Source code for pointpats.distance_statistics

import numpy
import warnings
from scipy import spatial, interpolate
from collections import namedtuple
from .geometry import (
    area as _area,
    k_neighbors as _k_neighbors,
    build_best_tree as _build_best_tree,
    prepare_hull as _prepare_hull,
from .random import poisson

__all__ = [

def _prepare(coordinates, support, distances, metric, hull, edge_correction):
    prepare the arguments to convert into a standard format
    1. cast the coordinates to a numpy array
    2. precomputed metrics must have distances provided
    3. metrics must be callable or string
    4. warn if distances are specified and metric is not default
    5. make distances a numpy.ndarray
    6. construct the support, accepting:
        - num_steps -> a linspace with len(support) == num_steps
                       from zero to a quarter of the bounding box's smallest side
        - (stop, ) -> a linspace with len(support) == 20
                 from zero to stop
        - (start, stop) -> a linspace with len(support) == 20
                           from start to stop
        - (start, stop, num_steps) -> a linspace with len(support) == num_steps
                                      from start to stop
        - numpy.ndarray -> passed through
    # Throw early if edge correction is requested
    if edge_correction is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Edge correction is not currently implemented.")

    # cast to coordinate array
    if isinstance(coordinates, TREE_TYPES):
        tree = coordinates
        coordinates =
        coordinates = numpy.asarray(coordinates)
    hull = _prepare_hull(coordinates, hull)

    # evaluate distances
    if (distances is None) and metric == "precomputed":
        raise ValueError(
            "If metric =`precomputed` then distances must"
            " be provided as a (n,n) numpy array."
    if not (isinstance(metric, str) or callable(metric)):
        raise TypeError(
            f"`metric` argument must be callable or a string. Recieved: {metric}"
    if distances is not None and metric != "euclidean":
            "Distances were provided. The specified metric will be ignored."
            " To use precomputed distances with a custom distance metric,"
            " do not specify a `metric` argument.",
        metric = "euclidean"

    if support is None:
        support = 20

    if isinstance(support, int):  # if just n_steps, use the max nnd
        # this is O(n log n) for kdtrees & balltrees
        tmp_tree = _build_best_tree(coordinates, metric=metric)
        max_dist = _k_neighbors(tmp_tree, coordinates, 1)[0].max()
        support = numpy.linspace(0, max_dist, num=support)
    # otherwise, we need to build it using (start, stop, step) semantics
    elif isinstance(support, tuple):
        if len(support) == 1:  # assuming this is with zero implicit start
            support = numpy.linspace(0, support[0], num=20)  # default support n bins
        elif len(support) == 2:
            support = numpy.linspace(*support, num=20)  # default support n bins
        elif len(support) == 3:
            support = numpy.linspace(support[0], support[1], num=support[2])
    else:  # try to use it as is
            support = numpy.asarray(support)
            raise TypeError(
                "`support` must be a tuple (either (start, stop, step), (start, stop) or (stop,)),"
                " an int describing the number of breaks to use to evalute the function,"
                " or an iterable containing the breaks to use to evaluate the function."
                " Recieved object of type {}: {}".format(type(support), support)

    return coordinates, support, distances, metric, hull, edge_correction

# ------------------------------------------------------------#
# Statistical Functions                                       #
# ------------------------------------------------------------#

[docs] def f( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, ): """ Ripley's F function The so-called "empty space" function, this is the cumulative density function of the distances from a random set of points to the known points in the pattern. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray of shape (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. Returns ------- a tuple containing the support values used to evalute the function and the values of the function at each distance value in the support. """ coordinates, support, distances, metric, hull, _ = _prepare( coordinates, support, distances, metric, hull, edge_correction ) if distances is not None: n = coordinates.shape[0] if distances.ndim == 2: k, p = distances.shape if k == p == n: warnings.warn( f"A full distance matrix is not required for this function, and" f" the intput matrix is a square {n},{n} matrix. Only the" f" distances from p random points to their nearest neighbor within" f" the pattern is required, as an {n},p matrix. Assuming the" f" provided distance matrix has rows pertaining to input" f" pattern and columns pertaining to the output points.", stacklevel=2, ) distances = distances.min(axis=0) elif k == n: distances = distances.min(axis=0) else: raise ValueError( f"Distance matrix should have the same rows as the input" f" coordinates with p columns, where n may be equal to p." f" Recieved an {k},{p} distance matrix for {n} coordinates" ) elif distances.ndim == 1: p = len(distances) else: # Do 1000 empties. Users can control this by computing their own # empty space distribution. n_empty_points = 1000 randoms = poisson(hull=hull, size=(n_empty_points, 1)) try: tree except NameError: tree = _build_best_tree(coordinates, metric) finally: distances, _ = tree.query(randoms, k=1) distances = distances.squeeze() counts, bins = numpy.histogram(distances, bins=support) fracs = numpy.cumsum(counts) / counts.sum() return bins, numpy.asarray([0, *fracs])
[docs] def g( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", edge_correction=None, ): """ Ripley's G function The G function is computed from the cumulative density function of the nearest neighbor distances between points in the pattern. Parameters ----------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray of shape (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, n) or (n,) distances from every point in the point to another point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. Returns ------- a tuple containing the support values used to evalute the function and the values of the function at each distance value in the support. """ coordinates, support, distances, metric, *_ = _prepare( coordinates, support, distances, metric, None, edge_correction ) if distances is not None: if distances.ndim == 2: if distances.shape[0] == distances.shape[1] == coordinates.shape[0]: warnings.warn( "The full distance matrix is not required for this function," " only the distance to the nearest neighbor within the pattern." " Computing this and discarding the rest.", stacklevel=2, ) distances = distances.min(axis=1) else: k, p = distances.shape n = coordinates.shape[0] raise ValueError( " Input distance matrix has an invalid shape: {k},{p}." " Distances supplied can either be 2 dimensional" " square matrices with the same number of rows" " as `coordinates` ({n}) or 1 dimensional and contain" " the shortest distance from each point in " " `coordinates` to some other point in coordinates." ) elif distances.ndim == 1: if distances.shape[0] != coordinates.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"Distances are not aligned with coordinates! Distance" f" matrix must be (n_coordinates, n_coordinates), but recieved" f" {distances.shape} instead of ({coordinates.shape[0]},)" ) else: raise ValueError( "Distances supplied can either be 2 dimensional" " square matrices with the same number of rows" " as `coordinates` or 1 dimensional and contain" " the shortest distance from each point in " " `coordinates` to some other point in coordinates." " Input matrix was {distances.ndim} dimensioanl" ) else: try: tree except NameError: tree = _build_best_tree(coordinates, metric) finally: distances, indices = _k_neighbors(tree, coordinates, k=1) counts, bins = numpy.histogram(distances.squeeze(), bins=support) fracs = numpy.cumsum(counts) / counts.sum() return bins, numpy.asarray([0, *fracs])
[docs] def j( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, truncate=True, ): """ Ripely's J function The so-called "spatial hazard" function, this is a function relating the F and G functions. Parameters ----------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: tuple of numpy.ndarray precomputed distances to use to evaluate the j function. The first must be of shape (n,n) or (n,) and is used in the g function. the second must be of shape (n,p) or (p,) (with p possibly equal to n) used in the f function. metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern for the f function. edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. truncate: bool (default: True) whether or not to truncate the results when the F function reaches one. If the F function is one but the G function is less than one, this function will return numpy.nan values. Returns ------- a tuple containing the support values used to evalute the function and the values of the function at each distance value in the support. """ if distances is not None: g_distances, f_distances = distances else: g_distances = f_distances = None fsupport, fstats = f( coordinates, support=support, distances=f_distances, metric=metric, hull=hull, edge_correction=edge_correction, ) gsupport, gstats = g( coordinates, support=support, distances=g_distances, metric=metric, edge_correction=edge_correction, ) if isinstance(support, numpy.ndarray): if not numpy.allclose(gsupport, support): gfunction = interpolate.interp1d(gsupport, gstats, fill_value=1) gstats = gfunction(support) gsupport = support if not (numpy.allclose(gsupport, fsupport)): ffunction = interpolate.interp1d(fsupport, fstats, fill_value=1) fstats = ffunction(gsupport) fsupport = gsupport with numpy.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): hazard_ratio = (1 - gstats) / (1 - fstats) both_zero = (gstats == 1) & (fstats == 1) hazard_ratio[both_zero] = numpy.nan if truncate: result = _truncate(gsupport, hazard_ratio) if len(result[1]) != len(hazard_ratio): warnings.warn( f"requested {support} bins to evaluate the J function, but" f" it reaches infinity at d={result[0][-1]:.4f}, meaning only" f" {len(result[0])} bins will be used to characterize the J function.", stacklevel=2, ) return result else: return gsupport, hazard_ratio
[docs] def k( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", edge_correction=None, ): """ Ripley's K function This function counts the number of pairs of points that are closer than a given distance. As d increases, K approaches the number of point pairs. coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. Returns ------- a tuple containing the support values used to evalute the function and the values of the function at each distance value in the support. """ coordinates, support, distances, metric, hull, edge_correction = _prepare( coordinates, support, distances, metric, None, edge_correction ) n = coordinates.shape[0] upper_tri_n = n * (n - 1) * 0.5 if distances is not None: if distances.ndim == 1: if distances.shape[0] != upper_tri_n: raise ValueError( f"Shape of inputted distances is not square, nor is the upper triangular" f" matrix matching the number of input points. The shape of the input matrix" f" is {distances.shape}, but required shape is ({upper_tri_n},) or ({n},{n})" ) upper_tri_distances = distances elif distances.shape[0] == distances.shape[1] == n: upper_tri_distances = distances[numpy.triu_indices_from(distances, k=1)] else: raise ValueError( f"Shape of inputted distances is not square, nor is the upper triangular" f" matrix matching the number of input points. The shape of the input matrix" f" is {distances.shape}, but required shape is ({upper_tri_n},) or ({n},{n})" ) else: upper_tri_distances = spatial.distance.pdist(coordinates, metric=metric) n_pairs_less_than_d = (upper_tri_distances < support.reshape(-1, 1)).sum(axis=1) intensity = n / _area(hull) k_estimate = ((n_pairs_less_than_d * 2) / n) / intensity return support, k_estimate
[docs] def l( coordinates, support=None, permutations=9999, distances=None, metric="euclidean", edge_correction=None, linearized=False, ): """ Ripley's L function This is a scaled and shifted version of the K function that accounts for the K function's increasing expected value as distances increase. This means that the L function, for a completely random pattern, should be close to zero at all distance values in the support. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. linearized : bool whether or not to subtract l from its expected value (support) at each distance bin. This centers the l function on zero for all distances. Proposed by Besag (1977) Returns ------- a tuple containing the support values used to evalute the function and the values of the function at each distance value in the support. """ support, k_estimate = k( coordinates, support=support, distances=distances, metric=metric, edge_correction=edge_correction, ) l = numpy.sqrt(k_estimate / numpy.pi) if linearized: return support, l - support return support, l
# ------------------------------------------------------------# # Statistical Tests based on Ripley Functions # # ------------------------------------------------------------# FtestResult = namedtuple( "FtestResult", ("support", "statistic", "pvalue", "simulations") ) GtestResult = namedtuple( "GtestResult", ("support", "statistic", "pvalue", "simulations") ) JtestResult = namedtuple( "JtestResult", ("support", "statistic", "pvalue", "simulations") ) KtestResult = namedtuple( "KtestResult", ("support", "statistic", "pvalue", "simulations") ) LtestResult = namedtuple( "LtestResult", ("support", "statistic", "pvalue", "simulations") ) _ripley_dispatch = { "F": (f, FtestResult), "G": (g, GtestResult), "J": (j, JtestResult), "K": (k, KtestResult), "L": (l, LtestResult), } def _ripley_test( calltype, coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, keep_simulations=False, n_simulations=9999, **kwargs, ): stat_function, result_container = _ripley_dispatch.get(calltype) core_kwargs = dict( support=support, metric=metric, edge_correction=edge_correction, ) tree = _build_best_tree(coordinates, metric=metric) hull = _prepare_hull(coordinates, hull) if calltype in ("F", "J"): # these require simulations core_kwargs["hull"] = hull # amortize to avoid doing this every time empty_space_points = poisson(coordinates, size=(1000, 1)) if distances is None: empty_space_distances, _ = _k_neighbors(tree, empty_space_points, k=1) if calltype == "F": distances = empty_space_distances.squeeze() else: # calltype == 'J': n_distances, _ = _k_neighbors(tree, coordinates, k=1) distances = (n_distances.squeeze(), empty_space_distances.squeeze()) else: pass core_kwargs.update(**kwargs) observed_support, observed_statistic = stat_function( tree, distances=distances, **core_kwargs ) core_kwargs["support"] = observed_support n_observations = coordinates.shape[0] if keep_simulations: simulations = numpy.empty((len(observed_support), n_simulations)).T pvalues = numpy.ones_like(observed_support) for i_replication in range(n_simulations): random_i = poisson(hull, size=n_observations) if calltype in ("F", "J"): random_tree = _build_best_tree(random_i, metric) empty_distances, _ = random_tree.query(empty_space_points, k=1) if calltype == "F": core_kwargs["distances"] = empty_distances.squeeze() else: # calltype == 'J': n_distances, _ = _k_neighbors(random_tree, random_i, k=1) core_kwargs["distances"] = ( n_distances.squeeze(), empty_distances.squeeze(), ) rep_support, simulations_i = stat_function(random_i, **core_kwargs) pvalues += simulations_i >= observed_statistic if keep_simulations: simulations[i_replication] = simulations_i pvalues /= n_simulations + 1 pvalues = numpy.minimum(pvalues, 1 - pvalues) return result_container( observed_support, observed_statistic, pvalues, simulations if keep_simulations else None, )
[docs] def f_test( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, keep_simulations=False, n_simulations=9999, ): """ Ripley's F function The so-called "empty space" function, this is the cumulative density function of the distances from a random set of points to the known points in the pattern. When the estimated statistic is larger than simulated values at a given distance, then the pattern is considered "dispersed" or "regular" Parameters ----------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. keep_simulations: bool whether or not to keep the simulation envelopes. If so, will be returned as the result's simulations attribute n_simulations: int how many simulations to conduct, assuming that the reference pattern has complete spatial randomness. Returns ------- a named tuple with properties - support, the exact distance values used to evalute the statistic - statistic, the values of the statistic at each distance - pvalue, the percent of simulations that were as extreme as the observed value - simulations, the distribution of simulated statistics (shaped (n_simulations, n_support_points)) or None if keep_simulations=False (which is the default) """ return _ripley_test( "F", coordinates, support=support, distances=distances, metric=metric, hull=hull, edge_correction=edge_correction, keep_simulations=keep_simulations, n_simulations=n_simulations, )
[docs] def g_test( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, keep_simulations=False, n_simulations=9999, ): """ Ripley's G function The G function is computed from the cumulative density function of the nearest neighbor distances between points in the pattern. When the G function is below the simulated values, it suggests dispersion. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. keep_simulations: bool whether or not to keep the simulation envelopes. If so, will be returned as the result's simulations attribute n_simulations: int how many simulations to conduct, assuming that the reference pattern has complete spatial randomness. Returns ------- a named tuple with properties - support, the exact distance values used to evalute the statistic - statistic, the values of the statistic at each distance - pvalue, the percent of simulations that were as extreme as the observed value - simulations, the distribution of simulated statistics (shaped (n_simulations, n_support_points)) or None if keep_simulations=False (which is the default) """ return _ripley_test( "G", coordinates, support=support, distances=distances, metric=metric, hull=hull, edge_correction=edge_correction, keep_simulations=keep_simulations, n_simulations=n_simulations, )
[docs] def j_test( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, truncate=True, keep_simulations=False, n_simulations=9999, ): """ Ripley's J function The so-called "spatial hazard" function, this is a function relating the F and G functions. When the J function is consistently below 1, then it indicates clustering. When consistently above 1, it suggests dispersion. coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. keep_simulations: bool whether or not to keep the simulation envelopes. If so, will be returned as the result's simulations attribute n_simulations: int how many simulations to conduct, assuming that the reference pattern has complete spatial randomness. Returns ------- a named tuple with properties - support, the exact distance values used to evalute the statistic - statistic, the values of the statistic at each distance - pvalue, the percent of simulations that were as extreme as the observed value - simulations, the distribution of simulated statistics (shaped (n_simulations, n_support_points)) or None if keep_simulations=False (which is the default) """ result = _ripley_test( "J", coordinates, support=support, distances=distances, metric=metric, hull=hull, edge_correction=edge_correction, keep_simulations=keep_simulations, n_simulations=n_simulations, truncate=False, ) if truncate: result_trunc = _truncate(*result) result_trunc = JtestResult(*result_trunc) if len(result_trunc.statistic) != len(result.statistic): warnings.warn( f"requested {support} bins to evaluate the J function, but" f" it reaches infinity at d={result[0][-1]:.4f}, meaning only" f" {len(result[0])} bins will be used to characterize the J function.", stacklevel=2, ) return result_trunc else: return result
[docs] def k_test( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, keep_simulations=False, n_simulations=9999, ): """ Ripley's K function This function counts the number of pairs of points that are closer than a given distance. As d increases, K approaches the number of point pairs. When the K function is below simulated values, it suggests that the pattern is dispersed. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. keep_simulations: bool whether or not to keep the simulation envelopes. If so, will be returned as the result's simulations attribute n_simulations: int how many simulations to conduct, assuming that the reference pattern has complete spatial randomness. Returns ------- a named tuple with properties - support, the exact distance values used to evalute the statistic - statistic, the values of the statistic at each distance - pvalue, the percent of simulations that were as extreme as the observed value - simulations, the distribution of simulated statistics (shaped (n_simulations, n_support_points)) or None if keep_simulations=False (which is the default) """ return _ripley_test( "K", coordinates, support=support, distances=distances, metric=metric, hull=hull, edge_correction=edge_correction, keep_simulations=keep_simulations, n_simulations=n_simulations, )
[docs] def l_test( coordinates, support=None, distances=None, metric="euclidean", hull=None, edge_correction=None, linearized=False, keep_simulations=False, n_simulations=9999, ): """ Ripley's L function This is a scaled and shifted version of the K function that accounts for the K function's increasing expected value as distances increase. This means that the L function, for a completely random pattern, should be close to zero at all distance values in the support. When the L function is negative, this suggests dispersion. Parameters ---------- coordinates : numpy.ndarray, (n,2) input coordinates to function support : tuple of length 1, 2, or 3, int, or numpy.ndarray tuple, encoding (stop,), (start, stop), or (start, stop, num) int, encoding number of equally-spaced intervals numpy.ndarray, used directly within numpy.histogram distances: numpy.ndarray, (n, p) or (p,) distances from every point in a random point set of size p to some point in `coordinates` metric: str or callable distance metric to use when building search tree hull: bounding box, scipy.spatial.ConvexHull, shapely.geometry.Polygon the hull used to construct a random sample pattern, if distances is None edge_correction: bool or str whether or not to conduct edge correction. Not yet implemented. keep_simulations: bool whether or not to keep the simulation envelopes. If so, will be returned as the result's simulations attribute n_simulations: int how many simulations to conduct, assuming that the reference pattern has complete spatial randomness. Returns ------- a named tuple with properties - support, the exact distance values used to evalute the statistic - statistic, the values of the statistic at each distance - pvalue, the percent of simulations that were as extreme as the observed value - simulations, the distribution of simulated statistics (shaped (n_simulations, n_support_points)) or None if keep_simulations=False (which is the default) """ return _ripley_test( "L", coordinates, support=support, distances=distances, metric=metric, hull=hull, edge_correction=edge_correction, linearized=linearized, keep_simulations=keep_simulations, n_simulations=n_simulations, )
def _truncate(support, realizations, *rest): is_invalid = numpy.isinf(realizations) | numpy.isnan(realizations) first_inv = is_invalid.argmax() if not is_invalid.any(): return support, realizations, *rest elif first_inv < len(realizations): return ( support[:first_inv], realizations[:first_inv], *[r[:first_inv] if r is not None else None for r in rest], )