Source code for pointpats.pointpattern

Planar Point Pattern Class

import numpy as np
import sys
from import KDTree
from .centrography import hull
from .window import as_window,  poly_from_bbox
from .util import cached_property
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon

__author__ = "Serge Rey"
__all__ = ['PointPattern']

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    xrange = range

[docs] class PointPattern(object): """ Planar Point Pattern Class 2-D. Parameters ---------- points: array (n,p), n points with p >= 2 attributes on each point. Two attributes must comprise the spatial coordinate pair. Default is that the first two attributes are the x and y spatial coordinates. window: :class:`.Window` Bounding geometric object for the point pattern. If not specified, window will be set to the minimum bounding rectangle of the point pattern. names: list The names of the attributes. coord_names: list The names of the attributes defining the two spatial coordinates. Examples -------- >>> from pointpats import PointPattern >>> points = [[66.22, 32.54], [22.52, 22.39], [31.01, 81.21], ... [9.47, 31.02], [30.78, 60.10], [75.21, 58.93], ... [79.26, 7.68], [8.23, 39.93], [98.73, 77.17], ... [89.78, 42.53], [65.19, 92.08], [54.46, 8.48]] >>> pp = PointPattern(points) >>> pp.n 12 >>> pp.mean_nnd 21.612139802089246 >>> pp.lambda_mbb 0.0015710507711240867 >>> pp.lambda_hull 0.0022667153468973137 >>> pp.hull_area 5294.00395 >>> pp.mbb_area 7638.200000000001 """
[docs] def __init__(self, points, window=None, names=None, coord_names=None): # first two series in df are x, y unless coor_names and names are # specified self.df = pd.DataFrame(points) n, p = self.df.shape self._n_marks = p - 2 if coord_names is None: if names is not None: coord_names = names[:2] else: coord_names = ['x', 'y'] if names is None: col_names = coord_names if p > 2: for m in range(2, p): col_names.append("mark_{}".format(m-2)) coord_names = coord_names[:2] else: col_names = names self.coord_names = coord_names self._x, self._y = coord_names self.df.columns = col_names self.points = self.df.loc[:, [self._x, self._y]] self._n, self._p = self.points.shape if window is None: self.set_window(as_window(poly_from_bbox(self.mbb))) else: self.set_window(window) self._facade()
def __len__(self): """Return the number of points. Use the expression 'len(pp)'. Returns ------- length : int The number of points in the point pattern. Examples -------- >>> from pointpats import PointPattern >>> points = [[1, 3], [4, 5], [0,0]] >>> pp = PointPattern(points) >>> len(pp) 3 """ return len(self.df) def __contains__(self, n): """Return True if n is a point (a tuple of coordinates), False otherwise. Use the expression 'n in pp'. Examples -------- >>> from pointpats import PointPattern >>> points = [[1, 3], [4, 5], [0,0]] >>> pp = PointPattern(points) >>> [1, 3] in pp True """ name = self.df.columns.values.tolist() return ((self.df[name[0]] == n[0]) & (self.df[name[1]] == n[1])).any()
[docs] def set_window(self, window): try: self._window = window except: print("not a valid Window object")
[docs] def get_window(self): """ Bounding geometry for the point pattern :class:`.window.Window` """ if not hasattr(self, '_window') or self._window is None: # use bbox as window self.set_window(as_window(poly_from_bbox(self.mbb))) return self._window
window = property(get_window, set_window)
[docs] def summary(self): ''' Description of the point pattern. ''' print('Point Pattern') print("{} points".format(self.n)) print("Bounding rectangle [({},{}), ({},{})]".format(*self.mbb)) print("Area of window: {}".format(self.window.area)) print("Intensity estimate for window: {}".format(self.lambda_window)) print(self.head())
[docs] def add_marks(self, marks, mark_names=None): if mark_names is None: nm = range(len(marks)) mark_names = ["mark_{}".format(self._n_marks+1+j) for j in nm] for name, mark in zip(mark_names, marks): self.df[name] = mark self._n_marks += 1
[docs] def plot(self, window=False, title="Point Pattern", hull=False, get_ax=False): """ Plot function for a point pattern. Parameters ---------- window : boolean If window is True, plot window of the point pattern. If not, don't plot window. title : string Name of the figure. hull : boolean If hull is True, plot convex hull of the point pattern. If not, don't plot convex hull. get_ax : boolean If get_ax is True, return the current plot ax. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot Current plot ax. Only return it when get_ax is True. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(self.df[self._x], self.df[self._y], '.') # plt.scatter(self.df[self._x], self.df[self._y]) plt.title(title) if window: patches = [] for part in p = Polygon(np.asarray(part)) patches.append(p) ax.add_collection( PatchCollection(patches, facecolor="none", edgecolor="k", alpha=0.3) ) if hull: patches = [] p = Polygon(self.hull) patches.append(p) ax.add_collection( PatchCollection(patches, facecolor="none", edgecolor="k", alpha=0.3) ) ax.set_aspect("equal") # plt.plot(x, y, '.') if get_ax: return ax
def _mbb(self): """ Minimum bounding box """ mins = self.points.min(axis=0) maxs = self.points.max(axis=0) return np.hstack((mins, maxs)) mbb = cached_property(_mbb) def _mbb_area(self): """ Area of minimum bounding box """ return np.product(self.mbb[[2, 3]]-self.mbb[[0, 1]]) mbb_area = cached_property(_mbb_area) def _n(self): """ Number of points """ return self.points.shape[0] n = cached_property(_n) def _rot(self): """ Ripley's rule of thumb for distance range in plotting k and related functions One-quarter the smallest side of the mbb. """ w, s, e, n = self.mbb return 0.25 * min(e-w, n-s) rot = cached_property(_rot) def _lambda_mbb(self): """ Intensity based on minimum bounding box """ return self.n * 1. / self.mbb_area lambda_mbb = cached_property(_lambda_mbb) def _hull(self): """ Points defining convex hull in counterclockwise order """ return hull(self.points) hull = cached_property(_hull) def _lambda_window(self): """ Intensity estimate based on area of window The intensity of a point process at point :math:`s_j` can be defined as: .. math:: \\lambda(s_j) = \\lim \\limits_{|\\mathbf{A}s_j| \\to 0} \\left \\{ \\frac{E(Y(\mathbf{A}s_j)}{|\mathbf{A}s_j|} \\right \\} where :math:`\\mathbf{A}s_j` is a small region surrounding location :math:`s_j` with area :math:`|\\mathbf{A}s_j|`, and :math:`E(Y(\\mathbf{A}s_j))` is the expected number of event points in :math:`\\mathbf{A}s_j`. The intensity is the mean number of event points per unit of area at point :math:`s_j`. """ return self.n / self.window.area lambda_window = cached_property(_lambda_window) def _hull_area(self): """ Area of convex hull """ h = self.hull if not np.alltrue(h[0] == h[-1]): # not in closed cartographic form h = np.vstack((h, h[0])) s = h[:-1, 0] * h[1:, 1] - h[1:, 0] * h[:-1, 1] return s.sum() / 2. hull_area = cached_property(_hull_area) def _lambda_hull(self): """ Intensity based on convex hull """ return self.n * 1. / self.hull_area lambda_hull = cached_property(_lambda_hull) def _build_tree(self): return KDTree(self.points) tree = cached_property(_build_tree)
[docs] def knn(self, k=1): """ Find k nearest neighbors for each point in the pattern Parameters ---------- k: int number of nearest neighbors to find Returns ------- nn: array (n x k) row i column j contains the id for i's jth nearest neighbor nnd: array(n x k) row i column j contains the distance between i and its jth nearest neighbor """ if k < 1: raise ValueError('k must be at least 1') nn = self.tree.query(, k=k+1) return nn[1][:, 1:], nn[0][:, 1:]
def _nn_sum(self): """ Nearest neighbor distances """ ids, nnd = self.knn(1) return nnd nnd = cached_property(_nn_sum) # nearest neighbor distances def _min_nnd(self): """ Min nearest neighbor distance """ return self.nnd.min() min_nnd = cached_property(_min_nnd) def _max_nnd(self): """ Max nearest neighbor distance """ return self.nnd.max() max_nnd = cached_property(_max_nnd) def _mean_nnd(self): """ Mean nearest neighbor distance """ return self.nnd.mean() mean_nnd = cached_property(_mean_nnd)
[docs] def find_pairs(self, r): """ Find all pairs of points in the pattern that are within r units of each other Parameters ---------- r: float diameter of pair circle Returns ------- s: set pairs of points within r units of each other """ return self.tree.query_pairs(r)
[docs] def knn_other(self, other, k=1): """ Find k nearest neighbors in the pattern for each point in other Parameters ---------- other: PointPattern :py:class:`pointpats.PointPattern` k: int number of nearest neighbors to find Returns ------- nn: array (n x k) row i column j contains the id for i's jth nearest neighbor nnd: array(n x k) row i column j contains the distance between i and its jth nearest neighbor """ if k < 1: raise ValueError('k must be at least 1') try: nn = self.tree.query(np.asarray(other.points), k=k) except: nn = self.tree.query(np.asarray(other), k=k) return nn[1], nn[0]
[docs] def explode(self, mark): """ Explode a marked point pattern into a sequence of individual point patterns. If the mark has k unique values, then the sequence will be of length k. Parameters ---------- mark: string The label of the mark to use for the subsetting Returns ------- pps: list sequence of :class:`PointPattern` instances """ uv = np.unique(self.df[mark]) pps = [self.df[self.df[mark] == v] for v in uv] names = self.df.columns.values.tolist() cnames = self.coord_names return[PointPattern(pp, names=names, coord_names=cnames) for pp in pps]
[docs] def unique(self): """ Remove duplicate points in the point pattern. Two points in a point pattern are deemed to be identical if their coordinates are the same, and their marks are the same (if any) Returns ------- pp: list A deduplicated :class:`PointPattern` instance Examples -------- >>> from pointpats import PointPattern >>> points = [[1.2, 2.1], [1.2, 2.1], [0, 1], [1, 2]] >>> pp = PointPattern(points) >>> pp.unique().df x y 0 1.2 2.1 2 0.0 1.0 3 1.0 2.0 """ names = self.df.columns.values.tolist() coord_names = self.coord_names window = self.set_window unique_df = self.df.drop_duplicates() return PointPattern(unique_df, names=names, coord_names=coord_names, window=window)
[docs] def superimpose(self, point_pattern): """Returns a superimposed point pattern. Parameters ---------- point_pattern: :class:`PointPattern` instance Returns ------- superimposed : :class:`PointPattern` instance Examples -------- >>> from pointpats import PointPattern >>> points1 = [[1, 3], [4, 5], [0, 0]] >>> points2 = [[5, 6], [1, 4], [0, 0]] >>> pp1 = PointPattern(points1) >>> pp2 = PointPattern(points2) >>> pp1.superimpose(pp2).points x y 0 1 3 1 4 5 2 0 0 0 5 6 1 1 4 """ names_pp1 = self.df.columns.values.tolist() cnames_pp1 = self.coord_names names_pp2 = point_pattern.df.columns.values.tolist() cnames_pp2 = point_pattern.coord_names if names_pp1 != names_pp2 or cnames_pp1 != cnames_pp2: raise TypeError('Both point patterns should have similar\ attributes and spatial coordinates ') pp = pd.concat((self.df, point_pattern.df)) pp = pp.drop_duplicates() return PointPattern(pp, names=names_pp1, coord_names=cnames_pp1)
[docs] def flip_coordinates(self): """ Flips the coordinates of a point pattern. Doesn't change the structure of data frame. This function swaps `_x` and `_y` variables, which are used to represent coordinates. """ self._x, self._y = self._y, self._x
# Pandas facade def _facade(self): self.head = self.df.head self.tail = self.df.tail