 1
        size = (n_observations, n_simulations)
    elif isinstance(size, tuple):
        if len(size) == 2 and intensity is None:
            n_observations, n_simulations = size
            intensity = n_observations / _area(hull)
        elif len(size) == 2 and intensity is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Either intensity or size as (n observations, n simulations)"
                " can be provided. Providing both creates statistical conflicts."
                " between the requested intensity and implied intensity by"
                " the number of observations and the area of the hull. If"
                " you want to specify the intensity, use the intensity argument"
                " and set size equal to the number of simulations."
            raise ValueError(
                f"Intensity and size not understood. Provide size as a tuple"
                f" containing (number of observations, number of simulations)"
                f" with no specified intensity, or an intensity and size equal"
                f" to the number of simulations."
                f" Recieved: `intensity={intensity}, size={size}`"
    elif isinstance(size, int):
        # assume int size with specified intensity means n_simulations at x intensity
        if intensity is not None:
            n_observations = int(intensity * _area(hull))
            n_simulations = size
        else:  # assume we have one replication at the specified number of points
            n_simulations = 1
            n_observations = size
            intensity = n_observations / _area(hull)
        raise ValueError(
            f"Intensity and size not understood. Provide size as a tuple"
            f" containing (number of observations, number of simulations)"
            f" with no specified intensity, or an intensity and size equal"
            f" to the number of simulations."
            f" Recieved: `intensity={intensity}, size={size}`"
    return (n_observations, n_simulations, intensity)

# ------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Distributions                                                #
# ------------------------------------------------------------ #

[docs] def poisson(hull, intensity=None, size=None): """ Simulate a poisson random point process with a specified intensity. Parameters ---------- hull : A geometry-like object This encodes the "space" in which to simulate the normal pattern. All points will lie within this hull. Supported values are: - a bounding box encoded in a numpy array as numpy.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) - an (N,2) array of points for which the bounding box will be computed & used - a shapely polygon/multipolygon - a scipy convexh hull intensity : float the number of observations per unit area in the hull to use. If provided, then size must be an integer describing the number of replications to use. size : tuple or int a tuple of (n_observations, n_replications), where the first number is the number of points to simulate in each replication and the second number is the number of total replications. So, (10, 4) indicates 10 points, 4 times. If an integer is provided and intensity is None, n_replications is assumed to be 1. If size is an integer and intensity is also provided, then size indicates n_replications, and the number of observations is computed from the intensity. Returns -------- : numpy.ndarray either an (n_replications, n_observations, 2) or (n_observations,2) array containing the simulated realizations. """ if isinstance(hull, numpy.ndarray): if hull.shape == (4,): hull = hull else: hull = _prepare_hull(hull) n_observations, n_simulations, intensity = parse_size_and_intensity( hull, intensity=intensity, size=size ) result = numpy.empty((n_simulations, n_observations, 2)) bbox = _bbox(hull) for i_replication in range(n_simulations): generating = True i_observation = 0 while i_observation < n_observations: x, y = ( numpy.random.uniform(bbox[0], bbox[2]), numpy.random.uniform(bbox[1], bbox[3]), ) if _contains(hull, x, y): result[i_replication, i_observation] = (x, y) i_observation += 1 return result.squeeze()
[docs] def normal(hull, center=None, cov=None, size=None): """ Simulate a multivariate random normal point cluster Parameters ---------- hull : A geometry-like object This encodes the "space" in which to simulate the normal pattern. All points will lie within this hull. Supported values are: - a bounding box encoded in a numpy array as numpy.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) - an (N,2) array of points for which the bounding box will be computed & used - a shapely polygon/multipolygon - a scipy convexh hull center : iterable of shape (2, ) A point where the simulations will be centered. cov : float or a numpy array of shape (2,2) either the standard deviation of an independent and identically distributed normal distribution, or a 2 by 2 covariance matrix expressing the covariance of the x and y for the distribution. Default is half of the width or height of the hull's bounding box, whichever is larger. size : tuple or int a tuple of (n_observations, n_replications), where the first number is the number of points to simulate in each replication and the second number is the number of total replications. So, (10, 4) indicates 10 points, 4 times. If an integer is provided, n_replications is assumed to be 1. Returns -------- : numpy.ndarray either an (n_replications, n_observations, 2) or (n_observations,2) array containing the simulated realizations. """ if isinstance(hull, numpy.ndarray): if hull.shape == (4,): hull = hull else: hull = _prepare_hull(hull) if center is None: center = _centroid(hull) n_observations, n_simulations, intensity = parse_size_and_intensity( hull, intensity=None, size=size ) if cov is None: bbox = _bbox(hull) width = bbox[2] - bbox[0] height = bbox[3] - bbox[1] cov = numpy.maximum(width / 2, height / 2) ** 2 if isinstance(cov, (int, float)): sd = cov cov = numpy.eye(2) * sd elif isnstance(cov, numpy.ndarray): if cov.ndim == 2: assert cov.shape == (2, 2), "Bivariate covariance matrices must be 2 by 2" elif cov.ndim == 3: assert cov.shape[1:] == ( 2, 2, ), "3-dimensional covariance matrices must have shape (n_simulations, 2,2)" assert ( cov.shape[0] == n_simulations ), "3-dimensional covariance matrices must have shape (n_simulations, 2,2)" else: raise ValueError( "`cov` argument must be a float (signifying a standard deviation)" " or a 2 by 2 array expressing the covariance matrix of the " " bivariate normal distribution." ) result = numpy.empty((n_simulations, n_observations, 2)) bbox = _bbox(hull) for i_replication in range(n_simulations): generating = True i_observation = 0 replication_cov = cov[i] if cov.ndim == 3 else cov replication_sd = numpy.diagonal(replication_cov) ** 0.5 replication_cor = (1 / replication_sd) * replication_cov * (1 / replication_sd) while i_observation < n_observations: candidate = numpy.random.multivariate_normal((0, 0), replication_cor) x, y = center + candidate * replication_sd if _contains(hull, x, y): result[i_replication, i_observation] = (x, y) i_observation += 1 return result.squeeze()
[docs] def cluster_poisson( hull, intensity=None, size=None, n_seeds=2, cluster_radius=None, ): """ Simulate a cluster poisson random point process with a specified intensity & number of seeds. A cluster poisson process is a poisson process where the center of each "cluster" is itself distributed according to a spatial poisson process. Parameters ---------- hull : A geometry-like object This encodes the "space" in which to simulate the normal pattern. All points will lie within this hull. Supported values are: - a bounding box encoded in a numpy array as numpy.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) - an (N,2) array of points for which the bounding box will be computed & used - a shapely polygon/multipolygon - a scipy convexh hull intensity : float the number of observations per unit area in the hull to use. If provided, then size must be an integer describing the number of replications to use. size : tuple or int a tuple of (n_observations, n_replications), where the first number is the number of points to simulate in each replication and the second number is the number of total replications. So, (10, 4) indicates 10 points, 4 times. If an integer is provided and intensity is None, n_replications is assumed to be 1. If size is an integer and intensity is also provided, then size indicates n_replications, and the number of observations is computed from the intensity. n_seeds : int the number of sub-clusters to use. cluster_radius : float or iterable the radius of each cluster. If a float, the same radius is used for all clusters. If an array, then there must be the same number of radii as clusters. If None, 50% of the minimum inter-point distance is used, which may fluctuate across replications. Returns -------- : numpy.ndarray either an (n_replications, n_observations, 2) or (n_observations,2) array containing the simulated realizations. """ if isinstance(hull, numpy.ndarray): if hull.shape == (4,): hull = hull else: hull = _prepare_hull(hull) if isinstance(cluster_radius, numpy.ndarray): cluster_radii = cluster_radius.flatten() assert len(cluster_radii) == n_seeds, ( f"number of radii provided ({len(cluster_radii)})" f"does not match number of clusters requested" f" ({n_seeds})." ) elif isinstance(cluster_radius, (int, float)): cluster_radii = [cluster_radius] * n_seeds n_observations, n_simulations, intensity = parse_size_and_intensity( hull, intensity=intensity, size=size ) result = numpy.empty((n_simulations, n_observations, 2)) hull_area = _area(hull) for i_replication in range(n_simulations): seeds = poisson(hull, size=(n_seeds, n_simulations)) if cluster_radius is None: # default cluster radius is one half the minimum distance between seeds cluster_radii = [spatial.distance.pdist(seeds).min() * 0.5] * n_seeds clusters = numpy.array_split(result[i_replication], n_seeds) for i_cluster, radius in enumerate(cluster_radii): seed = seeds[i_cluster] cluster_points = clusters[i_cluster] n_in_cluster = len(cluster_points) if n_in_cluster == 1: clusters[i_cluster] = seed continue if n_in_cluster < 1: raise Exception( "There are too many clusters requested for the " " inputted number of samples. Reduce `n_seeds` or" " increase the number of sampled points." ) candidates = _uniform_circle( n_in_cluster - 1, radius=radius, center=seed, hull=hull ) clusters[i_cluster] = numpy.row_stack((seed, candidates)) result[i_replication] = numpy.row_stack(clusters) return result.squeeze()
[docs] def cluster_normal(hull, cov=None, size=None, n_seeds=2): """ Simulate a cluster poisson random point process with a specified intensity & number of seeds. A cluster poisson process is a poisson process where the center of each "cluster" is itself distributed according to a spatial poisson process. Parameters ---------- hull : A geometry-like object This encodes the "space" in which to simulate the normal pattern. All points will lie within this hull. Supported values are: - a bounding box encoded in a numpy array as numpy.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) - an (N,2) array of points for which the bounding box will be computed & used - a shapely polygon/multipolygon - a scipy convexh hull cov : float, int, or numpy.ndarray of shape (2,2) The covariance structure for clusters. By default, this is the squared average distance between cluster seeds. size : tuple or int a tuple of (n_observations, n_replications), where the first number is the number of points to simulate in each replication and the second number is the number of total replications. So, (10, 4) indicates 10 points, 4 times. If an integer is provided and intensity is None, n_replications is assumed to be 1. If size is an integer and intensity is also provided, then size indicates n_replications, and the number of observations is computed from the intensity. n_seeds : int the number of sub-clusters to use. Returns -------- : numpy.ndarray either an (n_replications, n_observations, 2) or (n_observations,2) array containing the simulated realizations. """ if isinstance(hull, numpy.ndarray): if hull.shape == (4,): hull = hull else: hull = _prepare_hull(hull) n_observations, n_simulations, intensity = parse_size_and_intensity( hull, intensity=None, size=size ) result = numpy.empty((n_simulations, n_observations, 2)) for i_replication in range(n_simulations): seeds = poisson(hull, size=(n_seeds, n_simulations)) if cov is None: cov = spatial.distance.pdist(seeds).mean() ** 2 clusters = numpy.array_split(result[i_replication], n_seeds) for i_cluster, seed in enumerate(seeds): cluster_points = clusters[i_cluster] n_in_cluster = len(cluster_points) if n_in_cluster == 1: clusters[i_cluster] = seed continue if n_in_cluster < 1: raise Exception( "There are too many clusters requested for the " " inputted number of samples. Reduce `n_seeds` or" " increase the number of sampled points." ) candidates = normal(hull, center=seed, cov=cov, size=n_in_cluster - 1) clusters[i_cluster] = numpy.row_stack((seed, candidates)) result[i_replication] = numpy.row_stack(clusters) return result.squeeze()
def _uniform_circle(n, radius=1.0, center=(0.0, 0.0), burn=2, verbose=False, hull=None): """ Generate n points within a circle of given radius. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of points. radius : float Radius of the circle. center : tuple Coordinates of the center. burn : int number of coordinates to simulate at a time. This is the "chunk" size sent to numpy.random.uniform each iteration of the rejection sampler Returns ------- : array (n, 2), coordinates of generated points """ good = numpy.zeros((n, 2), float) c = 0 center_x, center_y = center r = radius r2 = r * r it = 0 while c < n: x = numpy.random.uniform(-r, r, (burn * n, 1)) y = numpy.random.uniform(-r, r, (burn * n, 1)) if hull is None: in_hull = True else: in_hull = numpy.asarray( [ _contains(hull, xi + center_x, yi + center_y) for xi, yi in numpy.column_stack((x, y)) ] ).reshape(-1, 1) ids, *_ = numpy.where(((x * x + y * y) <= r2) & in_hull) candidates = numpy.hstack((x, y))[ids] nc = candidates.shape[0] need = n - c if nc > need: # more than we need good[c:] = candidates[:need] else: # use them all and keep going good[c : c + nc] = candidates c += nc it += 1 if verbose: print("Iterations: {}".format(it)) return good + numpy.asarray(center)